۱۸-تير-۱۳۸۵, ۰۷:۳۷:۴۴
۱۹-تير-۱۳۸۵, ۰۳:۳۰:۵۸
کسی نمیدونه این برنامه به چه کار میاد ؟
۱۹-تير-۱۳۸۵, ۰۳:۵۳:۱۶
حقیقتش موقعی که سوالت رو پرسیدی رفتم دنبال جوابش, اما به جایی نرسیدم!
توی Help ش هم توضیح داده اما از بی سوادیم باز هم چیزی متوجه نشدم ...
توی Help ش هم توضیح داده اما از بی سوادیم باز هم چیزی متوجه نشدم ...
۱۹-تير-۱۳۸۵, ۰۴:۲۹:۳۴
Darg نوشته است:حقیقتش موقعی که سوالت رو پرسیدی رفتم دنبال جوابش, اما به جایی نرسیدم!حداقل صد رحمت به شما که یه تکونی به خودتون دادین !
توی Help ش هم توضیح داده اما از بی سوادیم باز هم چیزی متوجه نشدم ...

ممنون از لطفتون

دیگه نبــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــود ؟؟؟
۲۳-دى-۱۳۸۵, ۱۶:۱۷:۳۹
با سلام به شما دوست عزیز:MB_DANGER
طبق گفته دوستمان همان طور که از اسمش پيداست فايل هاي فشرده را باز مي کنند
طبق گفته دوستمان همان طور که از اسمش پيداست فايل هاي فشرده را باز مي کنند
۲۴-دى-۱۳۸۵, ۱۵:۵۷:۱۳
اره واسه فشرده سازیه
۲۴-دى-۱۳۸۵, ۱۵:۵۹:۴۷
Object Packager overviewObject Packager is a tool you can use to create a package that you can insert into a file.
The Object Packager window has two panes. The Appearance pane displays the icon that will represent the package. The Content pane displays the name of the file that contains the information you want to package.
To create a package, you copy the contents of the Appearance and Content panes, and then paste the information into a file. The package appears in the file as an icon.
You can activate a package icon by double-clicking it. When you do, depending on the contents of the package, one of the following will occur:
If the package contains a sound or animation file, the sound or animation will play.
If the package contains a picture, text, or spreadsheet, the program associated with that file type will open and display the information. For example, if the package contains a bitmap that was created in Microsoft Paint, then Paint will open and display the picture.
You can insert a package into a file only if the file has been created by a Windows-based program that supports drag-and-drop functions.
The Object Packager window has two panes. The Appearance pane displays the icon that will represent the package. The Content pane displays the name of the file that contains the information you want to package.
To create a package, you copy the contents of the Appearance and Content panes, and then paste the information into a file. The package appears in the file as an icon.
You can activate a package icon by double-clicking it. When you do, depending on the contents of the package, one of the following will occur:
If the package contains a sound or animation file, the sound or animation will play.
If the package contains a picture, text, or spreadsheet, the program associated with that file type will open and display the information. For example, if the package contains a bitmap that was created in Microsoft Paint, then Paint will open and display the picture.
You can insert a package into a file only if the file has been created by a Windows-based program that supports drag-and-drop functions.