این کد برای کنسول نوشته شده و می تونید هرجا خروجی هست یک MsgBox بذارید اما من دست
#Compile Exe
#Dim All
#Include "Win32API.inc"
Type TPdfObj
number As Long
offset As Long
End Type
Type TPdfInfo
author As Asciiz * 80
creator As Asciiz * 80
producer As Asciiz * 80
keywords As Asciiz * 512
subject As Asciiz * %MAX_PATH
title As Asciiz * %MAX_PATH
creationDate As Asciiz * 32
modDate As Asciiz * 32
pageCount As Long
fileSize As Quad
version As Asciiz * 6
linearized As Byte
tagged As Byte
encrypted As Byte
End Type
%BUF_SIZE = 1024
%ERR_NAN = 152
Sub STDOUT(sOut As String)
Static hConsole As Dword
Local bWritten As Dword
If hConsole = 0 Then AllocConsole: hConsole = GetStdHandle(%STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE)
WriteFile hConsole,ByVal StrPtr(sOut),Len(sOut),bWritten,ByVal %NULL
End Sub
Sub Usage()
STDOUT "Usage:" & $CrLf
STDOUT "pdfinfo path" & $CrLf
End Sub
'-- Avoid need for global variable hFile
Function GetOrSetHandle(h As Long) As Long
Static hFile As Long
If hFile = 0 Then
hFile = h
End If
Function = hFile
End Function
Function GetData(offset As Quad, ln As Long) As String
Local tmp As String
Local hFile As Long
hFile = GetOrSetHandle(0)
Seek #hFile, offset
Get$ #hFile, ln, tmp
Function = tmp
End Function
Function GetNumber(p As Quad, num As Long) As Long
Local tmpStr As String
Local ch As String
Function = %FALSE
Do While GetData(p, 1) < "!"
Incr p
ch = GetData(p, 1)
Do While (ch >= "0" And ch <= "9")
tmpStr = tmpStr & ch
Incr p
ch = GetData(p, 1)
If tmpStr = "" Then Exit Function
num = Val(tmpStr)
Function = %TRUE
End Function
Function GetString(p As Quad, str As Asciiz) As Long
Local tmp As String
Local lp As Long
Local ms As String
Function = %FALSE
ms = "/" & $CrLf
Do While GetData(p, 1) < "!"
Incr p
tmp = GetData(p, %BUF_SIZE)
'-- Find terminator
lp = InStr(tmp, Any ms)
tmp = Left$(tmp, lp-1)
'-- Is it Unicode encoded?
If Asc(Mid$(tmp,2,1)) = 254 Then
'-- If yes, convert to ascii
tmp = ACode$(Mid$(tmp, 3))
End If
'-- Trim enclosing ()
lp = InStr(-1, tmp, ")")
If lp > 0 Then
tmp = Left$(tmp, lp-1)
End If
If Left$(tmp, 1) = "(" Then
tmp = Mid$(tmp, 2)
End If
'-- Remove escape char
tmp = Remove$(tmp, "\")
If Len(tmp) > 0 Then
Function = %TRUE
str = Trim$(tmp)
str = ""
End If
End Function
Function IsString(p As Quad, str As String) As Long
Local ln As Long
ln = Len(str)
If GetData(p, ln) = str Then
Function = %TRUE
Function = %FALSE
End If
p = p + ln
End Function
Function FindStrInDict(p As Quad, str As String) As Long
Local tmp As String
Local lp As Long
Function = %FALSE
tmp = GetData(p, %BUF_SIZE)
lp = InStr(tmp, str)
If lp > 0 Then
p = p + lp -1
Function = IsString(p, str)
Exit Function
End If
End Function
Function GetPdfInfo(filename As String, PdfInfo As TPdfInfo) As Long
Dim PdfObjList(0 To 0) As TPdfObj
Local k As Long
Local cnt As Long
Local pagesNum As Long
Local rootNum As Long
Local infoNum As Long
Local ch As String
Local p As Quad
Local p2 As Quad
Local hFile As Long
Function = 0
hFile = FreeFile
Call GetOrSetHandle(hFile)
Open filename For Binary Access Read As #hFile Base=0
'-- Get file size
PdfInfo.fileSize = Lof(hFile)
'-- Get the PDF version
p = 5
Call GetString(p, PdfInfo.version)
'-- Find 'startxref' ignoring '%%EOF'
p = Lof(hFile) - 5
p2 = 0
ch = GetData(p, 1)
Do While (p > p2) And (ch <> "f")
Decr p
ch = GetData(p, 1)
If (p <= p2) Then Error %ERR_PASSED_BOF
If LCase$(GetData(p-8, 9)) = "startxref" Then Exit Do
Decr p
Incr p
rootNum = -1 '-- Flags not yet found
infoNum = -1
'-- xref offset ==> k
If IsFalse GetNumber(p, k) Then Error %ERR_NAN
p = k + 4
'-- get base object number ==> k
If IsFalse GetNumber(p, k) Then Error %ERR_NAN
'-- get object count ==> cnt
If IsFalse GetNumber(p, cnt) Then Error %ERR_NAN
ch = GetData(p, 1)
Do While IsFalse(ch >= "0" And ch <= "9")
Incr p
ch = GetData(p, 1)
p2 = p
'-- add all objects in section to list ...
For cnt = 0 To cnt-1
ReDim Preserve PdfObjList(UBound(PdfObjList) + 1)
PdfObjList(UBound(PdfObjList)).number = k + cnt
If IsFalse GetNumber(p, PdfObjList(UBound(PdfObjList)).offset) Then Error %ERR_NAN
p2 = p2 + 20
p = p2
Next cnt
ch = GetData(p, 1)
If IsTrue(ch >= "0" And ch <= "9") Then Iterate Loop
If IsFalse IsString(p, "trailer") Then Error %ERR_NO_TRAILER
'-- Find the /Encrypt object
p2 = p
If IsTrue FindStrInDict(p, "/Encrypt") Then
PdfInfo.encrypted = %TRUE
End If
p = p2
'-- Find the /Info object
p2 = p
If (infoNum = -1) And IsTrue FindStrInDict(p, "/Info") Then
If IsFalse GetNumber(p, infoNum) Then Error %ERR_NAN
End If
p = p2
'-- Find the /Root object
If (rootNum = -1) And IsTrue FindStrInDict(p, "/Root") Then
If IsFalse GetNumber(p, rootNum) Then Error %ERR_NAN
End If
p = p2
If (rootNum <> -1) And (infoNum <> -1) Then
If IsFalse FindStrInDict(p, "/Prev") Then Exit Do
End If
If IsFalse GetNumber(p, k) Then Error %ERR_NAN
p = k + 4
If rootNum < 0 Then Error %ERR_NOT_FOUND
'-- Find "Linearized" (Optimized) and "StructTreeRoot" (Tagged) keys
k = 0
Do While k < UBound(PdfObjList)
p = PdfObjList(k).offset
If FindStrInDict(p, "/Linearized 1") Then
PdfInfo.linearized = %TRUE
' elseif FindStrInDict(p, "/StructTreeRoot") then
' PdfInfo.tagged = %TRUE
End If
Incr k
If infoNum > 0 Then
k = 0
Do While k < UBound(PdfObjList)
If PdfObjList(k).number = infoNum Then Exit Do
Incr k
If k = UBound(PdfObjList) Then Error %ERR_NOT_FOUND
p = PdfObjList(k).offset
If IsFalse GetNumber(p, k) Or (k <> infoNum) Then Error %ERR_NAN
p2 = p
If FindStrInDict(p, "/CreationDate") Then GetString p, PdfInfo.creationDate
p = p2
If FindStrInDict(p, "/ModDate") Then GetString p, pdfInfo.modDate
p = p2
If FindStrInDict(p, "/Producer") Then GetString p, PdfInfo.producer
p = p2
If FindStrInDict(p, "/Author") Then GetString p, PdfInfo.author
p = p2
If FindStrInDict(p, "/Creator") Then GetString p, pdfInfo.creator
p = p2
If FindStrInDict(p, "/Title") Then GetString p, pdfInfo.title
p = p2
If FindStrInDict(p, "/Subject") Then GetString p, pdfInfo.subject
p = p2
If FindStrInDict(p, "/Keywords") Then GetString p, pdfInfo.keywords
'-- Ignore info errors
End Try
End If
k = 0
Do While k < UBound(PdfObjList)
If PdfObjList(k).number = rootNum Then Exit Do
Incr k
If k = UBound(PdfObjList) Then Error %ERR_NOT_FOUND
p = PdfObjList(k).offset
If IsFalse GetNumber(p, k) Or (k <> rootNum) Then Error %ERR_NAN
If IsFalse FindStrInDict(p, "/Pages") Then Error %ERR_NOT_FOUND
If IsFalse GetNumber(p, pagesNum) Then Error %ERR_NAN
k = 0
Do While k < UBound(PdfObjList)
If PdfObjList(k).number = pagesNum Then Exit Do
Incr k
If k = UBound(pdfObjList) Then Error %ERR_NOT_FOUND
p = PdfObjList(k).offset
If IsFalse GetNumber(p, k) Or (k <> pagesNum) Then Error %ERR_NAN
If IsFalse FindStrInDict(p, "/Count") Then Error %ERR_NOT_FOUND
If IsFalse GetNumber(p, cnt) Then Error %ERR_NAN
If IsTrue GetNumber(p, k) And IsString(p, " R") Then
k = 0
Do While k <= UBound(PdfObjList)
If PdfObjList(k).number = cnt Then Exit Do
Incr k
If k > UBound(PdfObjList) Then Error %ERR_NOT_FOUND
p = PdfObjList(k).offset
If IsFalse GetNumber(p, k) Or _
IsFalse GetNumber(p, k) Or _
IsFalse IsString(p, " obj") Or _
IsFalse GetNumber(p, cnt) Then
Error %ERR_NAN
End If
End If
Select Case Err
STDOUT "Error: PDF file is damaged." & $CrLf
STDOUT "Error: PDF file is damaged." & $CrLf
STDOUT "Error: Couldn't find trailer dictionary." & $CrLf
STDOUT "Error: Object not found." & $CrLf
Case Else
End Select
Function = Err
Close #hFile
End Try
PdfInfo.pageCount = cnt
End Function
Function PBMain() As Long
Local ret As Long
Local Path As String
Local PdfInfo As TPdfInfo
Local msg As String
Path = Remove$(Command$, $Dq)
If Path = "" Then
Function = 1
Exit Function
End If
ret = GetPdfInfo(Path, PdfInfo)
If ret = 0 Then
msg = _
"Title: " & PdfInfo.title & $CrLf & _
"Subject: " & PdfInfo.subject & $CrLf & _
"Keywords: " & PdfInfo.keywords & $CrLf & _
"Author: " & PdfInfo.author & $CrLf & _
"Creator: " & PdfInfo.creator & $CrLf & _
"Producer: " & pdfInfo.producer & $CrLf & _
"CreationDate: " & pdfInfo.creationDate & $CrLf & _
"ModDate: " & pdfInfo.modDate & $CrLf & _
_ ' "Tagged: " & iif$(PdfInfo.tagged, "yes", "no") & $CRLF & _
"Pages: " & Trim$(Str$(PdfInfo.pageCount)) & $CrLf & _
"Encrypted: " & IIf$(PdfInfo.encrypted, "yes", "no") & $CrLf & _
"File size: " & Trim$(Str$(PdfInfo.fileSize)) & " bytes" & $CrLf & _
"Optimized: " & IIf$(PdfInfo.linearized, "yes", "no") & $CrLf & _
"PDF version: " & PdfInfo.version & $CrLf
End If
Sleep 2000
End Function