۱۹-اسفند-۱۳۹۲, ۱۹:۲۴:۲۲
با سلام دوستان من دو برنامه فلاشر چشمک زن دارم برنمه1 و2 میخام برنامه یک همزمان با برنامه دو اجرا بشن کداشو گزاشتم چکار میشه کرد؟
برنامه یک:
برنامه دو:
برنامه یک:
$regfile = "m8def.dat"
$crystal = 1000000
Config Portc = Output
Config Portd = Output
Config Portb = Output
Reset Portd.2
Set Portd.0
Waitms 100
Reset Portd.0
Set Portd.1
Waitms 100
Reset Portd.1
Set Portd.2
Waitms 100
برنامه دو:
$regfile = "m8def.dat"
$crystal = 1000000
Config Portc = Output
Config Portd = Output
Config Portb = Output
Dim F1 As Byte
Dim F2 As Byte
Dim F3 As Byte
Dim F4 As Byte
Dim F5 As Byte
Dim F6 As Byte
Dim F7 As Byte
Dim F8 As Byte
Dim F9 As Byte
Dim F10 As Byte
Dim F11 As Byte
For F1 = 1 To 25
Toggle Portd.3
Toggle Portd.4
Toggle Portd.5
Toggle Portd.6
Toggle Portd.7
Toggle Portb.0
Toggle Portc.0
Toggle Portc.1
Toggle Portc.2
Toggle Portc.3
Toggle Portc.4
Toggle Portc.5
Waitms 250
Next F1
For F2 = 1 To 25
Reset Portd.3
Reset Portd.4
Reset Portd.5
Reset Portd.6
Reset Portd.7
Reset Portb.0
Reset Portc.0
Reset Portc.1
Reset Portc.2
Reset Portc.3
Reset Portc.4
Reset Portc.5
Waitms 150
Set Portd.3
Set Portd.4
Waitms 200
Set Portd.5
Set Portd.6
Waitms 200
Set Portb.0
Set Portd.7
Waitms 200
Set Portc.0
Set Portc.1
Waitms 200
Set Portc.2
Set Portc.3
Waitms 200
Set Portc.4
Set Portc.5
Waitms 200
Reset Portd.3
Reset Portd.4
Waitms 100
Reset Portd.5
Reset Portd.6
Waitms 100
Reset Portd.7
Reset Portb.0
Waitms 100
Reset Portc.0
Reset Portc.1
Waitms 100
Reset Portc.2
Reset Portc.3
Waitms 100
Reset Portc.4
Reset Portc.5
Waitms 100
Next F2
Set Portd.3
Set Portd.4
Set Portd.5
Set Portd.6
Set Portd.7
Set Portb.0
Set Portc.0
Set Portc.1
Set Portc.2
Set Portc.3
Set Portc.4
Set Portc.5
For F3 = 1 To 3
For F4 = 1 To 50
Toggle Portd.3
Toggle Portd.4
Waitms 60
Next F4
For F5 = 1 To 50
Toggle Portd.5
Toggle Portd.6
Waitms 60
Next F5
For F6 = 1 To 50
Toggle Portd.7
Toggle Portb.0
Waitms 60
Next F6
For F7 = 1 To 50
Toggle Portc.0
Toggle Portc.1
Waitms 60
Next F7
For F8 = 1 To 50
Toggle Portc.2
Toggle Portc.3
Waitms 60
Next F8
For F9 = 1 To 50
Toggle Portc.4
Toggle Portc.5
Waitms 60
Next F9
Next F3