۲۱-بهمن-۱۳۸۹, ۱۳:۳۵:۴۱
۲۲-اسفند-۱۳۸۹, ۲۱:۴۰:۵۲
سلام اگه میشه طریقه دانلود C#2010رو بهم بگید داخل لینکی که گذاشتید نتونستم دانلود کنم اگه 2008 اونو دارید هم بدردم میخوره
۲۵-اسفند-۱۳۸۹, ۲۱:۴۳:۲۹
سلام دوست عزیز یه سر به لینک زیر بزن دانلود ویژوال استدیو 2010 هست
۰۴-شهریور-۱۳۹۰, ۱۰:۱۳:۳۱
بچه ها اینم آموزشهای تصویری که خود Deitel آموزش می ده البته 2008 هست که زیاد فرقی نداره
![[تصویر: ShowCover.aspx?isbn=0137131313]](http://www.informit.com/ShowCover.aspx?isbn=0137131313)
سرفصلاش اینا هستن :
Lesson 1: Introduction to C# Applications (Downloadable Version)
In this lesson, you’ll learn how to write simple C# applications that perform simple input and output. Then, you’ll use the Visual C# 2008 IDE to compile and run programs, create applications from scratch, and explore .NET’s classes and documentation.
Duration: 00:52:55 File Size: 54MB
Lesson 2: Introduction to Classes and Objects (Downloadable Version)
This lesson shows how to declare classes and use them to create objects; implement a class’s behaviors as methods; invoke an object’s methods; implement data inside a class using instance variables; and use properties to access these variables. It also introduces powerful C# features such as auto-implemented properties and constructors.
Duration: 01:19:16 File Size: 77MB
Lesson 3: Control Statements: Part 1 (Downloadable Version)
In this lesson, you’ll learn how to use the C# control statements if, if…else, and while, and work with theincrement and decrement operators.
Duration: 00:29:58 File Size: 29MB
Lesson 4: Control Statements: Part 2 (Downloadable Version)
This lesson shows how to build basic graphical user interfaces (GUIs) with Windows Forms. You’ll construct basic GUIs and handle user events; work with common control properties; lay out controls with Visual Studio Windows Forms Designer; create menus and Tooltips; handle mouse events; and design Multiple Document Interface windows.
Duration: 00:36:02 File Size: 38MB
Lesson 5: Methods: A Deeper Look (Downloadable Version)
This lesson takes a deeper look at methods. It starts with static methods and variables; then covers allowed promotions between simple types; the enumeration data type; the visibility (“scope”) of identifiers; method overloading; and “pass by value” and “pass by reference” method arguments.
Duration: 01:01:36 File Size: 67MB
Lesson 6: Arrays (Downloadable Version)
This lesson first shows how to declare, initialize, and reference elements of arrays, and use for…each to iterate through arrays. It introduces C#’s new implicitly typed local variables; then shows how to pass arrays to methods; pass reference-type variables with the ref keyword; work with multi-dimensional arrays; implement methods that take variable-length argument lists; and more.
Duration: 01:27:23 File Size: 96MB
Lesson 7: Introduction to LINQ and Generic Collections (Downloadable Version)
This lesson introduces LINQ, C# 2008’s most powerful new feature. You’ll learn how to query, sort, and fliter array contents with LINQ; use LINQ with the list generic collection; and use generic methods for processing different object types consistently.
Duration: 00:53:51 File Size: 58MB
Lesson 8: Classes and Objects: A Deeper Look (Downloadable Version)
This lesson introduces encapsulation, data hiding, and private data; using the this keyword to reference object members; using indexers and readonly variables; and building new class libraries. Next, it introduces new C# features that support LINQ: object initializers, extension methods, delegates, lambda expressions, and anonymous types.
Duration: 02:44:23 File Size: 180MB
Lesson 9: Object-Oriented Programming: Inheritance (Downloadable Version)
In this lesson, you’ll learn how inheritance promotes reusability; start working with base and derived classes; and use the new protected access modifier and the base keyword. Next, you’ll discover how to construct class hierarchies that make it easier to maintain, modify, and debug classes.
Duration: 01:00:50 File Size: 68MB
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Lesson 10: Object-Oriented Programming: Polymorphism (Downloadable Version)
This lesson shows how to use polymorphism to “program in the general,” making systems more extensible and maintainable. You’ll learn how to use overridden methods; distinguish between abstract and concrete classes; declare abstract classes; determine object type at execution; use interfaces; and overload operators.
Duration: 00:38:50 File Size: 110MB
Lesson 11: Exception Handling (Downloadable Version)
This lesson explains what exceptions are, and shows how and when to use them to build more robust code. It covers using try and catch blocks to identify and trap exceptions; throwing exceptions to indicate problems; using finally code to release resources; creating new exception types; and more.
Duration: 01:09:45 File Size: 78MB
Lesson 12: Introduction to Graphical User Interfaces with Windows Forms (Downloadable Version)
This lesson shows how to build basic graphical user interfaces (GUIs) with Windows Forms. You’ll construct basic GUIs and handle user events; work with common control properties; lay out controls with Visual Studio Windows Forms Designer; create menus and Tooltips; handle mouse events; and design Multiple Document Interface windows.
Duration: 01:23:39 File Size: 88MB
Lesson 13: Introduction to GUI with Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) (Downloadable Version)
This lesson shows how to build robust graphical user interfaces with Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). You’ll learn what WPF can do; review basic XML concepts and use WPF’s XML-based XAML language to describe GUIs; lay out controls; handle events; and draw graphics.
Duration: 01:05:34 File Size: 70MB
Lesson 14: Introduction to Silverlight (Downloadable Version)
This lesson introduces SilverlightTM, and shows how to use it to create cross-platform Rich Internet Applications (RIA). It explains Silverlight’s relationship to WPF, presents several Silverlight applications, and walks through building an application that obtains data from a web service and renders it through a custom Silverlight GUI.
Duration: 00:53:31 File Size: 77MB
Lesson 15: Generic Collections (Downloadable Version)
This lesson first reviews the .NET Library’s collection classes, then drills deeper into two generic collection classes: SortedDictionary and LinkedList.
Duration: 00:32:41 File Size: 39MB
سایت اصلی
لینکهای دانلود :
لینک مستقیم
سرفصلاش اینا هستن :
Lesson 1: Introduction to C# Applications (Downloadable Version)
In this lesson, you’ll learn how to write simple C# applications that perform simple input and output. Then, you’ll use the Visual C# 2008 IDE to compile and run programs, create applications from scratch, and explore .NET’s classes and documentation.
Duration: 00:52:55 File Size: 54MB
Lesson 2: Introduction to Classes and Objects (Downloadable Version)
This lesson shows how to declare classes and use them to create objects; implement a class’s behaviors as methods; invoke an object’s methods; implement data inside a class using instance variables; and use properties to access these variables. It also introduces powerful C# features such as auto-implemented properties and constructors.
Duration: 01:19:16 File Size: 77MB
Lesson 3: Control Statements: Part 1 (Downloadable Version)
In this lesson, you’ll learn how to use the C# control statements if, if…else, and while, and work with theincrement and decrement operators.
Duration: 00:29:58 File Size: 29MB
Lesson 4: Control Statements: Part 2 (Downloadable Version)
This lesson shows how to build basic graphical user interfaces (GUIs) with Windows Forms. You’ll construct basic GUIs and handle user events; work with common control properties; lay out controls with Visual Studio Windows Forms Designer; create menus and Tooltips; handle mouse events; and design Multiple Document Interface windows.
Duration: 00:36:02 File Size: 38MB
Lesson 5: Methods: A Deeper Look (Downloadable Version)
This lesson takes a deeper look at methods. It starts with static methods and variables; then covers allowed promotions between simple types; the enumeration data type; the visibility (“scope”) of identifiers; method overloading; and “pass by value” and “pass by reference” method arguments.
Duration: 01:01:36 File Size: 67MB
Lesson 6: Arrays (Downloadable Version)
This lesson first shows how to declare, initialize, and reference elements of arrays, and use for…each to iterate through arrays. It introduces C#’s new implicitly typed local variables; then shows how to pass arrays to methods; pass reference-type variables with the ref keyword; work with multi-dimensional arrays; implement methods that take variable-length argument lists; and more.
Duration: 01:27:23 File Size: 96MB
Lesson 7: Introduction to LINQ and Generic Collections (Downloadable Version)
This lesson introduces LINQ, C# 2008’s most powerful new feature. You’ll learn how to query, sort, and fliter array contents with LINQ; use LINQ with the list generic collection; and use generic methods for processing different object types consistently.
Duration: 00:53:51 File Size: 58MB
Lesson 8: Classes and Objects: A Deeper Look (Downloadable Version)
This lesson introduces encapsulation, data hiding, and private data; using the this keyword to reference object members; using indexers and readonly variables; and building new class libraries. Next, it introduces new C# features that support LINQ: object initializers, extension methods, delegates, lambda expressions, and anonymous types.
Duration: 02:44:23 File Size: 180MB
Lesson 9: Object-Oriented Programming: Inheritance (Downloadable Version)
In this lesson, you’ll learn how inheritance promotes reusability; start working with base and derived classes; and use the new protected access modifier and the base keyword. Next, you’ll discover how to construct class hierarchies that make it easier to maintain, modify, and debug classes.
Duration: 01:00:50 File Size: 68MB
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Lesson 10: Object-Oriented Programming: Polymorphism (Downloadable Version)
This lesson shows how to use polymorphism to “program in the general,” making systems more extensible and maintainable. You’ll learn how to use overridden methods; distinguish between abstract and concrete classes; declare abstract classes; determine object type at execution; use interfaces; and overload operators.
Duration: 00:38:50 File Size: 110MB
Lesson 11: Exception Handling (Downloadable Version)
This lesson explains what exceptions are, and shows how and when to use them to build more robust code. It covers using try and catch blocks to identify and trap exceptions; throwing exceptions to indicate problems; using finally code to release resources; creating new exception types; and more.
Duration: 01:09:45 File Size: 78MB
Lesson 12: Introduction to Graphical User Interfaces with Windows Forms (Downloadable Version)
This lesson shows how to build basic graphical user interfaces (GUIs) with Windows Forms. You’ll construct basic GUIs and handle user events; work with common control properties; lay out controls with Visual Studio Windows Forms Designer; create menus and Tooltips; handle mouse events; and design Multiple Document Interface windows.
Duration: 01:23:39 File Size: 88MB
Lesson 13: Introduction to GUI with Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) (Downloadable Version)
This lesson shows how to build robust graphical user interfaces with Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). You’ll learn what WPF can do; review basic XML concepts and use WPF’s XML-based XAML language to describe GUIs; lay out controls; handle events; and draw graphics.
Duration: 01:05:34 File Size: 70MB
Lesson 14: Introduction to Silverlight (Downloadable Version)
This lesson introduces SilverlightTM, and shows how to use it to create cross-platform Rich Internet Applications (RIA). It explains Silverlight’s relationship to WPF, presents several Silverlight applications, and walks through building an application that obtains data from a web service and renders it through a custom Silverlight GUI.
Duration: 00:53:31 File Size: 77MB
Lesson 15: Generic Collections (Downloadable Version)
This lesson first reviews the .NET Library’s collection classes, then drills deeper into two generic collection classes: SortedDictionary and LinkedList.
Duration: 00:32:41 File Size: 39MB
سایت اصلی
لینکهای دانلود :
لینک مستقیم
۲۴-مهر-۱۳۹۴, ۱۳:۱۷:۳۸
مدیر عزیز لطفا فایل اصلی کتاب رو یه سرور ایرانی اپلود کنین یا با اسم دیگه ای رو همون سرور اپلود کنین.
مدیر عزیز لطفا فایل اصلی کتاب رو یه سرور ایرانی اپلود کنین یا با اسم دیگه ای رو همون سرور اپلود کنین.
۲۵-مهر-۱۳۹۴, ۱۸:۲۸:۵۰
سلام دوست عزیز لینک اصلاح شد