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نمایش درختی کلیدهای رجیستری
نویسنده پیام
yeketaz آفلاین
کاربر با تجربه

ارسال‌ها: 744
موضوع‌ها: 123
تاریخ عضویت: اسفند ۱۳۸۶

تشکرها : 520
( 1051 تشکر در 294 ارسال )
ارسال: #1
نمایش درختی کلیدهای رجیستری
نمایش درختی کلیدهای رجیستری

#Compile Exe
#Option Version5
#Dim All
#Register All
#Include "win32api.inc"
#Include "commctrl.inc"
         %max_computername_length = 15
%id_reg_treeview            = 100
Global shivelist()          As String   ' hive path strings
Global lhivelistcount       As Long     ' array index counter
Global ltotalhivecount      As Long     ' can be removed
Global hregtreeview         As Long     ' treeview handle

Function tvgettext(ByVal hparent As Long, ByVal hcontrol As Long, ByVal htvitem As Long) As String
    Local ztext As Asciiz * %max_dir
    Local ltvitem As tv_item
    ltvitem.hitem = htvitem
    ltvitem.mask = %tvif_text
    ltvitem.psztext = VarPtr(ztext)
    ltvitem.cchtextmax = %max_dir
    treeview_getitem(getdlgitem(hparent, hcontrol), ltvitem)
    Function = ztext
End Function

Function tvsettext(ByVal hparent As Long, ByVal hcontrol As Long, ByVal htvitem As Long, ByVal stxt As String) As Long
    Local tvedititem As tv_item
    tvedititem.mask = %tvif_handle Or %tvif_text
    tvedititem.hitem = htvitem
    tvedititem.cchtextmax = %max_dir
    tvedititem.psztext = StrPtr(stxt)
    Function = treeview_setitem(getdlgitem(hparent, hcontrol), tvedititem)
End Function

Function tvgetfullpath(ByVal hparent As Long, ByVal hcontrol As Long, ByVal htvitem As Long) As String
    Local strpath As String
    Local hcurrent As Dword
    hcurrent = htvitem
    Do Until hcurrent = 0
        strpath = tvgettext( hparent, hcontrol, hcurrent ) & "\" & strpath
        hcurrent = treeview_getparent( getdlgitem(hparent, hcontrol) , hcurrent )
    Function = RTrim$( strpath, "\" )
End Function

Function tvselectitem(ByVal hparent As Long, ByVal hcontrol As Long, ByVal htvitem As Long) As Long
    Function = treeview_select(getdlgitem(hparent, hcontrol), htvitem, %tvgn_caret)
End Function

Function tvexpand(ByVal hparent As Long, ByVal hcontrol As Long, ByVal htvitem As Long) As Long
    Function = treeview_expand(getdlgitem(hparent, hcontrol), htvitem, %tve_expand)
End Function

Function tvinsertitem(ByVal htree As Long, ByVal hparent As Long, stxt As String) As Long
    Local tv_insert As tv_insertstruct
    Local tv_itm   As tv_item
    If hparent Then
        tv_itm.mask      = %tvif_children Or %tvif_handle
        tv_itm.hitem     = hparent
        tv_itm.cchildren = 1
        treeview_setitem(htree, tv_itm)
    End If
    tv_insert.hparent              = hparent
    tv_insert.item.item.mask       = %tvif_state Or %tvif_text Or %tvif_image Or %tvif_selectedimage
    tv_insert.item.item.psztext    = StrPtr(stxt)
    tv_insert.item.item.cchtextmax = Len(stxt)
    Function = treeview_insertitem(htree, tv_insert)
End Function

Function computername As String

    Dim retcode     As Long
    Dim lpbuffer    As Asciiz * %max_computername_length + 1
    Dim nsize       As Long
    nsize = %max_computername_length + 1
    retcode = getcomputername(lpbuffer,nsize)
    Function = UCase$(Trim$(lpbuffer))
End Function

Function enumregsubkeys(hivekey As Long, zstartsubkey As Asciiz) As Long
    Local hkey          As Long
    Local dwindex       As Long
    Local lastwritetime As filetime
    Local zname         As Asciiz * %max_path
    Local zclass        As Asciiz * %max_path

    If regopenkeyex(hivekey, zstartsubkey, 0, %key_enumerate_sub_keys Or %key_all_access, hkey) = %error_success Then


                                                               'sizeof(zname)             sizeof(zclass)
            If regenumkeyex(hkey, dwindex, ByVal VarPtr(zname), %max_path, %null, zclass, %max_path, lastwritetime) = %error_success Then

                If Trim$(zstartsubkey) = "" Then

                    ReDim Preserve shivelist(lhivelistcount)
                    shivelist(lhivelistcount) = zname
                    Incr lhivelistcount

                    ' ** do a recursive search for more 'local' entries...
                    enumregsubkeys hivekey, zname


                    ReDim Preserve shivelist(lhivelistcount)
                    shivelist(lhivelistcount) = zstartsubkey & "\" & zname
                    Incr lhivelistcount

                    ' ** do a recursive search for more 'global' entries...
                    enumregsubkeys hivekey, zstartsubkey & "\" & zname

                End If

                ' ** update index
                Incr dwindex

                Exit Do
            End If


        regclosekey hkey

    End If

End Function

Sub getregpathstr(ByVal lreghivehandle As Long, ByVal hivekey As Long)
    Local lcnt As Long
    Local sregpathstr As String
    Local lregpathlen As Long

    ' ** prepare counter and arrays for new data
    lhivelistcount = 0

    ' ** setup the treeview handle array
    Dim reghivehandlelist(0) As Long
    reghivehandlelist(0) = lreghivehandle

    ' ** setup the registry path string array
    Dim shivelist(0)

    ' ** get the subkeys for the hive
    Call enumregsubkeys(hivekey, "")

    ' ** fill treeview with registry path data from shivelist array
    For lcnt = 0 To UBound(shivelist)

        ' ** get registry path string
        sregpathstr = shivelist(lcnt)

        ' ** get number of keys/nodes in the registry path
        lregpathlen = ParseCount(sregpathstr,"\")
        If lregpathlen < 1 Then lregpathlen = 1

        ' ** prepare array for the new treeview item handle
        ReDim Preserve reghivehandlelist(lregpathlen)

        ' ** insert registry path item into treeview and update reghivehandlelist
        reghivehandlelist(lregpathlen) = tvinsertitem(hregtreeview, reghivehandlelist(lregpathlen-1), Parse$(sregpathstr,"\",lregpathlen) )


    ' ** release the arrays
    Erase shivelist()
    Erase reghivehandlelist()

    ltotalhivecount = ltotalhivecount + lhivelistcount ' can be removed

End Sub
CallBack Function hdlgproc() As Long
    Local trect         As rect             ' size dialog
    Static hroot        As Long
    Static hhkcr        As Long
    Static hhkcu        As Long
    Static hhklm        As Long
    Static hhku         As Long
    Static hhkcc        As Long
    Local lptv          As nm_treeview Ptr  ' treeview
    Local lpnmh         As nmhdr Ptr        ' treeview
    Static htreeitem    As Long             ' treeview, the selected item
    Static htime        As Long             ' can be removed
    Local ltime1, ltime2 As Long ' can be removed
    Select Case CbMsg
        Case %wm_initdialog
            hroot = tvinsertitem(hregtreeview, 0, computername)
            hhkcr = tvinsertitem(hregtreeview, hroot, "hkey_classes_root")
            hhkcu = tvinsertitem(hregtreeview, hroot, "hkey_current_user")
            hhklm = tvinsertitem(hregtreeview, hroot, "hkey_local_machine")
            hhku  = tvinsertitem(hregtreeview, hroot, "hkey_users")
            hhkcc = tvinsertitem(hregtreeview, hroot, "hkey_current_config")
             htime = tvinsertitem(hregtreeview, 0, "load time: ")
            tvexpand(CbHndl, %id_reg_treeview, hroot)
            postmessage CbHndl, %wm_user + 1000, 0, 0
        Case %wm_user + 1000
            tvsettext(CbHndl, %id_reg_treeview, hroot, "reading registry... ")
             ltime1 = Timer
            tvselectitem(CbHndl, %id_reg_treeview, hhkcr)
            Call getregpathstr(hhkcr, %hkey_classes_root)
            tvselectitem(CbHndl, %id_reg_treeview, hhkcu)
            Call getregpathstr(hhkcu, %hkey_current_user)
            tvselectitem(CbHndl, %id_reg_treeview, hhklm)
            Call getregpathstr(hhklm, %hkey_local_machine)
            tvselectitem(CbHndl, %id_reg_treeview, hhku)
            Call getregpathstr(hhku, %hkey_users)
            tvselectitem(CbHndl, %id_reg_treeview, hhkcc)
            Call getregpathstr(hhkcc, %hkey_current_config)
             ltime2 = Timer
             tvsettext(CbHndl, %id_reg_treeview, htime, "load time: " & Format$(ltotalhivecount) & _
             " registry keys in " & Format$(ltime2-ltime1) & _
             " seconds (" & Format$(ltotalhivecount \ (ltime2-ltime1)) & " keys/sec)" ) ' can be removed
            tvsettext(CbHndl, %id_reg_treeview, hroot, computername)
            tvselectitem(CbHndl, %id_reg_treeview, hroot)
     Case %wm_notify
         lpnmh = CbLParam
            lptv = CbLParam
         Select Case CbCtl
              Case %id_reg_treeview
                  Select Case @lpnmh.code
                       Case %tvn_selchangingn
                            htreeitem = @lptv.itemnew.hitem
                            Dialog Set Text CbHndl, $Spc & tvgetfullpath(CbHndl, %id_reg_treeview, htreeitem)
                            Function = 0
                            Exit Function
                        Case %tvn_itemexpanded
               htreeitem = @lptv.itemnew.hitem
                            tvselectitem(CbHndl, %id_reg_treeview, htreeitem)
                            Function = 0
                            Exit Function
                    End Select
            End Select
       Case %wm_command
      Select Case CbCtl
               Case %idcancel
                    If CbCtlMsg = %bn_clicked Then Dialog End CbHndl, 0
            End Select
        Case %wm_size
            getclientrect CbHndl, trect
            movewindow(hregtreeview, 1, 1, trect.nright-2, trect.nbottom-2, 1)
        Case %wm_destroy
    End Select
End Function
Function PBMain() As Long
    Local hdlg As Long
    Dialog New Pixels, 0, "registry to treeview",,, 400, 300, %ws_child Or %ws_sysmenu Or _
                %ws_maximizebox Or %ws_minimizebox Or %ws_caption Or %ws_thickframe To hdlg
    Control Add "systreeview32", hdlg, %id_reg_treeview, "", 0, 0, 0, 0, _
                %ws_child Or %ws_visible Or %tvs_hasbuttons Or %tvs_haslines Or _
                %tvs_linesatroot Or %tvs_showselalways, %ws_ex_clientedge
    Control Handle hdlg, %id_reg_treeview To hregtreeview
    Dialog Show Modal hdlg Call hdlgproc
End Function

ما که دیگه توی ایران ویج پیر شدیم 040 کم کم باید جامون رو بدیم به جوونا 028
۲۱-بهمن-۱۳۸۷, ۱۶:۰۶:۱۱
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