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Teach Yourself Ajax in 10 Minutes
[تصویر:  0672328682.jpg]

Phil Ballard «Teach Yourself Ajax in 10 Minutes»
Sams | ISBN 0672328682 | April 2006 | CHM | 240 Pages | 2,43 Mb

It is a concise introduction to the basics of building Ajax applications and the architecture and operation of these applications. You will learn the techniques employed in using Ajax, introducing Ajax and explaining how it may be used to solve realistic user interface problems. You will be able to immediately begin building web applications, and will have platform from which to explore more advanced aspects of Ajax.

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اينا رو كه خودم بلدم (شكلك) ولي دانلود نميشه! مرسي به هر حال بازم سعي مي كنم.
kamran11958 نوشته است:محمد نوشته:
ببين همه لينك ها از سايت rapidshare هستن
براي دانلود از اين سايت وقتي كه لينك رو زدي برو به انتهاي صفحه و گزينه free رو بزن بعد يه تايمر مياد و شروع به كم شدن ميشه وقتي تايمر صفر شد كد امنيتي رو ميزني و بعد شروع به دانلود ميكنه!
اينا رو كه خودم بلدم (شكلك) ولي دانلود نميشه! مرسي به هر حال بازم سعي مي كنم.
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مرسي درست شد.
Advanced javascirpt, 2nd Edition
[تصویر:  advjs.jpg]

javascirpt is a very powerful and easy to use scripting language that runs on both Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer, and can be incorporated into any standard HTML document that will then run in any web browser on any operating system. Because of this platform independence, javascirpt is one of the most widely used web development languages. This revision of Learn Advanced javascirpt Programming focuses on professional-level javascirpt techniques, including the latest developments. The first few chapters review fundamental javascirpt concepts and techniques as well as basic HTML, while the rest of the book discusses advanced techniques including debugging, security, style sheets, and using javascirpt with layers. The appendixes include javascirpt object syntax, the ASCII character set, and a list of online resources. The companion CD contains the HTML source code for all examples referred to throughout the book. ”

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اينم آموزش پي اچ پي به فارسي
مولف : آقاي محمد بشيري
اندازه فايل : 1.56 مگا بايت
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Successful Software Reengineering

[تصویر:  successfulso_re.jpg]

Software process reengineering has become highly visible over the past several years. Efforts are being undertaken by organizations of all types and sizes as they attempt to deal with the challenges of quality, complexity, and competitiveness. These efforts rely on the successful integration of many technical, organizational, and methodological issues. As an emerging technology, the effectiveness and potential impact of process improvement efforts have been debated, but not fully tested or validated. This significant book examines the most recent theories, models, approaches, and processes involved with the concept of software improvement and reengineering. It provides a comprehensive collection of recommendations, successes, and pitfalls that every organization and researcher can benefit from.

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pass: harry
UML Books Collection

[تصویر:  UML_and_MSF.jpg]

[تصویر:  UML_3rd.jpg]

[تصویر:  Building_Web_Applications_with_UML.jpg]

[تصویر:  J2EE_and_UML.jpg]

Applying UML and Patterns 3rd Edition Larman Addison Wesley (ISBN: 0131489062; Published: Oct 20, 2004; Pages: 736; Edition: 3rd)
- Building Web Applications with UML Jim Conallen Addison Wesley (ISBN: 0201730383; Published: Oct 3, 2002; Pages: 496; Edition: 2nd)
- Developing Enterprise Java Applications with J2EE and UML Ahmed and Umrysh Addison Wesley (ISBN: 0201738295; Published: Oct 17, 2001; Pages: 368; Edition: 1st)
- Enterprise Development with Visual Studio NET UML and MSF Hansen and Thomsen Apress (ISBN: 1-59059-042-2; Pages: 984; Published: May 2004)
- Management Of The Object-oriented Development Process Roussev and Liu Idea Press (ISBN: 1-59140-606-4; Pages: 372; Published: 2005)
- Elements Of UML Style Scott Ambler
- Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with UML 2 0 Mike O Docherty Wiley
- OMG - Advanced Modeling with UML Presentation
- Sybex Mastering UML With Rational Rosse Boggs and Boggs Sybex
- Teach Yourself Uml In 24 Hours Joseph Schmuller SAMS
- The Unified Modeling Language User Guide 2nd Ed Booch Rumbaugh Jacobson Addison Wesley
- The Essence of Object Oriented Programming with Java and UML Wampler Addison Wesley
- UML Applied Ariadne Training
- UML Distilled 2nd Edition Scott and Fowler Addison Wesley
- UML for Database Design Naiburg and Maksimchuk Addison Wesley
- UML Reference Manual Booch Jacobson Rumbaugh Addison Wesley
- UML Distilled A Brief Guide 3rd Edition Martin Fowler Addison Wesley
- Verification and Validation for Quality of UML 2 0 Models B Unhelkar Wiley

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اگه ممکنه این PHP فارسیه رو یجا دیگه آپلود کن
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