۲۳-فروردین-۱۳۹۰, ۱۱:۳۴:۳۵
یک پرینتر حرارتی با مشخصات Serial RS-232 Communication زیر. باید میکرو رو مستقیم به این پرینتر وصل کنم. این کار شدنیه؟
یک پرینتر حرارتی با مشخصات Serial RS-232 Communication زیر. باید میکرو رو مستقیم به این پرینتر وصل کنم. این کار شدنیه؟
نقل قول:Serial RS-232 Communication
Serial Port Pin-out
9-pin/ 25-pin /Signal /Description
Pin 1/ Pin 22/ DCD /Data Carrier Detect
Pin 2 /Pin 3/ RX/ Receive Data
Pin 3 /Pin 2 /TX /Transmit Data
Pin 4/ Pin 20/ DTR Data/ Terminal Ready
Pin 5/ Pin 7/ GND/ Signal Ground
Pin 6 /Pin 6/ DSR /Data Set Ready
Pin 7 /Pin 4/ RTS /Request to Send
Pin 8/ Pin 5/ CTS /Clear to Send
Pin 9/ Pin 22/ SSD /Secondary Data
Table 10 Serial Port Pin-outs
Because both the host and printer are DTE's (Data Terminal Equipment), they use the
same serial port pin-outs. If the cable that is used to connect the host to the printer is a pinto-
pin interconnect, it will not work. Therefore, a null modem or turn-around cable must be
used to interconnect the host and the printer.
Signal levels
The serial interface meets EIA RS-232 Requirements of -15 V to –3 V:
mark = off = Logic 1 and +3 V to +15 V: space = on = Logic 0
USB Interface
The USB interface is a Version 1.0-compliant interface. It is implemented through a
Standard Series "B" Receptacle as defined in the USB Specification. The printer is selfpowered
and does not draw power from the USB interface cable.
Note: The standard USB interface does not have enough power to run the printer.