۱۸-اسفند-۱۳۸۷, ۰۳:۵۹:۱۶
من وقتی میخوام تو یاهو : چه تو مسنجر چه توخوده یاهو LOGIN بشم
این Erroro میده :
The lock on your account will expire in approximately 24 hours—the lockout period will not reset each time you attempt to sign in while the account is still locked. You can try to recover your password again after the lock has expired. See you tomorrow
تو رو خدا هرچه سریعتر کمکم کنید...
من وقتی میخوام تو یاهو : چه تو مسنجر چه توخوده یاهو LOGIN بشم
این Erroro میده :
The lock on your account will expire in approximately 24 hours—the lockout period will not reset each time you attempt to sign in while the account is still locked. You can try to recover your password again after the lock has expired. See you tomorrow
تو رو خدا هرچه سریعتر کمکم کنید...