۰۹-دى-۱۳۸۹, ۱۲:۳۷:۱۱
اینم آخرین ورژن از نرم افزار کدویژن CodeVisionAVR V2.05.0 Advanced
![[تصویر: ?di=812936947789]](http://www.imageupload.org/?di=812936947789)
در ضمن وقتی می خواهید برنامه رو نصب کنید سریال می خواد که اینه
تشکرم یادتون نره :

اینم آخرین ورژن از نرم افزار کدویژن CodeVisionAVR V2.05.0 Advanced
در ضمن وقتی می خواهید برنامه رو نصب کنید سریال می خواد که اینه
تشکرم یادتون نره :


New features/bug fixes in CodeVisionAVR V2.05.0:
- added ADC support for ATxmega chips in the CodeWizardAVR
- added support for the ATmega8U2, ATmega16U2, ATmega32U2, ATmega32A chips in the C Compiler,
CodeWizardAVR and Programmer
- added support for the USB controller of the AT90USB82, AT90USB162, ATmega16U4 and
ATmega32U4 chips in the CodeWizardAVR
- added a new alphanumeric LCD library (alcd_ks0073.h) for the Samsung KS0073 controller
- improved configuration settings for ATxmega EBI SDRAM mode
- disabled the possibility to specify the SCK clock rate for SPI slave mode in the
CodeWizardAVR for non-ATxmega devices
- added code to clean up NVM controller command register after EEPROM write for
ATxmega chips
- fixed: when the EBI was configured in SDRAM 3P mode, the upper 4 bits of PORTJ
were not set as outputs for address lines A8..A11
- fixed: functions with __reset attribute were removed by the linker
- fixed: added code to ensure that RAMPX=0 after clearing/initializing more
than 65535 bytes of RAM in the start-up code for the ATxmega chips
- added the missing definitions of EBI_SDCAS_bm, EBI_SDROW_bm and EBI_CS_SDSREN_bm
used by the start-up code during EBI initialization for ATxmega chips
- corrected SP initialization for ATxmega chips when calling functions with
__reset attribute and external RAM enabled
- fixed: the compiler could produce incorrect code (hardware stack unbalance) when
adressing structure members in complex expressions using pointers, if the
member's offset is higher than 64-sizeof(member)
- fixed: because the ATxmega registers are not mapped to RAM, like in the rest of
the AVR chips, the addresses of global variables allocated to registers R2..R14,
obtained using the & operator, were not correctly passed as function arguments
- fixed: the CodeWizardAVR for ATxmega chips incorrectly set the upper 4 bits
of the USART BAUDCTRLB register for negative values of BSCALE
- corrected the signature for the ATtiny4313 chip in the programmer
- added new ATxmega ADC examples in the \EXAMPLES ATxmega\ADC directory
- updated the Help topics: CodeVisionAVR C Compiler Reference|Accesing the I/O Registers and
CodeVisionAVR C Compiler Reference|Bit Level Access to the I/O Registers with ATxmega
specific examples.
New features/changes in CodeVisionAVR V2.05.0, not available in old V1.25.x compilers:
a) Compiler:
- ANSI C compatible C front-end
- the bool data type was added
- the @ operator can now be used with variables located in EEPROM too
- the & unary operator can now be applied to I/O registers declared using the sfrb and sfrw keywords.
It will return a pointer to the RAM address where these registers are mapped.
- there is no need to specify the ‘flash’ or ‘eeprom’ memory attribute during structure or union type definition.
Therefore the same structure or union data type can be easily located in any memory area during variable declaration.
- the compiler now makes distinction between the ‘const’ type qualifier and the ‘flash’ memory attribute.
In order to maintain compatibility with V1.25.x projects, the Project|Configure|C Compiler|Code Generation|Store Global Constants in
FLASH Memory must be checked. If this option is not checked, identifiers declared with the ‘const’ type qualifier will be
placed in RAM.
- the Code Information tab, present in the Navigator after the first Build, displays detailed information regarding defined data types,
preprocessor macros, function and variables declarations, included header files, memory and register allocation
- the abs, cabs, labs and fabs functions were moved from the math.h header to the stdlib.h header
- the preprocessor does not use the old ‘funcused’ directive, when it is found it is always evaluated to 1
- added the #message preprocessor directive
- improved error and warning checking
- improved linker: only the modified C source files are compiled when the Project|Build command is executed
- improved COFF object file generator
- improved code optimizer
- enhanced libraries, including MMC/SD/SD HC FLASH Memory Card and FAT support
- I/O registers bits definitions were added to the device header files.
For projects created with prior versions, these definitions are not enabled by default.
In order to enable them the Project|Configure|C Compiler|Code Generation|Preprocessor|Include I/O Registers Bits Definitions
option must be activated.
For newly created projects, this option is enabled by default.
- in order to eliminate naming conflicts with I/O registers bits definitions, the names of the
SPCR0, SPDR0, SPSR0 registers were changed to SPCR, SPDR, SPSR in the following
header files: mega164.h, mega324.h, mega644.h, mega644p.h.
- in order to eliminate naming conflicts with I/O registers bits definitions, the names of the
PCINT0, PCINT1, PCINT2, PCINT3 interrupt vectors were changed to
PC_INT0, PC_INT1, PC_INT2, PC_INT3 in the following header files:
90usb1286.h, 90usb1287.h, 90usb646.h, 90usb647.h, 90usb162.h, 90usb162.h,
mega1280.h, mega1281.h, mega2560.h, mega2561.h, mega640.h, mega1284p.h,
mega162.h, mega164.h, mega165.h, mega168.h, mega168p.h, mega169.h,
mega324.h, mega325.h, mega325p.h, mega3250.h, mega3250p.h, mega328p.h,
mega329.h, mega329p.h, mega3290.h, mega3290p.h, mega406.h,
mega48.h, mega48p.h, mega644.h, mega644p.h, mega645.h, mega6450.h,
mega649.h, mega6490.h, mega88.h, mega88p.h,
tiny10.h, tiny13.h, tiny24.h, tiny25.h, tiny44.h, tiny45.h, tiny48.h,
tiny84.h, tiny 85.h, tiny88.h, tiny261.h, tiny461.h, tiny861.h, tiny2313.h.
If these interrupt vectors are used in your programs, their names must be updated.
- in order to eliminate naming conflicts with I/O registers bits definitions, the names of the
INT0...INT7 interrupt vectors were changed to EXT_INT0...EXT_INT7
in the following header files: mega1280.h, mega1281.h, mega2560.h, mega2561.h,
mega640.h, mega1284p.h, mega164.h, mega324.h, mega644.h, mega644p.h.
If these interrupt vectors are used in your programs, their names must be updated.
- removed the limitation: when a literal char string enclosed between quotes,
is passed as an argument to a function parameter of pointer to char,
the pointer now can point to any memory type: RAM, EEPROM or FLASH, not only FLASH like in previous versions.
The CodeVisionAVR C Compiler Reference|Constants Help topic and User Manual chapter were updated to reflect this change.[/left
]New features/bug fixes in CodeVisionAVR V2.05.0:
- added ADC support for ATxmega chips in the CodeWizardAVR
- added support for the ATmega8U2, ATmega16U2, ATmega32U2, ATmega32A chips in the C Compiler,
CodeWizardAVR and Programmer
- added support for the USB controller of the AT90USB82, AT90USB162, ATmega16U4 and
ATmega32U4 chips in the CodeWizardAVR
- added a new alphanumeric LCD library (alcd_ks0073.h) for the Samsung KS0073 controller
- improved configuration settings for ATxmega EBI SDRAM mode
- disabled the possibility to specify the SCK clock rate for SPI slave mode in the
CodeWizardAVR for non-ATxmega devices
- added code to clean up NVM controller command register after EEPROM write for
ATxmega chips
- fixed: when the EBI was configured in SDRAM 3P mode, the upper 4 bits of PORTJ
were not set as outputs for address lines A8..A11
- fixed: functions with __reset attribute were removed by the linker
- fixed: added code to ensure that RAMPX=0 after clearing/initializing more
than 65535 bytes of RAM in the start-up code for the ATxmega chips
- added the missing definitions of EBI_SDCAS_bm, EBI_SDROW_bm and EBI_CS_SDSREN_bm
used by the start-up code during EBI initialization for ATxmega chips
- corrected SP initialization for ATxmega chips when calling functions with
__reset attribute and external RAM enabled
- fixed: the compiler could produce incorrect code (hardware stack unbalance) when
adressing structure members in complex expressions using pointers, if the
member's offset is higher than 64-sizeof(member)
- fixed: because the ATxmega registers are not mapped to RAM, like in the rest of
the AVR chips, the addresses of global variables allocated to registers R2..R14,
obtained using the & operator, were not correctly passed as function arguments
- fixed: the CodeWizardAVR for ATxmega chips incorrectly set the upper 4 bits
of the USART BAUDCTRLB register for negative values of BSCALE
- corrected the signature for the ATtiny4313 chip in the programmer
- added new ATxmega ADC examples in the \EXAMPLES ATxmega\ADC directory
- updated the Help topics: CodeVisionAVR C Compiler Reference|Accesing the I/O Registers and
CodeVisionAVR C Compiler Reference|Bit Level Access to the I/O Registers with ATxmega
specific examples.
New features/changes in CodeVisionAVR V2.05.0, not available in old V1.25.x compilers:
a) Compiler:
- ANSI C compatible C front-end
- the bool data type was added
- the @ operator can now be used with variables located in EEPROM too
- the & unary operator can now be applied to I/O registers declared using the sfrb and sfrw keywords.
It will return a pointer to the RAM address where these registers are mapped.
- there is no need to specify the ‘flash’ or ‘eeprom’ memory attribute during structure or union type definition.
Therefore the same structure or union data type can be easily located in any memory area during variable declaration.
- the compiler now makes distinction between the ‘const’ type qualifier and the ‘flash’ memory attribute.
In order to maintain compatibility with V1.25.x projects, the Project|Configure|C Compiler|Code Generation|Store Global Constants in
FLASH Memory must be checked. If this option is not checked, identifiers declared with the ‘const’ type qualifier will be
placed in RAM.
- the Code Information tab, present in the Navigator after the first Build, displays detailed information regarding defined data types,
preprocessor macros, function and variables declarations, included header files, memory and register allocation
- the abs, cabs, labs and fabs functions were moved from the math.h header to the stdlib.h header
- the preprocessor does not use the old ‘funcused’ directive, when it is found it is always evaluated to 1
- added the #message preprocessor directive
- improved error and warning checking
- improved linker: only the modified C source files are compiled when the Project|Build command is executed
- improved COFF object file generator
- improved code optimizer
- enhanced libraries, including MMC/SD/SD HC FLASH Memory Card and FAT support
- I/O registers bits definitions were added to the device header files.
For projects created with prior versions, these definitions are not enabled by default.
In order to enable them the Project|Configure|C Compiler|Code Generation|Preprocessor|Include I/O Registers Bits Definitions
option must be activated.
For newly created projects, this option is enabled by default.
- in order to eliminate naming conflicts with I/O registers bits definitions, the names of the
SPCR0, SPDR0, SPSR0 registers were changed to SPCR, SPDR, SPSR in the following
header files: mega164.h, mega324.h, mega644.h, mega644p.h.
- in order to eliminate naming conflicts with I/O registers bits definitions, the names of the
PCINT0, PCINT1, PCINT2, PCINT3 interrupt vectors were changed to
PC_INT0, PC_INT1, PC_INT2, PC_INT3 in the following header files:
90usb1286.h, 90usb1287.h, 90usb646.h, 90usb647.h, 90usb162.h, 90usb162.h,
mega1280.h, mega1281.h, mega2560.h, mega2561.h, mega640.h, mega1284p.h,
mega162.h, mega164.h, mega165.h, mega168.h, mega168p.h, mega169.h,
mega324.h, mega325.h, mega325p.h, mega3250.h, mega3250p.h, mega328p.h,
mega329.h, mega329p.h, mega3290.h, mega3290p.h, mega406.h,
mega48.h, mega48p.h, mega644.h, mega644p.h, mega645.h, mega6450.h,
mega649.h, mega6490.h, mega88.h, mega88p.h,
tiny10.h, tiny13.h, tiny24.h, tiny25.h, tiny44.h, tiny45.h, tiny48.h,
tiny84.h, tiny 85.h, tiny88.h, tiny261.h, tiny461.h, tiny861.h, tiny2313.h.
If these interrupt vectors are used in your programs, their names must be updated.
- in order to eliminate naming conflicts with I/O registers bits definitions, the names of the
INT0...INT7 interrupt vectors were changed to EXT_INT0...EXT_INT7
in the following header files: mega1280.h, mega1281.h, mega2560.h, mega2561.h,
mega640.h, mega1284p.h, mega164.h, mega324.h, mega644.h, mega644p.h.
If these interrupt vectors are used in your programs, their names must be updated.
- removed the limitation: when a literal char string enclosed between quotes,
is passed as an argument to a function parameter of pointer to char,
the pointer now can point to any memory type: RAM, EEPROM or FLASH, not only FLASH like in previous versions.
The CodeVisionAVR C Compiler Reference|Constants Help topic and User Manual chapter were updated to reflect this change.[/left