'copyright : B.j. Pasteuning
'purpose : Parsing GPS NMEA sentences, GPRMC,GPGGA,GPGSA
'micro : ATMega16/128
$regfile = "m128def.dat"
$crystal = 16000000
$hwstack = 100
$swstack = 100
$framesize = 100
Config Com1 = 4800 , Synchrone = 0 , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 , Clockpol = 0
Disable Serial
$lib "glcd.lib"
Config Graphlcd = 240 * 128 , Dataport = Porta , Controlport = Portc , Ce = 3 , Cd = 0 , Wr = 2 , Rd = 1 , Reset = 4 , Fs = 6 , Mode = 6
Config Portc.5 = Output 'Mode pin
Portc.5 = 0
On Urxc Rs232_isr
Enable Urxc
Enable Interrupts
Dim Firmware As String * 5 : Firmware = "1.50"
Dim Buffer As Byte
Dim Buffer_str As String * 10
Dim Sentence_header As String * 8
Dim Length As Byte
Dim Gprmc_utc_string As String * 11
Dim Gprmc_utchr_string As String * 2 : Dim Gprmc_utchr As Byte
Dim Gprmc_utcmin_string As String * 2 : Dim Gprmc_utcmin As Byte
Dim Gprmc_utcsec_string As String * 2 : Dim Gprmc_utcsec As Byte
Dim Gprmc_status_string As String * 2
Dim Gprmc_lat_string As String * 10
Dim Gprmc_lathr_string As String * 2 : Dim Gprmc_lathr As Byte
Dim Gprmc_latmin_string As String * 2 : Dim Gprmc_latmin As Byte
Dim Gprmc_latsec_string As String * 2 : Dim Gprmc_latsec As Byte
Dim Gprmc_latssec_string As String * 2 : Dim Gprmc_latssec As Byte
Dim Gprmc_ns_string As String * 2
Dim Gprmc_lon_string As String * 11
Dim Gprmc_lonhr_string As String * 3 : Dim Gprmc_lonhr As Byte
Dim Gprmc_lonmin_string As String * 2 : Dim Gprmc_lonmin As Byte
Dim Gprmc_lonsec_string As String * 2 : Dim Gprmc_lonsec As Byte
Dim Gprmc_lonssec_string As String * 2 : Dim Gprmc_lonssec As Byte
Dim Gprmc_ew_string As String * 2
Dim Gprmc_speed_string As String * 5 : Dim Gprmc_speed As Word
Dim Gprmc_course_string As String * 7 : Dim Gprmc_course As Word
Dim Gprmc_date_string As String * 7
Dim Gprmc_dateday_string As String * 2 : Dim Gprmc_dateday As Byte
Dim Gprmc_datemonth_string As String * 2 : Dim Gprmc_datemonth As Byte
Dim Gprmc_dateyear_string As String * 2 : Dim Gprmc_dateyear As Word
Dim Gpgga_utc_string As String * 11
Dim Gpgga_lat_string As String * 10
Dim Gpgga_ns_string As String * 2
Dim Gpgga_lon_string As String * 11
Dim Gpgga_ew_string As String * 2
Dim Gpgga_posfix_string As String * 2 : Dim Gpgga_posfix As Byte
Dim Gpgga_sats_string As String * 3
Dim Gpgga_hdop_string As String * 4
Dim Gpgga_mslalt_string As String * 4
Dim Gpgga_units1_string As String * 2
Dim Gpgsa_mode1_string As String * 2
Dim Gpgsa_mode2_string As String * 2 : Dim Gpgsa_mode2 As Byte
Dim Gpgsa_sat1_string As String * 3
Dim Gpgsa_sat2_string As String * 3
Dim Gpgsa_sat3_string As String * 3
Dim Gpgsa_sat4_string As String * 3
Dim Gpgsa_sat5_string As String * 3
Dim Gpgsa_sat6_string As String * 3
Dim Gpgsa_sat7_string As String * 3
Dim Gpgsa_sat8_string As String * 3
Dim Gpgsa_sat9_string As String * 3
Dim Gpgsa_sat10_string As String * 3
Dim Gpgsa_sat11_string As String * 3
Dim Gpgsa_sat12_string As String * 3
Dim Gpgsv_totalmessages_string As String * 2 : Dim Total_messages As Byte
Dim Gpgsv_currentmessage_string As String * 2 : Dim Current_message As Byte
Dim Gpgsv_sats_string As String * 3
Dim Gpgsv_ch1satid_string As String * 3
Dim Gpgsv_ch1satel_string As String * 3
Dim Gpgsv_ch1sataz_string As String * 4
Dim Gpgsv_ch1satdb_string As String * 3
Dim Gpgsv_ch2satid_string As String * 3
Dim Gpgsv_ch2satel_string As String * 3
Dim Gpgsv_ch2sataz_string As String * 4
Dim Gpgsv_ch2satdb_string As String * 3
Dim Gpgsv_ch3satid_string As String * 3
Dim Gpgsv_ch3satel_string As String * 3
Dim Gpgsv_ch3sataz_string As String * 4
Dim Gpgsv_ch3satdb_string As String * 3
Dim Gpgsv_ch4satid_string As String * 3
Dim Gpgsv_ch4satel_string As String * 3
Dim Gpgsv_ch4sataz_string As String * 4
Dim Gpgsv_ch4satdb_string As String * 3
Dim Gpgsv_ch5satid_string As String * 3
Dim Gpgsv_ch5satel_string As String * 3
Dim Gpgsv_ch5sataz_string As String * 4
Dim Gpgsv_ch5satdb_string As String * 3
Dim Gpgsv_ch6satid_string As String * 3
Dim Gpgsv_ch6satel_string As String * 3
Dim Gpgsv_ch6sataz_string As String * 4
Dim Gpgsv_ch6satdb_string As String * 3
Dim Gpgsv_ch7satid_string As String * 3
Dim Gpgsv_ch7satel_string As String * 3
Dim Gpgsv_ch7sataz_string As String * 4
Dim Gpgsv_ch7satdb_string As String * 3
Dim Gpgsv_ch8satid_string As String * 3
Dim Gpgsv_ch8satel_string As String * 3
Dim Gpgsv_ch8sataz_string As String * 4
Dim Gpgsv_ch8satdb_string As String * 3
Dim Gpgsv_ch9satid_string As String * 3
Dim Gpgsv_ch9satel_string As String * 3
Dim Gpgsv_ch9sataz_string As String * 4
Dim Gpgsv_ch9satdb_string As String * 3
Dim Gpgsv_ch10satid_string As String * 3
Dim Gpgsv_ch10satel_string As String * 3
Dim Gpgsv_ch10sataz_string As String * 4
Dim Gpgsv_ch10satdb_string As String * 3
Dim Gpgsv_ch11satid_string As String * 3
Dim Gpgsv_ch11satel_string As String * 3
Dim Gpgsv_ch11sataz_string As String * 4
Dim Gpgsv_ch11satdb_string As String * 3
Dim Gpgsv_ch12satid_string As String * 3
Dim Gpgsv_ch12satel_string As String * 3
Dim Gpgsv_ch12sataz_string As String * 4
Dim Gpgsv_ch12satdb_string As String * 3
Dim Td1 As String * 10
Dim Tl1 As String * 10
Dim Gd1 As String * 10
Dim Gl1 As String * 10
Dim Td As Single
Dim Tl As Single
Dim Gd As Single
Dim Gl As Single
Dim Yy As Single
Dim Xx As Single
Dim A2x As String * 30
Dim Z2n As String * 25
Dim Dx As Integer
Dim Dy As Integer
Dim Xxx As Integer
Dim Yyy As Integer
Dim Dxx As Integer
Dim Dyy As Integer
Dim Str1 As String * 1
Dim Str2 As String * 1
Dim Str3 As String * 1
Dim Str4 As String * 1
Dim Str5 As String * 1
Dim Str6 As String * 1
Dim Str7 As String * 1
Dim Str8 As String * 1
Dim Xxxx As Single
Dim Yyyy As Single
Dim Locator As String * 6
Declare Sub Nmea_parse()
Declare Sub Display_general_data()
Declare Sub Display_sat_data()
Declare Sub Maidenhead_calc()
Declare Sub Substract_data()
Declare Sub Display_direction()
Declare Sub Lcdtext(byval S As String , Byval Xoffset As Byte , Byval Yoffset As Byte , Byval Fontset As Byte , Byval Inverse As Byte , Byval Rotation As Byte)
'SYNTAX Lcdtest String , Xoffset , Yoffset , Fontset , Inverse , Rotation
'* Xoffset and Yoffset is in pixels, so you can place text on every spot on the display
'* You determin yourself in the subroutine witch font belongs to the fontset
'Nmea Parsing led
Config Portd.4 = Output
Portd.4 = 0
'Backlight MVC
Config Portc.1 = Output
Portc.1 = 1
Cursor Off
Cursor Noblink
'Draw welcome message
Showpic 104 , 1 , Globe
Locate 1 , 1 : Lcd "GPS"
Locate 2 , 1 : Lcd "Decoder"
Locate 3 , 1 : Lcd Firmware
Locate 7 , 1 : Lcd "Bjorn"
Locate 8 , 1 : Lcd "Pasteuning"
Waitms 2500
Enable Serial
Goto Satellite_display
Lcdtext "AVR NMEA Decoder - General information " , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0
Locate 10 , 1 : Lcd "Used Sats:"
Locate 10 , 16 : Lcd "Fix:"
Locate 3 , 1 : Lcd "Latitude :"
Lcdtext "{127}" , 90 , 16 , 1 , 0 , 0
Locate 4 , 1 : Lcd "Longitude:"
Lcdtext "{127}" , 96 , 24 , 1 , 0 , 0
Locate 5 , 1 : Lcd "Locator :"
Locate 6 , 1 : Lcd "UTC Time :"
Locate 7 , 1 : Lcd "Date :"
Locate 8 , 1 : Lcd "Bearing :"
Lcdtext "{127}" , 84 , 56 , 1 , 0 , 0
Locate 8 , 17 : Lcd "[ ]"
Locate 9 , 1 : Lcd "Speed :"
Locate 11 , 1 : Lcd "CH01:"
Locate 12 , 1 : Lcd "CH02:"
Locate 13 , 1 : Lcd "CH03:"
Locate 14 , 1 : Lcd "CH04:"
Locate 15 , 1 : Lcd "CH05:"
Locate 16 , 1 : Lcd "CH06:"
Locate 11 , 11 : Lcd "CH07:"
Locate 12 , 11 : Lcd "CH08:"
Locate 13 , 11 : Lcd "CH09:"
Locate 14 , 11 : Lcd "CH10:"
Locate 15 , 11 : Lcd "CH11:"
Locate 16 , 11 : Lcd "CH12:"
Call Maidenhead_calc()
Call Substract_data()
Call Display_general_data()
Lcdtext "AVR NMEA Decoder - Satellite info. " , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0
Locate 3 , 1 : Lcd "Chan. ID EL. AZ. SNR"
Locate 5 , 1 : Lcd "CH01:"
Locate 6 , 1 : Lcd "CH02:"
Locate 7 , 1 : Lcd "CH03:"
Locate 8 , 1 : Lcd "CH04:"
Locate 9 , 1 : Lcd "CH05:"
Locate 10 , 1 : Lcd "CH06:"
Locate 11 , 1 : Lcd "CH07:"
Locate 12 , 1 : Lcd "CH08:"
Locate 13 , 1 : Lcd "CH09:"
Locate 14 , 1 : Lcd "CH10:"
Locate 15 , 1 : Lcd "CH11:"
Locate 16 , 1 : Lcd "CH12:"
Call Maidenhead_calc()
Call Substract_data()
Call Display_sat_data()
Sub Display_sat_data()
Locate 2 , 1 : Lcd Val(gpgsv_sats_string)
If Val(gpgsv_sats_string) = 11 Then
Gpgsv_ch12satid_string = "00"
Gpgsv_ch12satel_string = "00"
Gpgsv_ch12sataz_string = "000"
Gpgsv_ch12satdb_string = "00"
If Val(gpgsv_sats_string) = 10 Then
Gpgsv_ch11satid_string = "00"
Gpgsv_ch11satel_string = "00"
Gpgsv_ch11sataz_string = "000"
Gpgsv_ch11satdb_string = "00"
If Val(gpgsv_sats_string) = 9 Then
Gpgsv_ch10satid_string = "00"
Gpgsv_ch10satel_string = "00"
Gpgsv_ch10sataz_string = "000"
Gpgsv_ch10satdb_string = "00"
If Val(gpgsv_sats_string) = 8 Then
Gpgsv_ch9satid_string = "00"
Gpgsv_ch9satel_string = "00"
Gpgsv_ch9sataz_string = "000"
Gpgsv_ch9satdb_string = "00"
If Val(gpgsv_sats_string) = 7 Then
Gpgsv_ch8satid_string = "00"
Gpgsv_ch8satel_string = "00"
Gpgsv_ch8sataz_string = "000"
Gpgsv_ch8satdb_string = "00"
If Val(gpgsv_sats_string) = 6 Then
Gpgsv_ch7satid_string = "00"
Gpgsv_ch7satel_string = "00"
Gpgsv_ch7sataz_string = "000"
Gpgsv_ch7satdb_string = "00"
If Val(gpgsv_sats_string) = 5 Then
Gpgsv_ch6satid_string = "00"
Gpgsv_ch6satel_string = "00"
Gpgsv_ch6sataz_string = "000"
Gpgsv_ch6satdb_string = "00"
If Val(gpgsv_sats_string) = 4 Then
Gpgsv_ch5satid_string = "00"
Gpgsv_ch5satel_string = "00"
Gpgsv_ch5sataz_string = "000"
Gpgsv_ch5satdb_string = "00"
If Val(gpgsv_sats_string) = 3 Then
Gpgsv_ch4satid_string = "00"
Gpgsv_ch4satel_string = "00"
Gpgsv_ch4sataz_string = "000"
Gpgsv_ch4satdb_string = "00"
If Val(gpgsv_sats_string) = 2 Then
Gpgsv_ch3satid_string = "00"
Gpgsv_ch3satel_string = "00"
Gpgsv_ch3sataz_string = "000"
Gpgsv_ch3satdb_string = "00"
If Val(gpgsv_sats_string) = 1 Then
Gpgsv_ch2satid_string = "00"
Gpgsv_ch2satel_string = "00"
Gpgsv_ch2sataz_string = "000"
Gpgsv_ch2satdb_string = "00"
If Val(gpgsv_sats_string) = 0 Then
Gpgsv_ch1satid_string = "00"
Gpgsv_ch1satel_string = "00"
Gpgsv_ch1sataz_string = "000"
Gpgsv_ch1satdb_string = "00"
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
Locate 5 , 7 : Lcd Gpgsv_ch1satid_string ; ", " ; Gpgsv_ch1satel_string ; ", " ; Gpgsv_ch1sataz_string ; ", " ; Gpgsv_ch1satdb_string
Locate 6 , 7 : Lcd Gpgsv_ch2satid_string ; ", " ; Gpgsv_ch2satel_string ; ", " ; Gpgsv_ch2sataz_string ; ", " ; Gpgsv_ch2satdb_string
Locate 7 , 7 : Lcd Gpgsv_ch3satid_string ; ", " ; Gpgsv_ch3satel_string ; ", " ; Gpgsv_ch3sataz_string ; ", " ; Gpgsv_ch3satdb_string
Locate 8 , 7 : Lcd Gpgsv_ch4satid_string ; ", " ; Gpgsv_ch4satel_string ; ", " ; Gpgsv_ch4sataz_string ; ", " ; Gpgsv_ch4satdb_string
Locate 9 , 7 : Lcd Gpgsv_ch5satid_string ; ", " ; Gpgsv_ch5satel_string ; ", " ; Gpgsv_ch5sataz_string ; ", " ; Gpgsv_ch5satdb_string
Locate 10 , 7 : Lcd Gpgsv_ch6satid_string ; ", " ; Gpgsv_ch6satel_string ; ", " ; Gpgsv_ch6sataz_string ; ", " ; Gpgsv_ch6satdb_string
Locate 11 , 7 : Lcd Gpgsv_ch7satid_string ; ", " ; Gpgsv_ch7satel_string ; ", " ; Gpgsv_ch7sataz_string ; ", " ; Gpgsv_ch7satdb_string
Locate 12 , 7 : Lcd Gpgsv_ch8satid_string ; ", " ; Gpgsv_ch8satel_string ; ", " ; Gpgsv_ch8sataz_string ; ", " ; Gpgsv_ch8satdb_string
Locate 13 , 7 : Lcd Gpgsv_ch9satid_string ; ", " ; Gpgsv_ch9satel_string ; ", " ; Gpgsv_ch9sataz_string ; ", " ; Gpgsv_ch9satdb_string
Locate 14 , 7 : Lcd Gpgsv_ch10satid_string ; ", " ; Gpgsv_ch10satel_string ; ", " ; Gpgsv_ch10sataz_string ; ", " ; Gpgsv_ch10satdb_string
Locate 15 , 7 : Lcd Gpgsv_ch11satid_string ; ", " ; Gpgsv_ch11satel_string ; ", " ; Gpgsv_ch11sataz_string ; ", " ; Gpgsv_ch11satdb_string
Locate 16 , 7 : Lcd Gpgsv_ch12satid_string ; ", " ; Gpgsv_ch12satel_string ; ", " ; Gpgsv_ch12sataz_string ; ", " ; Gpgsv_ch12satdb_string
End Sub
Sub Display_general_data()
Locate 10 , 12 : Lcd Gpgga_sats_string
If Gpgsa_mode2 = 0 Then
Locate 10 , 21 : Lcd "No"
Elseif Gpgsa_mode2 = 1 Then
Locate 10 , 21 : Lcd "2D"
Elseif Gpgsa_mode2 = 3 Then
Locate 10 , 21 : Lcd "3D"
End If
Locate 3 , 12 : Lcd Gprmc_ns_string ; " " ; Gprmc_lathr_string ; " " ; Gprmc_latmin_string ; "." ; Gprmc_latsec_string ; "'" ; Gprmc_latssec_string
Locate 4 , 12 : Lcd Gprmc_ew_string ; " " ; Gprmc_lonhr_string ; " " ; Gprmc_lonmin_string ; "." ; Gprmc_lonsec_string ; "'" ; Gprmc_lonssec_string
Locate 5 , 12 : Lcd Str1 ; Str2 ; Str3 ; Str4 ; Str5 ; Str6
Locate 6 , 12 : Lcd Gprmc_utchr_string ; ":" ; Gprmc_utcmin_string ; ":" ; Gprmc_utcsec_string
Locate 7 , 12 : Lcd Gprmc_dateday_string ; "/" ; Gprmc_datemonth_string ; "/" ; Gprmc_dateyear
If Gprmc_course < 10 Then
Locate 8 , 12 : Lcd "00" ; Gprmc_course
Elseif Gprmc_course < 100 Then
Locate 8 , 12 : Lcd "0" ; Gprmc_course
Locate 8 , 12 : Lcd Gprmc_course
End If
Call Display_direction()
If Gprmc_speed < 10 Then
Locate 9 , 12 : Lcd "00" ; Gprmc_speed ; " Km/h"
Elseif Gprmc_speed < 100 Then
Locate 9 , 12 : Lcd "0" ; Gprmc_speed ; " Km/h"
Locate 9 , 12 : Lcd Gprmc_speed ; " Km/h"
End If
Locate 11 , 7 : Lcd Gpgsa_sat1_string
Locate 12 , 7 : Lcd Gpgsa_sat2_string
Locate 13 , 7 : Lcd Gpgsa_sat3_string
Locate 14 , 7 : Lcd Gpgsa_sat4_string
Locate 15 , 7 : Lcd Gpgsa_sat5_string
Locate 16 , 7 : Lcd Gpgsa_sat6_string
Locate 11 , 17 : Lcd Gpgsa_sat7_string
Locate 12 , 17 : Lcd Gpgsa_sat8_string
Locate 13 , 17 : Lcd Gpgsa_sat9_string
Locate 14 , 17 : Lcd Gpgsa_sat10_string
Locate 15 , 17 : Lcd Gpgsa_sat11_string
Locate 16 , 17 : Lcd Gpgsa_sat12_string
Lcdtext Locator , 147 , 114 , 2 , 0 , 0
End Sub
Sub Display_direction
If Gprmc_course => 0 And Gprmc_course < 12 Or Gprmc_course => 349 And Gprmc_course <= 360 Then
Locate 8 , 18 : Lcd " N "
Elseif Gprmc_course => 12 And Gprmc_course < 34 Then
Locate 8 , 18 : Lcd "NNE"
Elseif Gprmc_course => 34 And Gprmc_course < 56 Then
Locate 8 , 18 : Lcd " NE"
Elseif Gprmc_course => 56 And Gprmc_course < 79 Then
Locate 8 , 18 : Lcd "ENE"
Elseif Gprmc_course => 79 And Gprmc_course < 101 Then
Locate 8 , 18 : Lcd " E "
Elseif Gprmc_course => 101 And Gprmc_course < 124 Then
Locate 8 , 18 : Lcd "ESE"
Elseif Gprmc_course => 124 And Gprmc_course < 146 Then
Locate 8 , 18 : Lcd " SE"
Elseif Gprmc_course => 146 And Gprmc_course < 169 Then
Locate 8 , 18 : Lcd "SSE"
Elseif Gprmc_course => 169 And Gprmc_course < 191 Then
Locate 8 , 18 : Lcd " S "
Elseif Gprmc_course => 191 And Gprmc_course < 214 Then
Locate 8 , 18 : Lcd "SSW"
Elseif Gprmc_course => 214 And Gprmc_course < 236 Then
Locate 8 , 18 : Lcd " SW"
Elseif Gprmc_course => 236 And Gprmc_course < 259 Then
Locate 8 , 18 : Lcd "WSW"
Elseif Gprmc_course => 259 And Gprmc_course < 281 Then
Locate 8 , 18 : Lcd " W "
Elseif Gprmc_course => 281 And Gprmc_course < 304 Then
Locate 8 , 18 : Lcd "WNW"
Elseif Gprmc_course => 304 And Gprmc_course < 326 Then
Locate 8 , 18 : Lcd " NW"
Elseif Gprmc_course => 326 And Gprmc_course < 349 Then
Locate 8 , 18 : Lcd "NNW"
End If
End Sub
Sub Substract_data()
Gprmc_lat_string = Left(gprmc_lat_string , 9)
Gprmc_lon_string = Left(gprmc_lon_string , 10)
Gprmc_lathr_string = Left(gprmc_lat_string , 2)
Gprmc_latmin_string = Mid(gprmc_lat_string , 3 , 2)
Gprmc_latsec_string = Mid(gprmc_lat_string , 6 , 2)
Gprmc_latssec_string = Mid(gprmc_lat_string , 8 , 2)
Gprmc_lonhr_string = Left(gprmc_lon_string , 3)
Gprmc_lonmin_string = Mid(gprmc_lon_string , 4 , 2)
Gprmc_lonsec_string = Mid(gprmc_lon_string , 7 , 2)
Gprmc_lonssec_string = Mid(gprmc_lon_string , 9 , 2)
Gprmc_dateday_string = Left(gprmc_date_string , 2)
Gprmc_datemonth_string = Mid(gprmc_date_string , 3 , 2)
Gprmc_dateyear_string = Mid(gprmc_date_string , 5 , 2)
Gprmc_dateyear = Val(gprmc_dateyear_string) + 2000
Gprmc_utchr_string = Left(gprmc_utc_string , 2)
Gprmc_utcmin_string = Mid(gprmc_utc_string , 3 , 2)
Gprmc_utcsec_string = Mid(gprmc_utc_string , 5 , 2)
Gprmc_speed = Val(gprmc_speed_string)
Gprmc_speed = Gprmc_speed * 1.852
Gprmc_course = Val(gprmc_course_string)
Gpgga_posfix = Val(gpgga_posfix_string)
Gpgsa_mode2 = Val(gpgsa_mode2_string)
If Gpgsa_sat1_string = "" Then Gpgsa_sat1_string = "--"
If Gpgsa_sat2_string = "" Then Gpgsa_sat2_string = "--"
If Gpgsa_sat3_string = "" Then Gpgsa_sat3_string = "--"
If Gpgsa_sat4_string = "" Then Gpgsa_sat4_string = "--"
If Gpgsa_sat5_string = "" Then Gpgsa_sat5_string = "--"
If Gpgsa_sat6_string = "" Then Gpgsa_sat6_string = "--"
If Gpgsa_sat7_string = "" Then Gpgsa_sat7_string = "--"
If Gpgsa_sat8_string = "" Then Gpgsa_sat8_string = "--"
If Gpgsa_sat9_string = "" Then Gpgsa_sat9_string = "--"
If Gpgsa_sat10_string = "" Then Gpgsa_sat10_string = "--"
If Gpgsa_sat11_string = "" Then Gpgsa_sat11_string = "--"
If Gpgsa_sat12_string = "" Then Gpgsa_sat12_string = "--"
End Sub
Sub Maidenhead_calc()
Td1 = Mid(gprmc_lat_string , 1 , 2)
Tl1 = Mid(gprmc_lat_string , 3 , 5)
Gd1 = Mid(gprmc_lon_string , 1 , 3)
Gl1 = Mid(gprmc_lon_string , 4 , 5)
Td = Val(td1)
Tl = Val(tl1)
Gd = Val(gd1)
Gl = Val(gl1)
Tl = Tl / 60
Yy = Td + Tl
Gl = Gl / 60
Xx = Gd + Gl
If Gprmc_ns_string = "S" Then Td = -td
If Gprmc_ew_string = "W" Then Gd = -gd
Z2n = "01234567890123456789"
If Xx < -179.99 Or Xx > 179.99 Then End
If Yy < -89.99 Or Yy > 89.99 Then End
Xx = Xx + 180
Yy = Yy + 90
Xxx = Xx
Yyy = Yy
Dx = Xxx / 20
Dy = Yyy / 10
Dxx = Dx + 1
Dyy = Dy + 1
Str1 = Mid(a2x , Dxx , 1)
Str2 = Mid(a2x , Dyy , 1)
Xxx = Dx * 20
Yyy = Dy * 10
Xx = Xx - Xxx
Yy = Yy - Yyy
Xxxx = Xx * 100
Yyyy = Yy * 100
Dx = Xxxx / 200
Dy = Yyyy / 100
Dxx = Dx + 1
Dyy = Dy + 1
Str3 = Mid(z2n , Dxx , 1)
Str4 = Mid(z2n , Dyy , 1)
Dxx = Dx * 2
Dyy = Dy * 1
Xx = Xx - Dxx
Yy = Yy - Dyy
Xxxx = Xx * 1000
Yyyy = Yy * 1000
Xxx = Xxxx
Yyy = Yyyy
Xxxx = Xxx / 83.333333
Yyyy = Yyy / 41.666666
Dx = Xxxx
Dy = Yyyy
Dxx = Dx + 1
Dyy = Dy + 1
Str5 = Mid(a2x , Dxx , 1)
Str6 = Mid(a2x , Dyy , 1)
Xxxx = Dx * 0.08333333
Yyyy = Dy * 0.04166666
Xx = Xx - Xxxx
Yy = Yy - Yyyy
Xxxx = Xx * 10000
Yyyy = Yy * 10000
Dx = Xxxx / 83.33333
Dy = Yyyy / 41.66666
Dxx = Dx + 1
Dyy = Dy + 1
Str7 = Mid(z2n , Dxx , 1)
Str8 = Mid(z2n , Dyy , 1)
Locator = Str1 + Str2 + Str3 + Str4 + Str5 + Str6
End Sub
Sub Lcdtext(byval S As String , Xoffset As Byte , Yoffset As Byte , Fontset As Byte , Inverse As Byte , Rotation As Byte)
Local Tempstring As String * 1 , Temp As Byte 'Dim local the variables
Local A As Byte , Pixels As Byte , Count As Byte , Carcount As Byte , Lus As Byte
Local Row As Byte , Byteseach As Byte , Blocksize As Byte , Dummy As Byte
Local Colums As Byte , Columcount As Byte , Rowcount As Byte , Stringsize As Byte
Local Xpos As Byte , Ypos As Byte , Pixel As Byte , Pixelcount As Byte
If Inverse > 1 Then Inverse = 0 'Inverse can't be greater then 1
If Rotation > 3 Then Rotation = 0 'There are only 4 rotation's
Stringsize = Len(s) - 1 'Size of the text string -1 because we must start with 0
For Carcount = 0 To Stringsize 'Loop for the numbers of caracters that must be displayed
If Fontset = 2 Then Restore Font16x16
If Fontset = 1 Then Restore Font6x8
Temp = Carcount + 1 'Cut the text string in seperate caracters
Tempstring = Mid(s , Temp , 1)
Read Row : Read Byteseach : Read Blocksize : Read Dummy 'Read the first 4 bytes from the font file
Temp = Asc(tempstring) - 32 'Font files start with caracter 32
For Lus = 1 To Temp 'Do dummie read to point to the correct line in the fontfile
For Count = 1 To Blocksize
Read Pixels
Next Count
Next Lus
Colums = Blocksize / Row 'Calculate the numbers of colums
Row = Row * 8 'Row is always 8 pixels high = 1 byte, so working with row in steps of 8.
Row = Row - 1 'Want to start with row=0 instead of 1
Colums = Colums - 1 'Same for the colums
Select Case Rotation
Case 0 '0 degrees rotation
For Rowcount = 0 To Row Step 8 'Loop for numbers of rows
A = Rowcount + Yoffset
For Columcount = 0 To Colums 'Loop for numbers of Colums
Read Pixels : If Inverse = 1 Then Toggle Pixels 'Read the byte from the file and if inverse = true then invert de byte
Xpos = Columcount 'Do some calculation to get the caracter on the correct Xposition
Temp = Carcount * Byteseach
Xpos = Xpos + Temp
Xpos = Xpos + Xoffset
For Pixelcount = 0 To 7 'Loop for 8 pixels to be set or not
Ypos = A + Pixelcount 'Each pixel on his own spot
Pixel = Pixels.0 'Set the pixel (or not)
Pset Xpos , Ypos , Pixel 'Finaly we can set the pixel
Shift Pixels , Right 'Shift the byte 1 bit to the right so the next pixel comes availible
Next Pixel
Next Columcount
Next Rowcount
Case 1 '90 degrees rotation
For Rowcount = Row To 0 Step -8 'Loop is now counting down
A = Rowcount + Xoffset
A = A - 15 'Correction to set Xpos on Xoffset with rotation
For Columcount = 0 To Colums
Read Pixels : If Inverse = 1 Then Toggle Pixels
Xpos = Columcount
Temp = Carcount * Byteseach
Xpos = Xpos + Temp
Xpos = Xpos + Yoffset 'We want that Xoffset is still Xoffset, so we need here the change from x to y
For Pixelcount = 7 To 0 Step -1
Ypos = A + Pixelcount
Pixel = Pixels.0
Pset Ypos , Xpos , Pixel
Shift Pixels , Right
Next Pixel
Next Columcount
Next Rowcount
Case 2 '180 degrees rotation
For Rowcount = Row To 0 Step -8
A = Rowcount + Yoffset
A = A - 7 'Correction to set Xpos on Xoffset with rotation
For Columcount = Colums To 0 Step -1
Read Pixels : If Inverse = 1 Then Toggle Pixels
Xpos = Columcount
Temp = Carcount * Byteseach
Xpos = Xpos - Temp
Xpos = Xpos - 8 'Correction to set Xpos on Xoffset with rotation
Xpos = Xpos + Xoffset
For Pixelcount = 7 To 0 Step -1
Ypos = A + Pixelcount
Pixel = Pixels.0
Pset Xpos , Ypos , Pixel
Shift Pixels , Right
Next Pixel
Next Columcount
Next Rowcount
Case 3 '270 degrees rotation
For Rowcount = 0 To Row Step 8
A = Rowcount + Xoffset
For Columcount = Colums To 0 Step -1
Read Pixels : If Inverse = 1 Then Toggle Pixels
Xpos = Columcount
Temp = Carcount * Byteseach
Xpos = Xpos - Temp
Xpos = Xpos - 8 'Correction to set Xpos on Xoffset with rotation
Xpos = Xpos + Yoffset
For Pixelcount = 0 To 7
Ypos = A + Pixelcount
Pixel = Pixels.0
Pset Ypos , Xpos , Pixel
Shift Pixels , Right
Next Pixel
Next Columcount
Next Rowcount
End Select
Next Carcount
End Sub 'End of this amazing subroutine
$include "Font16x16.font" 'If you don't need the files in your program, don't include them,
$include "Font6x8.font"
Buffer = Ischarwaiting()
If Buffer = 1 Then 'we got something
Buffer = Waitkey() 'get it
If Buffer = "$" Then
Buffer_str = ""
Buffer = Waitkey()
Buffer_str = Buffer_str + Chr(buffer)
Loop Until Buffer = ","
Sentence_header = Buffer_str
If Sentence_header = "GPGSA," Then
Portd.4 = 1
' $GPGSA,A,3,07,02,26,27,09,04,15,,,,,1.8,1.0,1.5*33
' | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |______________________ Checksum
' | | | | | | | | | | | | | |__________________________ Vertical Dilution of Precision : For example 1.5
' | | | | | | | | | | | | |______________________________ Horizontal Dilution of Precision : For example 1.0
' | | | | | | | | | | | |__________________________________ Position Dilution of Precision : For example 1.8
' | | | | | | | | | | |_____________________________________ Sat Channels 8....12
' | | | | | | | | | |_________________________________________ Sat Channel 7 : For example Sat 15 used on channel 7
' | | | | | | | | |____________________________________________ Sat Channel 6 : For example Sat 04 used on channel 6
' | | | | | | | |_______________________________________________ Sat Channel 5 : For example Sat 09 used on channel 5
' | | | | | | |__________________________________________________ Sat Channel 4 : For example Sat 27 used on channel 4
' | | | | | |_____________________________________________________ Sat Channel 3 : For example Sat 26 used on channel 3
' | | | | |________________________________________________________ Sat Channel 2 : For example Sat 02 used on channel 2
' | | | |___________________________________________________________ Sat Channel 1 : For example Sat 07 used on channel 1
' | | |______________________________________________________________ Mode 2 : For example 1= No Fix, 2= 2D Fix, 3= 3D Fix
' | |________________________________________________________________ Mode 1 : For example M=Manual, A=2D Automatic
' |____________________________________________________________________ Message header ($GP) : For example ($GP)GSA = GNSS DOP and Active Satellites
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsa_mode1_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsa_mode1_string) - 1
Gpgsa_mode1_string = Left(gpgsa_mode1_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsa_mode2_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsa_mode2_string) - 1
Gpgsa_mode2_string = Left(gpgsa_mode2_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsa_sat1_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsa_sat1_string) - 1
Gpgsa_sat1_string = Left(gpgsa_sat1_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsa_sat2_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsa_sat2_string) - 1
Gpgsa_sat2_string = Left(gpgsa_sat2_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsa_sat3_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsa_sat3_string) - 1
Gpgsa_sat3_string = Left(gpgsa_sat3_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsa_sat4_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsa_sat4_string) - 1
Gpgsa_sat4_string = Left(gpgsa_sat4_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsa_sat5_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsa_sat5_string) - 1
Gpgsa_sat5_string = Left(gpgsa_sat5_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsa_sat6_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsa_sat6_string) - 1
Gpgsa_sat6_string = Left(gpgsa_sat6_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsa_sat7_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsa_sat7_string) - 1
Gpgsa_sat7_string = Left(gpgsa_sat7_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsa_sat8_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsa_sat8_string) - 1
Gpgsa_sat8_string = Left(gpgsa_sat8_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsa_sat9_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsa_sat9_string) - 1
Gpgsa_sat9_string = Left(gpgsa_sat9_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsa_sat10_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsa_sat10_string) - 1
Gpgsa_sat10_string = Left(gpgsa_sat10_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsa_sat11_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsa_sat11_string) - 1
Gpgsa_sat11_string = Left(gpgsa_sat11_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsa_sat12_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsa_sat12_string) - 1
Gpgsa_sat12_string = Left(gpgsa_sat12_string , Length)
Portd.4 = 0
End If
If Sentence_header = "GPGGA," Then
Portd.4 = 1
' $GPCGA,hhmmsss.ss,llll.ll,a,yyyyy.yy,a,1,07,a.a,b.b,M,c.c,M,d.d,0000*hh
' | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_ Checksum
' | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |______ Diff. Ref. Station ID
' | | | | | | | | | | | | | |__________ Age of Diff. Correction, second, Null fields when DGPS is not used
' | | | | | | | | | | | | |_____________ Units, M, meters : For example M
' | | | | | | | | | | | |________________ Geoid Separation, meters : For example 9.0
' | | | | | | | | | | |___________________ Units, M, meters : For example M
' | | | | | | | | | |______________________ MSL Altitude, meters : For example 9.0
' | | | | | | | | |__________________________ Horizontal dillusion of precisin : For example 1.0
' | | | | | | | |_____________________________ Satellites Used : For example 07
' | | | | | | |________________________________ Position Fix Indicator : For example 0=Fix not available or invalid, 1=GPS SPS Mode, fix valid, 2=Differential GPS, SPS Mode, fix valid, 3-5= not supported, 6=Dead Reckoning Mode, fix valid
' | | | | | |__________________________________ East/West indicator : For example E or W
' | | | | |________________________________________ Longtitude, dddmm.mmmm : For example 00505.0505 (005.05.0505)
' | | | |_____________________________________________ North/South indicator : For example N or S
' | | |__________________________________________________ Latitude indicator : For example 5239.1920 (52.39.1920)
' | |____________________________________________________________ Time, Hours,Minutes,Seconds,Subseconds : For example 180442.453
' |____________________________________________________________________ Message header ($GP) : For example ($GP)CGA = Global Positioning System Fixed Data
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgga_utc_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgga_utc_string) - 1
Gpgga_utc_string = Left(gpgga_utc_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgga_lat_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgga_lat_string) - 1
Gpgga_lat_string = Left(gpgga_lat_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgga_ns_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgga_ns_string) - 1
Gpgga_ns_string = Left(gpgga_ns_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgga_lon_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgga_lon_string) - 1
Gpgga_lon_string = Left(gpgga_lon_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgga_ew_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgga_ew_string) - 1
Gpgga_ew_string = Left(gpgga_ew_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgga_posfix_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgga_posfix_string) - 1
Gpgga_posfix_string = Left(gpgga_posfix_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgga_sats_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgga_sats_string) - 1
Gpgga_sats_string = Left(gpgga_sats_string , Length)
Portd.4 = 0
End If
If Sentence_header = "GPRMC," Then
Portd.4 = 1
' $GPRMC,hhmmsss.ss,A,llll.ll,a,yyyyy.yy,a,x.x,x.x,ddmmyy,x.x,a*hh
' | | | | | | | | | | | | |_ Checksum
' | | | | | | | | | | | |____ E or W
' | | | | | | | | | | |_______ Magnetic variation, Degrees : For example 156.4
' | | | | | | | | | |____________ Date, day,month,year : For example 150496(15 april 1996)
' | | | | | | | | |__________________ Course over ground, degrees : For example 340.5
' | | | | | | | |______________________ Speed over ground, knots : For example 0.13
' | | | | | | |_________________________ East/West indicator : For example E or W
' | | | | | |_______________________________ Longtitude, dddmm.mmmm : For example 00505.0505 (005.05.0505)
' | | | | |____________________________________ North/South indicator : For example N or S
' | | | |_________________________________________ Latitude indicator : For example 5239.1920 (52.39.1920)
' | | |______________________________________________ Data Validation indicator : For example A=Data valid, V=Data invalid
' | |_____________________________________________________ Time, Hours,Minutes,Seconds,Subseconds : For example 180442.453
' |_____________________________________________________________ Message header ($GP) : For example ($GP)RMC = Recommended Minimum Specific GNSS Data
Call Nmea_parse()
Gprmc_utc_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gprmc_utc_string) - 1
Gprmc_utc_string = Left(gprmc_utc_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gprmc_status_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gprmc_status_string) - 1
Gprmc_status_string = Left(gprmc_status_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gprmc_lat_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gprmc_lat_string) - 1
Gprmc_lat_string = Left(gprmc_lat_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gprmc_ns_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gprmc_ns_string) - 1
Gprmc_ns_string = Left(gprmc_ns_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gprmc_lon_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gprmc_lon_string) - 1
Gprmc_lon_string = Left(gprmc_lon_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gprmc_ew_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gprmc_ew_string) - 1
Gprmc_ew_string = Left(gprmc_ew_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gprmc_speed_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gprmc_speed_string) - 1
Gprmc_speed_string = Left(gprmc_speed_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gprmc_course_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gprmc_course_string) - 1
Gprmc_course_string = Left(gprmc_course_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gprmc_date_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gprmc_date_string) - 1
Gprmc_date_string = Left(gprmc_date_string , Length)
Portd.4 = 0
End If
If Sentence_header = "GPGSV," Then
Portd.4 = 1
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsv_totalmessages_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsv_totalmessages_string) - 1
Gpgsv_totalmessages_string = Left(gpgsv_totalmessages_string , Length)
Total_messages = Val(gpgsv_totalmessages_string)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsv_currentmessage_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsv_currentmessage_string) - 1
Gpgsv_currentmessage_string = Left(gpgsv_currentmessage_string , Length)
Current_message = Val(gpgsv_currentmessage_string)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsv_sats_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsv_sats_string) - 1
Gpgsv_sats_string = Left(gpgsv_sats_string , Length)
If Current_message = 1 Then
If Val(gpgsv_sats_string) > 0 Then
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsv_ch1satid_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsv_ch1satid_string) - 1
Gpgsv_ch1satid_string = Left(gpgsv_ch1satid_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsv_ch1satel_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsv_ch1satel_string) - 1
Gpgsv_ch1satel_string = Left(gpgsv_ch1satel_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsv_ch1sataz_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsv_ch1sataz_string) - 1
Gpgsv_ch1sataz_string = Left(gpgsv_ch1sataz_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsv_ch1satdb_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsv_ch1satdb_string) - 1
Gpgsv_ch1satdb_string = Left(gpgsv_ch1satdb_string , Length)
End If
If Val(gpgsv_sats_string) > 1 Then
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsv_ch2satid_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsv_ch2satid_string) - 1
Gpgsv_ch2satid_string = Left(gpgsv_ch2satid_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsv_ch2satel_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsv_ch2satel_string) - 1
Gpgsv_ch2satel_string = Left(gpgsv_ch2satel_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsv_ch2sataz_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsv_ch2sataz_string) - 1
Gpgsv_ch2sataz_string = Left(gpgsv_ch2sataz_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsv_ch2satdb_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsv_ch2satdb_string) - 1
Gpgsv_ch2satdb_string = Left(gpgsv_ch2satdb_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
End If
If Val(gpgsv_sats_string) > 2 Then
Gpgsv_ch3satid_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsv_ch3satid_string) - 1
Gpgsv_ch3satid_string = Left(gpgsv_ch3satid_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsv_ch3satel_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsv_ch3satel_string) - 1
Gpgsv_ch3satel_string = Left(gpgsv_ch3satel_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsv_ch3sataz_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsv_ch3sataz_string) - 1
Gpgsv_ch3sataz_string = Left(gpgsv_ch3sataz_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsv_ch3satdb_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsv_ch3satdb_string) - 1
Gpgsv_ch3satdb_string = Left(gpgsv_ch3satdb_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
End If
If Val(gpgsv_sats_string) > 3 Then
Gpgsv_ch4satid_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsv_ch4satid_string) - 1
Gpgsv_ch4satid_string = Left(gpgsv_ch4satid_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsv_ch4satel_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsv_ch4satel_string) - 1
Gpgsv_ch4satel_string = Left(gpgsv_ch4satel_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsv_ch4sataz_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsv_ch4sataz_string) - 1
Gpgsv_ch4sataz_string = Left(gpgsv_ch4sataz_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsv_ch4satdb_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsv_ch4satdb_string) - 1
Gpgsv_ch4satdb_string = Left(gpgsv_ch4satdb_string , Length)
End If
Elseif Current_message = 2 Then
If Val(gpgsv_sats_string) > 4 Then
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsv_ch5satid_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsv_ch5satid_string) - 1
Gpgsv_ch5satid_string = Left(gpgsv_ch5satid_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsv_ch5satel_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsv_ch5satel_string) - 1
Gpgsv_ch5satel_string = Left(gpgsv_ch5satel_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsv_ch5sataz_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsv_ch5sataz_string) - 1
Gpgsv_ch5sataz_string = Left(gpgsv_ch5sataz_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsv_ch5satdb_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsv_ch5satdb_string) - 1
Gpgsv_ch5satdb_string = Left(gpgsv_ch5satdb_string , Length)
End If
If Val(gpgsv_sats_string) > 5 Then
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsv_ch6satid_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsv_ch6satid_string) - 1
Gpgsv_ch6satid_string = Left(gpgsv_ch6satid_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsv_ch6satel_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsv_ch6satel_string) - 1
Gpgsv_ch6satel_string = Left(gpgsv_ch6satel_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsv_ch6sataz_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsv_ch6sataz_string) - 1
Gpgsv_ch6sataz_string = Left(gpgsv_ch6sataz_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsv_ch6satdb_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsv_ch6satdb_string) - 1
Gpgsv_ch6satdb_string = Left(gpgsv_ch6satdb_string , Length)
End If
If Val(gpgsv_sats_string) > 6 Then
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsv_ch7satid_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsv_ch7satid_string) - 1
Gpgsv_ch7satid_string = Left(gpgsv_ch7satid_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsv_ch7satel_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsv_ch7satel_string) - 1
Gpgsv_ch7satel_string = Left(gpgsv_ch7satel_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsv_ch7sataz_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsv_ch7sataz_string) - 1
Gpgsv_ch7sataz_string = Left(gpgsv_ch7sataz_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsv_ch7satdb_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsv_ch7satdb_string) - 1
Gpgsv_ch7satdb_string = Left(gpgsv_ch7satdb_string , Length)
End If
If Val(gpgsv_sats_string) > 7 Then
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsv_ch8satid_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsv_ch8satid_string) - 1
Gpgsv_ch8satid_string = Left(gpgsv_ch8satid_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsv_ch8satel_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsv_ch8satel_string) - 1
Gpgsv_ch8satel_string = Left(gpgsv_ch8satel_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsv_ch8sataz_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsv_ch8sataz_string) - 1
Gpgsv_ch8sataz_string = Left(gpgsv_ch8sataz_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsv_ch8satdb_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsv_ch8satdb_string) - 1
Gpgsv_ch8satdb_string = Left(gpgsv_ch8satdb_string , Length)
End If
Elseif Current_message = 3 Then
If Val(gpgsv_sats_string) > 8 Then
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsv_ch9satid_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsv_ch9satid_string) - 1
Gpgsv_ch9satid_string = Left(gpgsv_ch9satid_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsv_ch9satel_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsv_ch9satel_string) - 1
Gpgsv_ch9satel_string = Left(gpgsv_ch9satel_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsv_ch9sataz_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsv_ch9sataz_string) - 1
Gpgsv_ch9sataz_string = Left(gpgsv_ch9sataz_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsv_ch9satdb_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsv_ch9satdb_string) - 1
Gpgsv_ch9satdb_string = Left(gpgsv_ch9satdb_string , Length)
End If
If Val(gpgsv_sats_string) > 9 Then
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsv_ch10satid_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsv_ch10satid_string) - 1
Gpgsv_ch10satid_string = Left(gpgsv_ch10satid_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsv_ch10satel_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsv_ch10satel_string) - 1
Gpgsv_ch10satel_string = Left(gpgsv_ch10satel_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsv_ch10sataz_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsv_ch10sataz_string) - 1
Gpgsv_ch10sataz_string = Left(gpgsv_ch10sataz_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsv_ch10satdb_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsv_ch10satdb_string) - 1
Gpgsv_ch10satdb_string = Left(gpgsv_ch10satdb_string , Length)
End If
If Val(gpgsv_sats_string) > 10 Then
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsv_ch11satid_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsv_ch11satid_string) - 1
Gpgsv_ch11satid_string = Left(gpgsv_ch11satid_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsv_ch11satel_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsv_ch11satel_string) - 1
Gpgsv_ch11satel_string = Left(gpgsv_ch11satel_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsv_ch11sataz_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsv_ch11sataz_string) - 1
Gpgsv_ch11sataz_string = Left(gpgsv_ch11sataz_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsv_ch11satdb_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsv_ch11satdb_string) - 1
Gpgsv_ch11satdb_string = Left(gpgsv_ch11satdb_string , Length)
End If
If Val(gpgsv_sats_string) > 11 Then
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsv_ch12satid_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsv_ch12satid_string) - 1
Gpgsv_ch12satid_string = Left(gpgsv_ch12satid_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsv_ch12satel_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsv_ch12satel_string) - 1
Gpgsv_ch12satel_string = Left(gpgsv_ch12satel_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsv_ch12sataz_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsv_ch12sataz_string) - 1
Gpgsv_ch12sataz_string = Left(gpgsv_ch12sataz_string , Length)
Call Nmea_parse()
Gpgsv_ch12satdb_string = Buffer_str
Length = Len(gpgsv_ch12satdb_string) - 1
Gpgsv_ch12satdb_string = Left(gpgsv_ch12satdb_string , Length)
End If
End If
Portd.4 = 0
End If
End If
End If
Sub Nmea_parse()
Buffer_str = ""
Buffer = Waitkey()
Buffer_str = Buffer_str + Chr(buffer)
Loop Until Buffer = "," Or Buffer = "*"
If Buffer_str = "," Then Buffer_str = ""
If Buffer_str = "*" Then Buffer_str = ""
End Sub
$bgf "globebig.bgf"