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نویسنده پیام
mohamadpk آفلاین
در حال پیشرفت

ارسال‌ها: 337
موضوع‌ها: 39
تاریخ عضویت: اردیبهشت ۱۳۸۷

تشکرها : 726
( 661 تشکر در 257 ارسال )
ارسال: #1
یه چند وقتی هست که پروژه سایتم دست گرافیسته و من وقت آزاد فراوان پیدا کردم و لنگمو انداختم رو او یکی لنگم.دارم یه کم کرک می خونم و تمرین می کنم. کرک می های مختلف رو دانلود می کنم و روشون کار می کنم.

ولی همیشه تو فایل های vb یه چیز عجیب به نظرم هست.اونم اون پرش اول فایل های vb هست. البته کلا یه جورایی فایل های vb برام عجیبه.

تو اول همه برنامه های vb6 یه push هست که یه آدرس رو میفرسته تو پشته که در مورد یه پروجه معمولی بدون هیچ دخلو تصرفی آدرس 401264 هست.


خوب بعد یه call هست.به جایی چند خط بالا تر که اونجا یه پرش هست به یه تابع تو فایل dll که این فایل همون فایل اصلیه import شده تو برنامه های vb6 هست
خوب حالا عجیب برای من اینجاست که اون آدرسی که داره push میشه تا تابع call شده ما ازش استفاده کنه. آدرس یه جایی تو data هست.
که این شکلیه.

خوب این یعنی چه . چرا شروع فایل ما از یه Data هست. بعد خوب رو قسمت data که نمیشه breakpoint گذاشت.

کجا فایل exe ویژوال بیسیک بر می گرده تو ماژول کد؟.تو کدوم آدرس؟

الان با گذاشتن breakpoint رو کل توابع تو olly و اجرای برنامه صبر می کنم که برنامه بر گرده تو ماژول اصلی بعد می رم کل breakpoint هارو بر می دارم.
درسته که کل این جریان 10 ثانیه طول نمی کشه.
ولی می خوام بدونم .چرا اینطوریه.
چرا مثل آدم مثل زبون های دیگه instance نمی گیره و مثلا commandline نمی گیره بعد هم مثل آدم بره سراغ کد های دیگه.

درسته الان چند کرک می ساده که با vb 6 بودن رو زدم. مثلا یکی strcompare بود توش بعد اوجا سریال رو مقایسه کرده بود با اینکه خیلی پی چونده بود ولی آخرش یافتم سریالش رو.
اما یکی قشنگ اگر وقت بزاره یه توضیح درست حسابی بده ممنون میشم.

وطنم ای عشق همیشگی من ایران زمین

شقایق ها گل میکنن دوباره عاشق میشن...........قصه عشق وطن رو به غنچه هاشون میگن

۱۷-دى-۱۳۸۹, ۰۶:۴۵:۲۶
Di Di آفلاین
مدير بخش هك و كرك

ارسال‌ها: 2,358
موضوع‌ها: 116
تاریخ عضویت: اسفند ۱۳۸۵

تشکرها : 1816
( 4046 تشکر در 1321 ارسال )
ارسال: #2
RE: ThunRTMain
سلام حاج محمد گل!

معلومه اول صبحي حسابي مخت رو اين وي بي مادر مرده به هم ريخته ها!!

سوالت خيلي قارشميشه! ولي وقتي اون كلمه "پروجه" رو چند بار آروم براي خودم تلفظ كردم كلي خنديدم روحم تازه

تازه شد! نشستم چند بار ديگه سوالت رو خوندم يه چيزايي دستگيرم شد!! ولي خدائيش چطور به مخت زد اين كلمه

رو با اين لهجه بگي؟!!Wink

شما مي دونيد كه هر برنامه اي براي اجرا يه روندي رو بايد طي كنه ، يه بستري بايد آماده بشه تا در نهايت كدهايي كه

ما نوشته بوديم به اجرا در بيان. كامپايلرهاي مختلف اين كار رو به شيوه هاي مختلفي انجام مي دن كه همين امر سبب

مي شه تا برنامه هاي يكساني كه با زبان هاي / كامپايلرهاي مختلفي توليد شده اند با يك سرعت اجرا نشن.

مثلا برنامه بايد توابع و يا فايل هاي DLL كه براي اجراي كدهاي ما مورد نياز هست رو قبل از همه لود كنه، سپس

هماهنگي هاي لازم رو با سيستم عامل انجام بده و در نهايت كدهاي ما رو بريزه تو استك و يه تريد بسازه.

حالا دقيقا اين وسط داره چه اتفاقي مي افته رو بايد اول ساختار فايل هاي PE‌ رو مطالعه كني خودش متوجه مي شه!

اما مشكلي شما الان داري دقيقا با PEHeader و Imports Table هست.

اگه يه كدي كه با دلفي كامپايل شده رو اجرا كني ،‌ برنامه اول توابع مورد نيازش رو تو حافظه لود مي كنه بعد مي ره

سراغ ماژول ما ( همون مثل بچه آدم كه فرموده بوديد) حالا فرض كن اون توابع رو همه اش رو ريخته باشه داخل يه DLL

مثل MSVBVM6 ، اون وقت چه اتفاقي مي افته؟ مي شه كاري كه وي بي انجام مي ده، يعني هيچي رو با خودش حمل

نمي كنه و بجاش از تو يه فايل DLL مي خونه .

حالا اگه مي گي چرا اول Push مي كنه بعد جامپ و مي ره تو DLL و .... اينها همه مراحل لودينگ DLL توسط هدر هست

كه باز بايد همون ساختار فايل رو بخوني تا بهتر متوجه بشي.

حالا شما عوض اينكه كل توابع رو BP كاري كني بيا برو تو Debugging Option كليد فوري Alt + O و در قسمت Events

تيك همه گزينه ها رو بزن تا بتوني دقيقا رفت و آمد همه DLL‌ها و تريد ها رو ببيني و حض جميل ببري!!

نكته كنكوري :

اين قسمت هدر فايل Read_Only هست اما مي شه تغييرش داد تا مثلا توابع مربوط به چك كردن قفل رو همين جا لودش

كني كه باباي كركر دربياد ( استفاده از IDA‌ براي آنپك كردن ..... رو بخون )

۱۸-دى-۱۳۸۹, ۰۹:۵۶:۳۷
وب سایت ارسال‌ها
تشکر شده توسط : mohamadpk
mohamadpk آفلاین
در حال پیشرفت

ارسال‌ها: 337
موضوع‌ها: 39
تاریخ عضویت: اردیبهشت ۱۳۸۷

تشکرها : 726
( 661 تشکر در 257 ارسال )
ارسال: #3
RE: ThunRTMain
سلام مهدی جان.مرسی از توجهت.حاجی بابا مون ترک بوده دیگه . یه موقع هایی این لحجه میزنه بالا.Whistle

در مورد pe من هرچی کتاب پیدا کردم. یا نمونه هاش با c یا دلفی یا asm هست . که همشون مثل آدم لود میشن.
اما از دیشب کلی روش کار کردم یه چیز هایی دستگیرم شده. باید بشینم رو کاغذ یه ساختمان براش طراحی کنم یا تو ida گراف یکیشون رو save کنم بشینم نگاه کنم تا بفهمم چی به چیه.
مشگل منم همین جاست که گفتی میشه قفل رو تو قسمت لود شدن هیدر گذاشت. الان فکر کنم این کرک می که دارم روش کار می کنم همین طوری باشه.

مخم رو خورد. خلاصه اگر باز به مشگل خوردم میام سراغت.Biggrin بازم تشکر . اون چیز هایی هم که گفتی می خونم . یا علی.

وطنم ای عشق همیشگی من ایران زمین

شقایق ها گل میکنن دوباره عاشق میشن...........قصه عشق وطن رو به غنچه هاشون میگن

۱۸-دى-۱۳۸۹, ۱۷:۳۶:۱۸
mohamadpk آفلاین
در حال پیشرفت

ارسال‌ها: 337
موضوع‌ها: 39
تاریخ عضویت: اردیبهشت ۱۳۸۷

تشکرها : 726
( 661 تشکر در 257 ارسال )
ارسال: #4
RE: ThunRTMain
کشف شد
*                     DISASSEMBLING VISUAL BASIC APPLICATIONS                  *
*                                              - Sanchit Karve                 *
*                                                                              *
*                                                born2c0de                     *
*                                        printf("I'm a %XR",195936478);        *
*                                                                              *
*                 CONTACT ME :            born2c0de AT hotmail DOT com         *
*                                                                              *

                   LAST UPDATED :  26 JULY 2006

                              INDEX [INDX]

I.         DISCLAIMER AND NOTICE          [DISN]
III.       INTRODUCTION                   [ITRO]
IV.        ASSUMPTIONS                    [ASPT]
V.         REQUIRED TOOLS                 [RQRT]
VII.       OUR FIRST PROGRAM              [OFPR]
VIII.      STRING COMPARISON              [STR1]
IX.        CONCLUSION                     [END1]
X.         IN THE NEXT UPDATE             [NXTU]
XI.        REFERENCES                     [REFR]


The information provided in this tutorial must not be used for Reverse
Engineering any application.


If the Reader still chooses to break Protection Mechamisms after reading this
tutorial, he/she shall alone be responsible for the damages cause and not the

If you wish to post certain Sections of the Tutorial on a Website, you are free
to do so provided you inform the author and publish the Selected Text from the
Tutorial as it is without modification.

The Author has not copied text or any other information directly from a Source.
However, some information from some sources has been used to write this tutorial.
These Sources have been mentioned in the References Section.

You are permitted to continue reading the tutorial only if you agree to the text
given above.


Each Section in this Tutorial has a specific Topic Code enclosed in square
brackets. This arrangement has been made so that you can jump to a specific
topic simply by searching for the topic code from your Browser.

At many places in the tutorial, I've explained a few things which are almost
unnecessary to know when dealing with Visual BASIC programs but I've written
them for those who are interested in Hacking (And I don't mean that
'hack-an-email-address' sort of a kid. The original meaning of Hacking has
been ruined by pathetic people like them. Hacking in literal terms stands for
The original meaning of a Hacker is:
"A person who enjoys exploring the details of programmable systems, as opposed
to most users, who prefer to learn only the minimum necessary."

The extra details I've given in this tutorial are for those who want to be such
ethical hackers.

The Topic Code [XTRA] and [/XTRA] has been given for marking "extra-information"
sections and you are free to skip such sections. Text within the [XTRA]..[/XTRA]
blocks is given for extra information.
You can search for the Extra Information using the Topic Code.


As long as you know Assembly Language, it is easy to read disassembled listings
of executable files written in C/C++ or PASCAL, especially if you are using
IDA Pro as your disassembler. This is so because C and C++ Compilers generate
(or at least try to) efficient code. Some Compilers like Borland C++ use simple
instructions for complex operations(also remember that this is not always the
case) which make it easier to study them. Implementation of Code Constructs such
as loops, IF statements, Ternary IF statements, switch constructs etc. can be
found very easily as each one is unique and distinct.

However the same is not true for Applications written in Visual BASIC. VB
Programs are said to be very slow and hence deliver poor performance. There is a
reason for this. Visual BASIC programs unlike those written in other languages
don't use Windows API Directly. Local functions present in VB Runtime Files are
called which call functions from the Windows API.Most of the Visual BASIC
functions are present in MSVBM60.DLL (if you've got Runtime Files ver. 6.0).
So to study VB programs, we must disassemble and analyze the MSVBM60.DLL file as
Since VB programs use such a complex API Function call procedure, programs tend
to run slower.(There are other reasons as to why VB programs run slower but I
won't be covering it as it's off-topic.)

It becomes difficult to analyze VB Programs as it uses functions which are not
part of the Windows API and hence we are not acquainted with them.

My primary aim in this Tutorial is to teach the reader how to understand
disassembled listings of programs written in Visual BASIC.

My secondary aim is to help you realise why Visual BASIC is not suitable for
writing small,fast and efficient programs.

Almost all authors of Visual BASIC books mention that Visual BASIC does not
give you applications with good performance.
This tutorial tells you why.

The Tutorial will talk about executable files compiled in Visual BASIC in
Native Code ONLY and not p-code.

After reading this tutorial, you should be able to disassemble,debug and
understand Visual Basic Applications. You may also be able to reverse engineer
Protection Mechanisms written in Visual BASIC and that's where the next section
comes in.


You are required to have a basic understanding of Visual BASIC,C,the Windows API
and 80x86 Microprocessor Assembly Language.
It would be advisable to have a copy of Intel's 80x86 Instruction Set Manual.
Intel provides this manual free of charge. If you need this manual, contact me.

This Instruction Set Reference is Volume 2 of Intel Architecture Software
Developer's Manual.

The Software Developer's Manual consists of 3 volumes:
: Basic Architecture        - Order Number 243190
: Instruction Set Reference - Order Number 243191
: System Programming Guide  - Order Number 243192

You can provide these Order Numbers to get a copy of these manuals. For this
tutorial only Volume 2 is required.


You will need the following tools to proceed with the Tutorial.

* COMPILER     : Visual Basic 6.0
* DISASSEMBLER : IDA Pro 4.x or higher
* DEBUGGER     : OllyDebug Ver. 1.09d or higher
* NuMeGa SmartCheck 6.x
* VBDE version 0.85 by iorior
* VBReformer

VBDE is not required but it's always better to have it as it gives addresses of
entry-points of most VB procedures.

VBReformer is used to see the Property values of all objects in a Visual Basic
Form. It even allows you to change the value of Object Properties such as Forms,
Command Buttons etc. Import Libraries can also been seen. This Application is
not required for this Tutorial but it's better to have it.

NuMeGa SmartCheck is again not required but it is useful when we have no idea
what a particular procedure of VB does. You can run a program from it like a
Debugger and view its log files and find out which procedure is called and what
operations are carried out etc.

You can have API Documentation from MSDN or you can use the API Text Viewer Tool
supplied with Visual Studio or browse MSDN Online (msdn.microsoft.com). Certain
Applications like APIViewer will also do.

I have given the names of the Tools that I have used. But you are free to use
any disassembler and debugger as long as you are comfortable using it but I
advice you to use the tools that I have used above. SoftIce is better than
OllyDebug but the latter is good enough for VB Programs so it doesn't matter
which one you use.

Once you have the necessary knowledge and tools, you can proceed further.
Let's begin.


When you open a VB Program from IDA, you'll end up with the following code.

                 push    offset dword_4012B4
                 call    ThunRTMain
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                 dd 0, 300000h, 400000h, 0, 0E9960000h, 82E6FCDFh, 939C4C23h
                 dd 0EB969B2Fh, 73D5h, 0, 1, 34303230h, 72503033h, 63656A6Fh
                 ; etc etc etc

This doesn't make any sense does it? If you keep scrolling further you will see
sections of code and data. Each Section has a meaning in VB Programs and you can
see a general idea of a Visual BASIC program's Section Map below.

... IAT (First Thunk ok apis)

Next Section(NS):
... some data

... transfer area (Jumps to imported functions)

... lots of data

... local transfer area (for internal event handlers)

... other data

... code

... lots of data

... .data Section

Let us now start analysis from the entry point of the program.

push    offset RT_Struct
call    ThunRTMain

It's C equivalent would have been:

A function ThunRTMain is called which accepts one parameter. We'll soon find out
that the parameter is a structure.
Simply putting a step over command on the CALL statement results in the
execution of the Application.
Wierd Isn't it?
For Pascal,C and C++ Programs there is always a start() function that takes all
CommandLine Parameters,Gets ProcessThreads,Module Handles etc. We didn't see
anything of the sort in a Visual BASIC Program.

But actually, VB does have a start function. The start function code is placed
in the ThunRTMain Function. Let's verify that by disassembling the MSVBM60.DLL
and viewing the ThunRTMain Function. I've mentioned only a part of the
ThunRTMain Function Code.

ThunRTMain      proc near

arg_0           = dword ptr  8

                 mov     esi, [ebp+arg_0]
                 mov     dword_7352F7DC, esi
                 and     [ebp+var_4], 0
                 lea     eax, [ebp+StartupInfo]
                 push    eax             ; lpStartupInfo
                 lea     eax, [ebp+StartupInfo]
                 push    eax             ; lpStartupInfo
                 call    ds:GetStartupInfoA
                 movzx   eax, [ebp+StartupInfo.wShowWindow]
                 mov     dword_7352F7D8, eax
                 push    hModule
                 push    esi
                 mov     esi, offset dword_7352F470
                 mov     ecx, esi
                 call    sub_7342DECD
                 mov     [ebp+var_1C], eax
                 test    eax, eax
                 jl      short loc_7342DEC5
                 push    0               ; lParam
                 push    0               ; wParam
                 push    1069h           ; Msg
                 call    ds:GetCurrentThreadId
                 push    eax             ; idThread
                 call    ds:PostThreadMessageA
                 ; Other Code

                 or      [ebp+var_4], 0FFFFFFFFh
                 push    0               ; uExitCode
                 call    ds:ExitProcess
                 jmp     loc_734619B3

loc_7342DEC5:                           ; CODE XREF: ThunRTMain+60j
                 push    eax
                 call    sub_Free_Memory
                 jmp     short loc_7342DEB4

As you can see, it does call all the Functions that the start() function does in
C and PASCAL programs. But what about CommandLine() Function from KERNEL32.DLL?
MSVBM60.DLL does call that function as well but that function call is placed in
deeply nested function calls. You can open the Imports Window to see the
Imported Function and see the cross-reference to a procedure in MSVBM60.DLL

The sub_Free_Memory procedure calls various API Functions but if you keep
reading the procedure, you'll soon come across the HeapFree() Function which is
imported from kernel32.dll.

Now I guess you now know the purpose of the ThunRTMain Function.
Let us now see what structure is passed to it.

If we double-click on the RT_Struct offset, we reach an address containing
certain values.
It is a huge structure and each part needs to be seen one at a time.

Explaining the Structure will take up a lot of time and since I want to focus on
the Code Constructs of Visual BASIC, I won't explain the Structure Passed to

All I can tell you is that the structure contains the PE (Portable Executable)
Header Details. It is this header that is read by Resource Editors.

I found a good source for understanding the structure that is passed to
ThunRTMain and I suggest you read it if you are interested in knowing PE Header
Details. The link to the Article is given in the References [REFR] Section. The
article is titled "VISUAL BASIC REVERSED - A decompiling approach" and is
written by Andrea Geddon.
If the link is dead by the time you are reading this, you can contact me on my
email address to get the article.


Create a Form with a CommandButton. Click the CommandButton and add a simple
Msgbox Code as shown below:

Private Sub Command1_Click()
        Msgbox "Ssup"
End Sub

Open the Compiled EXE File with IDA Pro.
Click the Strings Tab to find the "Ssup" String.
Double-Click the String to find its cross-reference.
Scroll up to the top of the procedure.
You should see something like this:

[Explanation is partly given by comments after an instruction.]

Command1_Click  proc near

var_64          = dword ptr -64h
var_5C          = dword ptr -5Ch
var_54          = dword ptr -54h
var_4C          = dword ptr -4Ch
var_44          = dword ptr -44h
var_3C          = dword ptr -3Ch
var_34          = dword ptr -34h
var_2C          = dword ptr -2Ch
var_24          = dword ptr -24h
var_14          = dword ptr -14h
var_C           = dword ptr -0Ch
var_8           = dword ptr -8     ; Destructor Object
var_4           = dword ptr -4
form_object     = dword ptr  8

                 push    ebp                  ; These two instructions
                 mov     ebp, esp             ; open the Stack Frame.
                 sub     esp, 0Ch             ; Allocates 12 bytes on stack
                 push    (offset exception_handler+1); Starts Exception Handler
                 mov     eax, large fs:0
                 push    eax
                 mov     large fs:0, esp
                 sub     esp, 88h             ; Allocates 136 bytes on stack
                 push    ebx
                 push    esi                  ; Saves Values of Registers
                 push    edi

                                              ; Loads the Destructor
                 mov     [ebp+var_C], esp
                 mov     [ebp+var_8], offset destructor

                                             ; Allocating Dynamic Resources
                 mov     eax, [ebp+form_object]
                 mov     ecx, eax
                 and     ecx, 1
                 mov     [ebp+var_4], ecx
                 and     al, 0FEh
                 push    eax
                 mov     [ebp+form_object], eax
                 mov     edx, [eax]
                 call    dword ptr [edx+4] ; Calls MSVBM60.Zombie_AddRef
                 mov     ecx, 80020004h
                 xor     esi, esi
                 mov     [ebp+var_4C], ecx
                 mov     eax, 0Ah
                 mov     [ebp+var_3C], ecx
                 mov     [ebp+var_2C], ecx
                 mov     [ebp+var_34], esi
                 mov     [ebp+var_44], esi
                 mov     [ebp+var_54], esi
                 mov     [ebp+var_64], esi
                 lea     edx, [ebp+var_64]
                 lea     ecx, [ebp+var_24]
                 mov     [ebp+var_24], esi
                 mov     [ebp+var_54], eax
                 mov     [ebp+var_44], eax
                 mov     [ebp+var_34], eax
                 mov     [ebp+var_5C], offset aSsup ; "Ssup"
                 mov     [ebp+var_64], 8
                 call    ds:__vbaVarDup
                 lea     eax, [ebp+var_54]
                 lea     ecx, [ebp+var_44]
                 push    eax
                 lea     edx, [ebp+var_34]
                 push    ecx
                 push    edx
                 lea     eax, [ebp+var_24]
                 push    esi
                 push    eax
                 call    ds:rtcMsgBox          ; Calls the MsgBox Function
                 lea     ecx, [ebp+var_54]
                 lea     edx, [ebp+var_44]
                 push    ecx
                 lea     eax, [ebp+var_34]
                 push    edx
                 lea     ecx, [ebp+var_24]
                 push    eax
                 push    ecx
                 push    4
                 call    ds:__vbaFreeVarList
                 add     esp, 14h
                 mov     [ebp+var_4], esi
                 push    offset continue_after_jump
                 jmp     short fake_a_call_instr

                 lea     edx, [ebp+var_54]
                 lea     eax, [ebp+var_44]
                 push    edx
                 lea     ecx, [ebp+var_34]
                 push    eax
                 lea     edx, [ebp+var_24]
                 push    ecx
                 push    edx
                 push    4
                 call    ds:__vbaFreeVarList
                 add     esp, 14h
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

                 mov     eax, [ebp+arg_0]
                 push    eax
                 mov     ecx, [eax]
                 call    dword ptr [ecx+8]  ; Calls MSVBM60.Zombie_Release
                 mov     eax, [ebp+var_4]
                 mov     ecx, [ebp+var_14]
                 pop     edi
                 pop     esi
                 mov     large fs:0, ecx
                 pop     ebx
                 mov     esp, ebp
                 pop     ebp                 ; Closes Stack Frame
                 retn    4
Command1_Click  endp

Simply by looking at the entire procedure you can't exactly figure out what the
hell happens when the whole subroutine is executed. If you know Assembly well
and have had the patience to read through the code, you should notice a few neat
things in the code.


Before I begin explaining the procedure, I want to teach you how to recognise a
procedure in Visual BASIC. They can be called Procedure Signatures.
1) A Procedure has the open and close Stack Frame instructions.
2) The First Procedure in a VB Program is always preceded by
   12 0xCC Bytes (which corresponds to the INT 3 Instruction) followed by
    4 'T' bytes (0xE9) followed by 12 0xCC bytes.
3) Procedures other than the first are preceded by 10 NOP(0x90) Instructions.


The Open/Close Stack Frame Instructions are even found in C/C++ and Pascal
programs and hence can be termed as a universal method of determining procedures.
However that is not always the case.

--> Many compilers just JMP instructions to fake a Call Instruction. This Jump
    is at times a CALL to a procedure. IDA Pro does not detect such
    CALL 'emulating' instructions but OllyDebug does recognise such
    code patterns.

--> Visual C++ allows the programmer to write naked functions. Naked functions
    mean that the compiler does not allocate space for its arguments nor does it
    include the stack open and close frame instructions.

But since we are dealing with Visual BASIC, we can ignore the second case. You
will see an example of the first case shortly.

: 2) THE 0xCC BYTE

The 0xCC Byte is used to Generate the INT 3 Exception, which is known as the
"CALL TO INTERRUPT" Procedure. It is used by Debuggers such as OllyDebug and
SoftIce to set software Breakpoints. Debuggers insert the 0xCC byte before the
instruction which it wants to set a breakpoint on. As soon as the INT 3
Instruction is executed, Control is passed onto the Debuggers Exception Handler.

Here is the description taken directly from Intel's Software Developers Manual
Volume 2 : Instruction Set Reference.
"The INT 3 instruction generates a special one byte opcode (CC) that is intended
for calling the debug exception handler. (This one byte form is valuable because
it can be used to replace the first byte of any instruction with a breakpoint,
including other one byte instructions, without over-writing other code). To
further support its function as a debug breakpoint, the interrupt generated with
the CC opcode also differs from the regular software interrupts as follows:
• Interrupt redirection does not happen when in VME mode; the interrupt is
  handled by a protected-mode handler.
• The virtual-8086 mode IOPL checks do not occur. The interrupt is taken without
  faulting at any IOPL level."

That's how debuggers work. That's also the concept of certain anti-debugging
techniques. Since the 0xCC code is injected by Debuggers before an instruction,
the CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) Value of the code also changes. Some
Antidebugging techniques encrypt the program with a key which is the CRC value
of the program. When a program is being debugged, its CRC value changes and with
the result the program doesn't get decrypted.
Such methods are effective in stopping amateur wannabe hackers from
understanding their code but its not foolproof and an expert hacker can get past
this technique with ease.

So much for what '0xCC' is. But why is it placed before the First Procedure in
VB Programs?
I've found no answer to that so far. This wastes a lot of space in a program.

If you try to disassemble a Console Program written in Visual C++, you'll find
many instructions which set parts of the stack to the '0xCC' value. You will
also find 0xCC bytes scattered across the disassembled listing.

If only Visual Studio was Open Source, we could have seen the code generation
code and come up with an answer and improve the code generation code too.
I hope you also realise why Open Source is slowly gaining momentum.

3) The 0x90 Byte

Here is the description taken directly from Intel's Software Developers Manual
Volume 2 : Instruction Set Reference.

"Performs no operation. This instruction is a one-byte instruction that takes up
space in the instruction stream but does not affect the machine context,
except the EIP register.
The NOP instruction is an alias mnemonic for the XCHG EAX, EAX instruction."

This byte is injected into serial generation/checking procedures by amateur
hackers where the protection mechanism is weak. This is known as bit-hacking.
Sadly enough, bit-hacking STILL works for defeating plenty of today's Commercial
Applications. Guess they never realised the importance for code-security.

While writing programs in Assembly Language, if you use Forward Referencing in a
few situations or use a wrong Jump Instruction to jump to certain addresses,
chances are quite bright that the Assembler will fill in some bytes with the NOP
As a result, having the presence of the 0x90 Instruction in your code is
considered bad programming.

But again, I see no reason why the 0x90 Byte is present in Visual BASIC.
Removing such entries will reduce the executable size drastically.

Programs like VBDE rely on such Procedure Signatures to identify where a
procedure is present.


Let us start by analyzing the procedure in portions.
First the Procedure opens the Stack Frame. Then it allocates 12 Bytes on the
stack for the Destructor and other variables. ( We shall see the Destructor in
detail after a short while. )
Then it allocates Dynamic Resources and calls the Zombie_AddRef Function.

What does the Zombie_AddRef Function do? It Takes the Object Reference.
In this function the parent object (in this case Form) is passed as a parameter
and uses AddRef to increment reference count of the object (instantiation).
Since COM objects are responsible for their lifetime, the resources they use are
allocated until the reference count is 0, when it reaches 0 the objects enter
zombie state & can be deallocated to free resources.
Refer COM object management documentation for more detailed information.

Right after the call of the Zombie_AddRef Function there are MOV instructions
which assigns values to many variables. That follows a reference to the "Ssup"
string followed by a call to the rtcMsgbox procedure.

Why does it seem so wierd? Shouldn't it simply call the rtcMsgbox Function?

Let us find out why in a little more interesting manner.
Intuition tells us that no matter what the function does, it will end up calling
the MessageBoxA or the MessageBoxW Function. So let's set a breakpoint on the
MessageBoxA and MessageBoxW Functions.

To do that, start OllyDebug and load the Executable file by pressing F3.
After the program is loaded, press Alt+E to open the Executable Modules Window.
Double click USER32.DLL to open the disassembled listing of the User32.dll file.
From there press Ctrl+N to open the Imports/Exports Window. Then Scroll over
till you see the MessageBoxA and MessageBoxW Functions. Click them one at a time
and press F2 to set a breakpoint.

Now press F9 to run the program. The Application should open. Click the
CommandButton. Now instead of the Debugger halting at a breakpoint of MessageBox,
the MessageBox comes up without any halt to the Debugger.

Why does this happen? Does this mean that rtcMsgBox has a seperate copy of the
MessageBox code within itself? Though it seems like a possible reason, it is
unlikely to happen as Microsoft Developers built the Windows API so that they
could be reused for performance. So that means that some API Function is called
which displays the MessageBox.
So let us try another experiment. In the same Imports/Exports Section of
User32.dll we see 2 more MessageBox functions which are MessageBoxIndirectA and
MessageBoxIndirectW. Let's try setting a breakpoint on both these Messages.

After the breakpoint is set, press F9, and click the Command Button.
This time, the Debugger halts at the MessageBoxIndirectA function.
Interesting isn't it? All Visual BASIC Applications which use the Msgbox()
Function are actually calls to MessageBoxIndirectA and not MessageBox as thought.

This is an important characteristic. So the Next time you set a breakpoint on
the MessageBox function and the debugger halts at a breakpoint, you can be
pretty sure that someone has used the MessageBox() API Directly by consulting
the API Text Viewer for the VB Declaration.

Let us now see the prototype of the MessageBoxIndirect() API Function.

Private Declare Function MessageBoxIndirect Lib "user32" Alias
"MessageBoxIndirectA" (lpMsgBoxParams As MSGBOXPARAMS) As Long

Only One Parameter? So then how is the Message Body and Title passed to the
Function? For that we'll need to see the declaration of the MSGBOXPARAMS

    cbSize As Long
    hwndOwner As Long
    hInstance As Long
    lpszText As String
    lpszCaption As String
    dwStyle As Long
    lpszIcon As String
    dwContextHelpId As Long
    lpfnMsgBoxCallback As Long
    dwLanguageId As Long
End Type

This suggests that the required parameters are assigned to variables and the
reference to that object is passed to that function.
So That suggests that the many MOV instructions found before the rtcMsgbox call
are used to initialise the MSGBOXPARAMS Structure.

To confirm our doubt, let's compare the MOV instructions with the code found
before the MessageBoxIndirect function is called.

  mov     edx, [eax]
  mov     [ebp+hWnd.lpszText], ecx
  mov     ecx, [eax+8]
  mov     eax, [eax+0Ch]
  push    esi
  push    ebx
  test    ah, 40h
  mov     [ebp+hWnd.hInstance], edi
  mov     [ebp+hWnd.lpszIcon], edi
  mov     [ebp+hWnd.lpfnMsgBoxCallback], edi
  mov     [ebp+hWnd.cbSize], 28h
  mov     [ebp+hWnd.hwndOwner], edx
  mov     [ebp+hWnd.lpszCaption], ecx
  mov     [ebp+hWnd.dwStyle], eax
  mov     [ebp+hWnd.dwLanguageId], edi
  jz      short loc_734A6133
  mov     [ebp+hWnd.lpfnMsgBoxCallback], offset sub_734A6098


  mov     esi, ds:MessageBoxIndirectA
  lea     eax, [ebp+hWnd]
  push    eax             ; LPMSGBOXPARAMSA
  call    esi ; MessageBoxIndirectA

Interesting to see that....Isn't it?

Next comes the __vbaFreeVarList Function. From its name we can see that it
deallocates the address of a certain number of variables. This function actually
does no work except call the __vbaFreeVar Function multiple number of times.

Let us see how both functions work.

__vbaFreeVar              : Frees a Temporary Variable.

__vbaFreeVar accepts only 1 Argument, which is the address of the variable to be
deleted. This argument is ALWAYS passed through ECX.
Uses the API Function __imp_SysFreeString()[Ordinal Number 6] from OLEAUT32.DLL
that carries out the actual deallocation of a variable.

__vbaFreeVarList          : Frees Temporary Variables.

Have a look at this Snippet:

                 lea     ecx, [ebp+var_54]  ; Variable 1 stored in ecx
                 lea     edx, [ebp+var_44]  ; Variable 2 => edx
                 push    ecx                ; Variable 1 pushed
                 lea     eax, [ebp+var_34]  ; Variable 3 => eax
                 push    edx                ; Variable 2 pushed
                 lea     ecx, [ebp+var_24]  ; Variable 4 => ecx
                 push    eax                ; Variable 3 pushed
                 push    ecx                ; Variable 4 pushed
                 push    4                  ; Free 4 Temp. Variables
                 call    ds:__vbaFreeVarList

The code is pretty easy to understand. This function frees temporary variables
that are passed as arguments to it.Interestingly each memory location is
16 bytes wide.
This is an interesting function as it can accept variable arguments.
It's equivalent function call in C would be:

where its declaration would be:

int __vbaFreeVarList(int NUMBER_OF_VARIABLES_TO_FREE,<addresses of the vars>...)
   // CODE

If we analyse the code of __vbaFreeVarList, we actually find multiple calls of
__vbaFreeVar. Have a look at the source code of __vbaFreeVarList.

                 public __vbaFreeVarList
__vbaFreeVarList proc near

arg_0           = dword ptr  4
arg_4           = dword ptr  8
arg_8           = dword ptr  0Ch

                 mov     ecx, [esp+arg_4]     ; Address of Variable to delete
                 push    esi                  ; Saves value of esi
                 lea     esi, [esp+4+arg_8]   ; esi = Address of Next Variable
                 call    __vbaFreeVar         ; function call
                 mov     eax, [esp+arg_4]     ; eax gets value of num of
                                              ; variables to be freed
                 cmp     eax, 1               ; If eax<=1 then
                 jbe     short freed_all_vars ; jump to end of function.
                 push    edi                  ; Value of edi is saved on stack
                 lea     edi, [eax-1]         ; edi=eax-1

             ; THIS IS A WHILE LOOP :  while(edi){ /*CODE*/ }
                 mov     ecx, [esi]          ; ecx=Address of Variable to Delete
                 add     esi, 4              ; esi = Address of Next Variable
                 call    __vbaFreeVar        ; function call
                 dec     edi                 ; edi--;
                 jnz     short loop_start    ; Jump to beginning of the loop if
                                             ; edi is not ZERO.
                                             ; Well Written Code.No need for a
                                             ; CMP Instruction as DEC
                                             ; Instruction affects the ZERO Flag
                 pop     edi                 ; Value of edi is restored.

                 pop     esi                 ; Value of esi is restored.
                 retn                        ; Return to the calling function
ENGINE:7352009D __vbaFreeVarList endp

As you can see, __vbaFreeVarList uses a while loop to free each variable one by
one using the __vbaFreeVar Function.
Notice that the address of the variable to be freed is stored in ECX always.
You can disassemble the __vbaFreeVar Function to confirm that.

Now let us see what happens when after the MessageBox is shown.
This is the most interesting part.

After the MessageBox is displayed, a clean up code is executed that deallocates
all the variables used in the entire procedure. Have a look at these statements
in the Command1_Click() Code.

                 push    offset continue_after_jump
                 jmp     short fake_a_call_instr
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

                     ; code

This is the 'CALL-Simulation' instruction. If you recall, before a call function
is executed, the processor pushes the location of the instructions which are
supposed to receive control after execution of a function is over.
VB instead of issuing a call instruction simulates it using the push, jmp and
retn instructions. It is small sections of code like this that reduce Visual
BASIC's efficiency and performance.

Let us still see why this is done.

The CALL-Simulation Instruction calls the MSVBM60.Zombie_Release function.
This is the destructor code. Doesn't that remind you of something?
The instruction
    mov     [ebp+var_8], offset destructor
contains the offset of the destructor code. But is this so?
Double-click on the 'offset destructor' text and you'll land up here.

destructor      dd 80005h, offset loc_401A7E, 0, offset loc_401A85, 102825FFh

Hmm...this contains more offsets? By simply double-clicking the offsets you land
up at the destructor code again. That's why the CALL simulation code is used so
that the destructor code looks like its an inline function.

If you're more curious, you can also double-click the 'exception_handler' text
to see where that leads to.

Well, after a long journey into the Command1_Click() Procedure, we're finally
done analyzing it.

From this point onwards, I shall explain only the important section of code
rather than explain such intricate details once again.

Let us proceed further.
This Time let us create a Visual BASIC Application using only a module.
We shall use the Main Subroutine.

Use this code:

Sub Main()
    MsgBox "Ssup"
End Sub

What you will realise that the Procedure code is an exact copy of the code we
dealt with earlier. This means that Form Procedures and Module Procedures are
treated alike. This also means that the Command Button code procedure had no
chance of using any information of the Form Object.

Let's take another example.


Create a form without any controls. The code in the form module is as follows:

Private Sub Form_Load()
    If "Sanchit" <> InputBox("ssup") Then
        MsgBox "wrong"
        MsgBox "Right"
    End If
End Sub

The resultant code is shown below (after stripping unimportant instructions)

Form_Load       proc near

                ; Variables and Arguments shown

        push    ebp
        mov     ebp, esp
        sub     esp, 0Ch
        push    (offset vba_exception_handler+1)
        mov     eax, large fs:0
        push    eax
        mov     large fs:0, esp
        sub     esp, 0F0h
        push    ebx
        push    esi
        push    edi
        mov     [ebp+var_C], esp
        mov     [ebp+var_8], offset destructor
        mov     eax, [ebp+arg_0]
        mov     ecx, eax
        and     ecx, 1
        mov     [ebp+var_4], ecx
        and     al, 0FEh
        push    eax
        mov     [ebp+arg_0], eax
        mov     edx, [eax]
        call    dword ptr [edx+4] ; Zombie_AddRef()
        xor     eax, eax
        mov     ebx, 80020004h
        mov     edi, 0Ah
        ; code...

        lea     edx, [ebp+var_98]
        lea     ecx, [ebp+var_28]

        ; MOV [var],register Instructions

        mov     [ebp+var_90], offset aSsup ; "ssup"
        mov     [ebp+var_98], 8
        call    ds:__vbaVarDup
        lea     eax, [ebp+var_88]
        push    offset aSanchit ; "Sanchit"

        lea     ecx, [ebp+var_78]
        push    eax
        lea     edx, [ebp+var_68]
        push    ecx
        lea     eax, [ebp+var_58]
        push    edx
        lea     ecx, [ebp+var_48]
        push    eax
        lea     edx, [ebp+var_38]
        push    ecx
        lea     eax, [ebp+var_28]
        push    edx
        push    eax

        call    ds:rtcInputBox
        mov     edx, eax
        lea     ecx, [ebp+var_18]
        call    ds:__vbaStrMove
        push    eax
        call    ds:__vbaStrCmp
        mov     esi, eax
        lea     ecx, [ebp+var_18]
        neg     esi
        sbb     esi, esi
        neg     esi
        neg     esi
        call    ds:__vbaFreeStr
        lea     ecx, [ebp+var_88]
        lea     edx, [ebp+var_78]
        push    ecx
        lea     eax, [ebp+var_68]
        push    edx
        lea     ecx, [ebp+var_58]
        push    eax
        lea     edx, [ebp+var_48]
        push    ecx
        push    edx
        lea     eax, [ebp+var_38]
        lea     ecx, [ebp+var_28]
        push    eax
        push    ecx
        push    7
        call    ds:__vbaFreeVarList
        add     esp, 20h
        mov     [ebp+var_50], ebx
        test    si, si
        mov     [ebp+var_58], edi
        mov     [ebp+var_40], ebx
        mov     [ebp+var_48], edi
        mov     [ebp+var_30], ebx
        mov     [ebp+var_38], edi
        jz      short jump_if_right
        lea     edx, [ebp+var_98]
        lea     ecx, [ebp+var_28]
        mov     [ebp+var_90], offset aWrong ; "wrong"
        mov     [ebp+var_98], 8
        call    ds:__vbaVarDup
        lea     edx, [ebp+var_58]
        lea     eax, [ebp+var_48]
        push    edx
        lea     ecx, [ebp+var_38]
        push    eax
        push    ecx
        lea     edx, [ebp+var_28]
        push    0
        push    edx
        call    ds:rtcMsgBox
        lea     eax, [ebp+var_58]
        lea     ecx, [ebp+var_48]
        push    eax
        lea     edx, [ebp+var_38]
        push    ecx
        lea     eax, [ebp+var_28]
        push    edx
        push    eax
        jmp     short free_up_resources
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

        lea     edx, [ebp+var_98]
        lea     ecx, [ebp+var_28]
        mov     [ebp+var_90], offset aRight ; "Right"
        mov     [ebp+var_98], 8
        call    ds:__vbaVarDup
        lea     ecx, [ebp+var_58]
        lea     edx, [ebp+var_48]
        push    ecx
        lea     eax, [ebp+var_38]
        push    edx
        push    eax
        lea     ecx, [ebp+var_28]
        push    0
        push    ecx
        call    ds:rtcMsgBox
        lea     edx, [ebp+var_58]
        lea     eax, [ebp+var_48]
        push    edx
        lea     ecx, [ebp+var_38]
        push    eax
        lea     edx, [ebp+var_28]
        push    ecx
        push    edx


        push    4
        call    ds:__vbaFreeVarList
        add     esp, 14h
        mov     [ebp+var_4], 0
        push    offset call_emulate
        jmp     short jump_as_a_call
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
        lea     ecx, [ebp+var_18]
        call    ds:__vbaFreeStr
        lea     eax, [ebp+var_88]
        lea     ecx, [ebp+var_78]
        push    eax
        lea     edx, [ebp+var_68]
        push    ecx
        lea     eax, [ebp+var_58]
        push    edx
        lea     ecx, [ebp+var_48]
        push    eax
        lea     edx, [ebp+var_38]
        push    ecx
        lea     eax, [ebp+var_28]
        push    edx
        push    eax
        push    7
        call    ds:__vbaFreeVarList
        add     esp, 20h
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

        mov     eax, [ebp+arg_0]
        push    eax
        mov     ecx, [eax]
        call    dword ptr [ecx+8] ; Zombie_Release()
        mov     eax, [ebp+var_4]
        mov     ecx, [ebp+var_14]
        pop     edi
        pop     esi
        mov     large fs:0, ecx
        pop     ebx
        mov     esp, ebp
        pop     ebp
        retn    4
Form_Load       endp

Let us first see the Prototype of the InputBox Function
Function InputBox(Prompt As String, Title As String, Default as String , _
         xpos As Long , ypos As Long, helpfile As String ,context As Long ) _
         As String

If we disassemble the MSVBM60.DLL File and scroll over to the rtcInputBox
function, we can confirm this from the prototype that IDA provides us.

Most of the code is irrelevant to us but the important chunk of code of the
function (which took me quite some time to find) is given below:

                 push    edi         ; Context Pushed
                 push    ebx         ; HelpFile Pushed
                 push    [ebp+arg_8] ; ypos Pushed
                 push    [ebp+arg_C] ; xpos Pushed
                 push    eax         ; Default pushed
                 push    ecx         ; Title Pushed
                 push    edx         ; Prompt pushed

                 call    sub_7349DC68    ; Function that causes Inputbox
                                 ; At this point EAX contains the entered string

                 push    [ebp+arg_4]     ; BSTR
                 mov     edi, eax
                 call    esi ; __imp_SysFreeString
                 push    [ebp+arg_0]     ; BSTR
                 call    esi ; __imp_SysFreeString
                 push    [ebp+var_4]     ; BSTR
                 call    esi ; __imp_SysFreeString
                 push    [ebp+var_1C]    ; BSTR
                 call    esi ; __imp_SysFreeString
                 mov     eax, edi        ; Sets EAX to the Return Value
                 pop     edi
                 pop     esi
                 pop     ebx
                 leave                   ; Close Stack Frame
                 retn    1Ch             ; Returns from here

In the first portion of the code, the push instructions push all the seven
parameters to the function that creates the InputBox Dialogbox. I know that with
the current example that I'm disassembling, it's not quite possible to believe
that all the push instructions stand for what I've mentioned. So what you can do
is disassemble the following code given below and set a breakpoint on the PUSH
instructions in the MSVBM60.DLL File using OllyDebug or SoftIce.

str1 = InputBox("This is prompt","This is Title","Default-Val",10,20, _

With this you can actually verify the contents of the push instruction to
confirm what I've written.

Now, after the call instruction you can see a PUSH instruction pushing the
contents of a variable. This is a parameter for the SysFreeString Function.

Next is a MOV instruction transferring the contents of the EAX register into EDI.
EAX at this point of time contains the address of the String that we filled in
the Text Box. This is done to save the value of EAX.

Then the SysFreeString Function is called. This function takes 1 argument which
is the string that needs to be deallocated. This function does not return any
value after execution.

Did you notice something stupid?
If the SysFreeString Function does not return any value, then why were the
contents of EAX saved in EDI? And why is there a need to have a MOV EAX , EDI
What a waste of precious bytes.

This is deploring code generated by Visual C++ 6.0 Compiler (which was used to
write the MSVBM60.DLL File) and since Visual BASIC programs use this routine, it
results in slow, sluggish programs.
And this is just one function...imagine what would happen if we analyzed all of

Anyway, the original contents of the registers are restored, the stack frame is
closed (with LEAVE) and the function returns after adding 0x1C bytes to ESP.

Now let's have a look at this code portion.

        call    ds:rtcInputBox
        mov     edx, eax
        lea     ecx, [ebp+var_18]
        call    ds:__vbaStrMove
        push    eax
        call    ds:__vbaStrCmp
        mov     esi, eax
        lea     ecx, [ebp+var_18]
        neg     esi
        sbb     esi, esi
        neg     esi
        neg     esi
        call    ds:__vbaFreeStr
After the call of rtcInputBox, EAX contains the entered string in the Text Box
of the InputBox dialog. The address of this string is moved to EDX.

Is this done to save the contents of the String for the compare function?
As obvious as it may seem, it is really not like that. Let us see.

The __vbaStrMove function moves a String from one place in memory to another
place. On Analysis of the function code it is found that this function accepts
two arguments and returns one value as shown below:


EDX : Source String
ECX : Destination

RETURNS : Source String. Sets EAX to EDI (which holds value of EDX)

Now we see that by setting the value of EAX to EDX, we are setting the entered
string as a SOURCE string to be copied into another location. This is neat.

Now the Source String is pushed again and the __vbaStrCmp Function is called.
This on first glance looks wierd again. It seems that the StrCmp Function
accepts only one argument. Then what does it compare it with?

If you scroll above you will find a push instruction that pushes the address of
the string "Sanchit" ( push    offset aSanchit ; "Sanchit" )

Such cases remind us that unlike code generated by Pascal and C/C++ compilers,
Visual BASIC functions can have it's arguments pushed anywhere and not right
before the function call.
Keep this thing in mind when you set out to disassemble your own Visual BASIC

Now after the Comparing function returns its value via the EAX register, it is
copied to ESI.

Then the LEA instruction is used to load the address of a variable in the ECX
register. Now since we are aware of VB's tricks we know that this is a parameter
to the __vbaFreeStr function. You should notice that the same variable which
held the value of the entered string is now being passed to this function to
deallocate it as its not required after the comparison has been done.

Now let's talk about this code fragment:

        neg     esi
        sbb     esi, esi
        neg     esi
        neg     esi
        call    ds:__vbaFreeStr
The NEG statement's actual use is to change the sign of a number for example,
from 3 to -3.

But this one has an indirect use. This Instruction affects many flags. But the
one it is meant for is the Carry Flag (CF) which is used in the next SBB
Instruction.If ESI is equal to 0 then CF is reset to 0 and otherwise is set to 1.

Now the SBB Instruction stands for  Subtraction with Borrow. In this case it can
be translated to this:
ESI = ESI - (ESI + CF);

This is where the previous NEG instruction comes into picture.

The next two NEG instructions are of no use. You can take this as another
example to show why VB code is slow.
Following this is the __vbaFreeStr Function which deallocates space for a string

Now you might wonder that if comparison has been performed, then why isn't there
any JUMP instruction?
If you keep reading the code you will find the TEST and JUMP Instructions after
the seven variables used have been cleared. These instructions are found
together in C/C++ and Pascal programs but in Visual BASIC this isn't always the

That's why Visual BASIC programs take up more time for analysis compared to C
and Pascal programs.

I'm not discussing the rest of the code as it has been covered in the previous

Now let's discuss a Hack-tip.
This type of String Comparision protection is used in many popular Shareware
Removing such protection isn't much of a job and I'll discuss a cleaner way to
hack this protection.

Remember the two useless NEG instructions before the __vbaFreeStr Function call?
Since these instructions are of no practical use, we can replace these two bytes
with XOR ESI, ESI which consumes only 2 bytes. That way the TEST instruction
would always result in ZERO making control jump always to the Msgbox("Right")

A lot of Hackers use such 'useless' code to implement such hacking techniques.


This isn't exactly the end of the tutorial. I'd rather say that it is the end
for now. This topic is vast and I'm trying to include explanation and analysis
of all Visual BASIC functions. If I plan to release this tutorial with all
functions inclusive, it's going to take a lot of time.
So i've decided to post this tutorial first and keep updating it every 15 to 20
days. You can check the LAST UPDATED Section in the beginning of the Tutorial to
see how recently this tutorial has been updated.
Keep checking for updated versions every month.

I hope you've enjoyed my tutorial as I've put in a lot of hard work and time on
writing this.

Since I haven't come across any Books or Articles on this subject, I don't quite
know what exactly is expected from my tutorial. I would appreciate it if you
could email me suggestions and comments on this tutorial.
I may not be able to reply to every email, but I do read each one of them.



In the next update of this tutorial, I plan to give an explanation of which
function is called when a certain Visual BASIC function is called. I then
analyze the function, it's parameters and return value, methods to improve the
function and much more.


-> MSDN (msdn.microsoft.com)

-> "VISUAL BASIC REVERSED - A decompiling approach" by Andrea Geddon.
    LINK (might be dead) : http://www.uploading.com/?get=8XO86WZN


وطنم ای عشق همیشگی من ایران زمین

شقایق ها گل میکنن دوباره عاشق میشن...........قصه عشق وطن رو به غنچه هاشون میگن

(آخرین ویرایش در این ارسال: ۲۰-دى-۱۳۸۹, ۰۹:۲۳:۴۰، توسط mohamadpk.)
۲۰-دى-۱۳۸۹, ۰۹:۲۳:۱۱
تشکر شده توسط : Di Di

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