** class FTP
** rev 2013-08-07 Mark Kintigh
** Common class to interface with an FTP server
** ______________________________________________________________________________
** $this->server == FTP server's name
** $this->logon_user == User name for the FTP logon
** $this->logon_pswd == User name's password for the FTP logon
** $this->transfer_mode == Current/default transfer mode for FTP file transfers
** $this->lconnected() == Returns the current status of the FTP connection
** $this->connect(["server", 'user", "password]) == Returns if a connection to
** the FTP server was successful. Optionally, a new server, user name, and
** password can be given
** $this->pasivemode(<true/false>) == Set the passive mode for the FTP connection;
** true = passive, false = active.
** $this->close() == Attempts to close the connection to the FTP server
** $this->makedir("directory") == Attempts to create a directory on the remote
** FTP host. This will create an entire path of folders if necessary.
** Returns the success or failure of the attempt.
** $this->lpwd() == Returns the local, present working directory
** $this->pwd() == Returns the remote (FTP), present working directory
** $this->lcd("directory") == Attempts to change the local directory; returns the
** success or failure
** $this->cd("directory") == Attempts to change the remote directory; returns the
** success or failure
** $this->isdir("directory") == Returns if the given name is a directory or not;
** this can be the full path or relative to the present working directory
** $this->dir(["new directory"]) == Returns an array of file and folder names
** from the FTP server (empty array if error/not connected/etc). Optionally
** a new folder path can be given
** $this->dirfind($filespecs) == Returns an array of files and folder names from
** the FTP server that match the given file specifications (empty array if
** error/not connected/etc)
** $this->dirdetails(["directory"]) == Returns an array of arrays with details
** about each of the directory entries. The subarray contains the following:
** [x]['name'] == File/directory name for this entry
** [x]['dir'] == T/F; true = subdirectory, false = file
** [x]['size'] == Human readable version of the file size (blank if
** directory)
** [x]['chmod'] == Unix permissions (blank if Windows server)
** [x]['date'] == Date of the file
** [x]['raw'] == the raw array of information that the above was built
** from
** Optionally a new folder path can be given
** $this->get($filename[,$mode=NULL]) == Attempt to download a file. The file
** name can contain a path as well. Optionally the transfer mode is give.
** $this->mget($filespecs[, $mode=NULL]) == Attempt to download a group of files
** from server. The file name can contain a path as well. Optionally the
** transfer mode is give.
** $this->getdir($path[, $recursive=true[, $mode=NULL]]) == Attempts to download
** an entire directory from an FTP server. Optionally you can download just
** the files in the first folder or (default) the entire tree. You can also
** change/set the download mode as well.
** $this->getdirfilter($path[[[, $fliter="*"[, $recursive=true[, $mode=NULL]]])
** Attempts to download a list of files matching a given pattern from a
** directory from an FTP server. Optionally you can download just the files
** in the first folder or (default) the entire tree. You can also change/set
** the download mode as well.
** $this->put($filename[, $dest=""[,$mode=NULL]]) == Attempts to upload a single
** file to the FTP server. Optionally it will upload it in a destination
** directory. You can also change/set the upload mode as well.
** $this->mput($filespecs="*"[, $dest=""[, $mode=NULL]]) == Attempts to upload a
** file(s) to the FTP server. Optionally it will upload it in a destination
** directory. You can also change/set the upload mode as well.
** $this->putdir($srcdir[, $destdir=""[, $mode=NULL]]) == Attempts to upload a
** folder to the FTP server. Optionally it will upload it in a destination
** directory. You can also change/set the upload mode as well.
** $this->del($file) == Attempts to delete a file on the FTP host. Returns
** success or failure.
** $this->deldir($dir) == Attempts to delete a folder on the FTP host. Returns
** success or failure.
** $this->exists($path) == Checks to see if a file exists. Returns T/F.
** $this->existsdir($path) == Checks to see if a file or folder exists. Returns
** T/F.
** $this->movetoserver($file[, $dest=""[, $mode=NULL]]) == Combines the tasks of
** uploading a file, verifying it was uploading, then removing it from the
** local server. Returns success or failure.
** $this->movefromserver($file[, $mode=NULL]) == Combines the tasks of downloading
** a file, verifying it was downloaded, then removing it from the FTP server.
** Returns success or failure.
** $this->rename($oldname, $newname) == Will attempt to rename the given file on
** the remote host to a new name. Returns success / failure.
** $this->chmod($mode, $filename) == Will attempt to set permissions on a file on
** the host. Returns success or failure. This ONLY works on a Linux/UNIX
** host because it call the external "chmod" command to set these values.
** Limitations on how the mode is passed depends on the FTP host; best bet is
** to use the 3 octal numbers instead of something like "u+rw,g+w,o+r".
** $this->translatecommand($commandline) == Will attempt to translate the string
** into the operation for this class and execute it -- used for translating
** scripts. Returns success or failure.
class FTP {
// Public variables
public $server = "";
public $logon_user = "";
public $logon_pswd = "";
public $transfer_mode = FTP_BINARY;
// Private, global variables
private $lconnected = false;
private $conn;
private $port = 21;
public function __construct($newserver="", $newuser="", $newpswd="") {
$this->server = trim($newserver);
$this->logon_user = trim($newuser);
$this->logon_pswd = trim($newpswd);
private function checkforport() {
// Check the set server's name for a port number (standard
// "ftp.some.com:2121" configuration)
if(strpos($this->server, ":")>-1) {
$a = split(":", $this->server, 2);
$this->server = trim($a[0]);
$this->port = intval($a[1])>0 ? intval($a[1]) : 21;
private function connected() {
// Return the current status of the FTP connection
return $this->lconnected;
public function connect($newserver="", $newuser="", $newpswd="") {
// Attempt to connect to an FTP server
// __________
// If the 3 optional parameters are all set, change to the new server
if(strlen(trim($newserver))>0 && strlen(trim($newuser))>0 &&
strlen(trim($newpswd))>0) {
$this->server = trim($newserver);
$this->logon_user = trim($newuser);
$this->logon_pswd = trim($newpswd);
// If there is already an open connection close it
if($this->lconnected) $this->close();
// Try to connect to the FTP server and then try to login
$this->conn = ftp_connect($this->server, $this->port);
$result = ftp_login($this->conn, $this->logon_user, $this->logon_pswd);
if(!$this->conn || !$result) {
$this->lconnected = false;
return false;
} else {
$this->lconnected = true;
return true;
public function pasivemode($isPassive=true) {
// Set the passive mode for the connection
if(!$this->lconnected) return false;
return ftp_pasv($this->conn, $isPassive);
public function close() {
// If there is a connection open close it
if($this->conn) {
$this->lconnected = false;
public function makedir($dirname) {
if(!$this->lconnected) return false;
$pwd = $this->pwd();
$cur = $pwd;
// Determine if this is just creating one folder or a series of folders
$temp = str_replace("\\","/",$dirname);
// If the path start with the root, then change out the path to root
if(substr($temp,0,1)=="/") {
$temp = substr($temp,1);
$cur = "/";
if(strpos($temp,"/")>-1) {
// Has a full path, so verify that the folders exist or create the
// desired folder
$ret = true;
// For each of the parts
foreach(split("/",$temp) as $part) {
// Add this part to the current path
$cur .= "/$part";
// Try to change to the folder
if(!$this->cd($cur)) {
// It did not change, so try to create the folder
if(ftp_mkdir($this->conn, $cur)) {
// Successfully created the folder, so change to it
} else {
// Fail the creation of the path
$ret = false;
// Return to the original folder and return the results
return $ret;
} else {
// Just try to create the folder
return ftp_mkdir($this->conn, $dirname);
public function lpwd() {
// Return local present working directory
return getcwd();
public function pwd() {
// Return the remote present working directory
if(!$this->lconnected) return "";
return ftp_pwd($this->conn);
public function lcd($ldir) {
// Local change directory; return success/faliure
if(is_dir($ldir)) {
return @chdir($ldir);
} else {
return false;
public function cd($rdir) {
// Change the remote directory, if possible, and return
// success/failure
if(!$this->lconnected) return false;
return @ftp_chdir($this->conn, $rdir);
public function isdir($foldername) {
// Check to see if the given folder name is a directory. If
// it fails the first time, try again after adding the present
// working directory
if(!$this->lconnected) return false;
$pwd = $this->pwd();
$ret = $this->cd($foldername);
if(!$ret) {
$tmp = "$pwd/$foldername";
$ret = $this->cd($foldername);
return $ret;
public function dir($newdir="") {
if(!$this->lconnected) return array();
$pwd = $this->pwd();
// If the user wants a different directory, try to change to
// that directory
if(strlen(trim($newdir))>0) {
if($this->cd($newdir)) {
$pwd = $this->pwd();
$list = ftp_nlist($this->conn, $pwd);
// Strip the path off of the file names
for($x=0; $x<count($list); $x++) {
$list[$x] = substr($list[$x], strlen($pwd));
// Remove any leading "\" and "/" characters
$list[$x] = substr($list[$x],1);
$list[$x] = substr($list[$x],1);
return $list;
public function dirfilter($filespecs="*.*") {
if(!$this->lconnected) return array();
$pwd = $this->pwd();
$list = @ftp_nlist($this->conn, "$pwd/" . trim($filespecs));
// Strip the path off of the file names
for($x=0; $x<count($list); $x++) {
$list[$x] = substr($list[$x], strlen($pwd));
// Remove any leading "\" and "/" characters
$list[$x] = substr($list[$x],1);
$list[$x] = substr($list[$x],1);
return $list;
public function dirdetails($newdir="") {
if(!$this->lconnected) return array();
$pwd = $this->pwd();
// If the user wants a different directory, try to change to
// that directory
if(strlen(trim($newdir))>0) {
if($this->cd($newdir)) {
$pwd = $this->pwd();
$list = ftp_rawlist($this->conn, $this->pwd(), false);
$ret = array();
if(empty($list)) return $ret;
foreach($list as $fil) {
$info = array(
if(strpos("0123456789",substr($fil,0,1))>-1) {
// Windows FTP host
$split = preg_split("/[\s]+/", $fil);
if(count($split)>3) {
$split = preg_split("/[\s]+/", $fil, 4);
$info['name'] = str_replace(":", "", trim($split[3]));
if(strcmp("<DIR>",trim($split[2]))==0) {
$info['dir'] = true;
} else {
$info['dir'] = false;
$info['size'] = $this->byteconvert($split[2]);
$info['date'] = strtotime(str_replace("-","/", "{$split[0]} "
. str_replace("P"," P",
str_replace("A"," A",strtoupper($split[1])))));
$info['raw'] = $split;
} elseif(strlen(trim($fil))>0) {
// UNIX FTP host
$split = preg_split("/[\s]+/", $fil);
if(count($split)>8) {
$split = preg_split("/[\s]+/", $fil, 9);
$info['name'] = trim($split[8]);
$info['dir'] = ($split[0]{0}=='d');
$info['size'] = $this->byteconvert($split[4]);
$info['chmod'] = $this->chmodnum($split[0]);
$info['date'] = strtotime("{$split[6]} {$split[5]} {$split[7]}");
$info['raw'] = $split;
if(strlen(trim($info['name']))>0) {
// Strip the path off of the file names
return $ret;
private function stringMatchWithWildcard($source,$pattern) {
$pattern = preg_quote($pattern,'/');
$pattern = str_replace( '\*' , '.*', $pattern);
return preg_match( '/^' . $pattern . '$/i' , $source );
public function dirdetailsfilter($filespecs="*", $newdir="") {
if(!$this->lconnected) return array();
$pwd = $this->pwd();
// If the user wants a different directory, try to change to
// that directory
if(strlen(trim($newdir))>0) {
if($this->cd($newdir)) {
$pwd = $this->pwd();
$list = ftp_rawlist($this->conn, $this->pwd(), false);
$ret = array();
if(empty($list)) return $ret;
foreach($list as $fil) {
$info = array(
if(strpos("0123456789",substr($fil,0,1))>-1) {
// Windows FTP host
$split = preg_split("/[\s]+/", $fil);
if(count($split)>3) {
$split = preg_split("/[\s]+/", $fil, 4);
$info['name'] = str_replace(":", "", trim($split[3]));
if(strcmp("<DIR>",trim($split[2]))==0) {
$info['dir'] = true;
} else {
$info['dir'] = false;
$info['size'] = $this->byteconvert($split[2]);
$info['date'] = strtotime(str_replace("-","/", "{$split[0]} "
. str_replace("P"," P",
str_replace("A"," A",strtoupper($split[1])))));
$info['raw'] = $split;
} elseif(strlen(trim($fil))>0) {
// UNIX FTP host
$split = preg_split("/[\s]+/", $fil);
if(count($split)>8) {
$split = preg_split("/[\s]+/", $fil, 9);
$info['name'] = trim($split[8]);
$info['dir'] = ($split[0]{0}=='d');
$info['size'] = $this->byteconvert($split[4]);
$info['chmod'] = $this->chmodnum($split[0]);
$info['date'] = strtotime("{$split[6]} {$split[5]} {$split[7]}");
$info['raw'] = $split;
if($this->stringMatchWithWildcard(trim($info['name']), $filespecs)) {
// Strip the path off of the file names
return $ret;
private function byteconvert($bytes) {
$symbol = array('B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB');
$exp = floor( log($bytes) / log(1024) );
return @sprintf( '%.2f ' . $symbol[ $exp ],
($bytes / pow(1024, floor($exp))) );
private function chmodnum($chmod) {
$trans = array('-' => '0', 'r' => '4', 'w' => '2', 'x' => '1');
$chmod = substr(strtr($chmod, $trans), 1);
$array = str_split($chmod, 3);
return array_sum(str_split($array[0])) . array_sum(str_split($array[1]))
. array_sum(str_split($array[2]));
public function get($filename,$mode=NULL) {
if(!$this->lconnected) return false;
// Check to see if the user wants to use a specific transfer method,
// otherwise assume that they want to use the class' default mode
$usemode = $this->transfer_mode;
if($mode==FTP_BINARY || $mode==FTP_ASCII) $usemode = $mode;
// Check to see if there is a path as part of the file name and, if so,
// split off the file name to use it as the local file name too
if(strpos($filename,"\\")>-1) {
$parts = explode("\\",$filename);
$localname = array_pop($parts);
} elseif(strpos($filename,"/")>-1) {
$parts = explode("/",$filename);
$localname = array_pop($parts);
} else {
$localname = $filename;
// Try to get the file
if(ftp_get($this->conn, $localname, $filename, $usemode)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public function mget($filespecs, $mode=NULL) {
if(!$this->lconnected) return false;
$pwd = $this->pwd();
$remotepath = $pwd;
// Check to see if the user wants to use a specific transfer method,
// otherwise assume that they want to use the class' default mode
$usemode = $this->transfer_mode;
if($mode==FTP_BINARY || $mode==FTP_ASCII) $usemode = $mode;
// Check to see if there is a path as part of the file specs and, if so,
// split off the filespecs and the folder path
if(strpos($filespecs,"\\")>-1) {
$parts = explode("\\",$filename);
$localspecs = array_pop($parts);
$remotepath = implode("\\",$parts);
} elseif(strpos($filespecs,"/")>-1) {
$parts = explode("/",$filename);
$localspecs = array_pop($parts);
$remotepath = implode("/",$parts);
} else {
$localspecs = $filespecs;
// The the present working directory on the FTP server is not the same as
// the desired location, try to change to that folder. If that does not
// work then exit with failure here (not accessable/does not exist).
if(strcmp($pwd,$remotepath)!=0) if(!$this->cd($remotepath)) return false;
// Process each of the files
$success = 0;
$found = 0;
foreach($this->dirdetailsfilter($localspecs, $remotepath) as $info) {
// If this is NOT a folder
if(!$info['dir']) {
if($this->get($info['name'], $usemode)) {
// The the present working directory on the FTP server is not the same as
// the desired location, try to return to the old directory.
if(strcmp($pwd,$remotepath)!=0) $this->cd($pwd);
// Determine what to return
// * If nothing found, return -1
// * If found = success, return 1
// * Otherwise, return 0
if($found==0) {
return -1;
} elseif($found==$success) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
function getdir($path, $recursive=true, $mode=NULL) {
if(!$this->lconnected) return false;
$pwd = $this->pwd();
$ret = true;
// Check to see if the user wants to use a specific transfer method,
// otherwise assume that they want to use the class' default mode
$usemode = $this->transfer_mode;
if($mode==FTP_BINARY || $mode==FTP_ASCII) $usemode = $mode;
$parts = explode("/", str_replace("\\","/",$path));
// Stip the desired folder name off of the given path
$foldername = array_pop($parts);
if(!is_dir($foldername)) mkdir($foldername);
if($this->lcd($foldername)) {
// What kind of get is this -- single folder or recursive
if($recursive) {
if($this->cd($path)) {
// In the subfolder, so read the directory
$files = $this->dirdetails();
foreach($files as $fil) {
if($fil['dir']==true) {
// This is a folder, so recursively call the function
// __________
// 1 -- get the current local path
// 2 -- recursively call this function
// 3 -- return to the current remote path
// 4 -- return to the local path before the recursion
$olddir = $this->lpwd();
$this->getdir($path . "/" . trim($fil['name']),
$recursive, $usemode);
} else {
// Download the file
if(!$this->get($path . "/" . $fil['name'], $usemode)) {
$ret = false;
} else {
// Could not change to the desired path on the FTP server, so
// this operation has failed
} else {
// Just download the files in the given folder; this will recreate
// the folder name in the current path. If it already exists it will
// just add files to the existing folder.
if($this->cd($path)) {
// In the subfolder, so read the directory
$files = $this->dirdetails();
foreach($files as $fil) {
// If this entry is not a directory...
if($fil['dir']==false) {
// ...download the file
if(!$this->get($fil['name'], $usemode)) {
$ret = false;
} else {
// Could not change to the desired path on the FTP server, so
// this operation has failed
} else {
// Could not change to the desired path on the local machine, so
// this operation has failed
// Return to the original path
return $ret;
function getdirfilter($path, $fliter="*", $recursive=true, $mode=NULL) {
if(!$this->lconnected) return false;
$pwd = $this->pwd();
$ret = true;
// Check to see if the user wants to use a specific transfer method,
// otherwise assume that they want to use the class' default mode
$usemode = $this->transfer_mode;
if($mode==FTP_BINARY || $mode==FTP_ASCII) $usemode = $mode;
$parts = explode("/", str_replace("\\","/",$path));
// Stip the desired folder name off of the given path
$foldername = array_pop($parts);
if(!is_dir($foldername)) mkdir($foldername);
if($this->lcd($foldername)) {
// What kind of get is this -- single folder or recursive
if($recursive) {
if($this->cd($path)) {
// In the subfolder, so read the directory
$files = $this->dirdetailsfilter($fliter);
if(!empty($files)) {
foreach($files as $fil) {
if($fil['dir']==true) {
// This is a folder, so recursively call the function
// __________
// 1 -- get the current local path
// 2 -- recursively call this function
// 3 -- return to the current remote path
// 4 -- return to the local path before the recursion
$olddir = $this->lpwd();
$this->getdirfilter($path . "/" . trim($fil['name']),
$fliter, $recursive, $usemode);
} else {
// Download the file
if(!$this->get($path . "/" . $fil['name'], $usemode)) {
$ret = false;
} else {
// Nothing matched
} else {
// Could not change to the desired path on the FTP server, so
// this operation has failed
} else {
// Just download the files in the given folder; this will recreate
// the folder name in the current path. If it already exists it will
// just add files to the existing folder.
if($this->cd($path)) {
// In the subfolder, so read the directory
$files = $this->dirdetails();
foreach($files as $fil) {
// If this entry is not a directory...
if($fil['dir']==false) {
// ...download the file
if(!$this->get($fil['name'], $usemode)) {
$ret = false;
} else {
// Could not change to the desired path on the FTP server, so
// this operation has failed
} else {
// Could not change to the desired path on the local machine, so
// this operation has failed
// Return to the original path
return $ret;
public function put($filename, $dest="",$mode=NULL) {
if(!$this->lconnected) return false;
$pwd = $this->pwd();
// Check to see if the user wants to use a specific transfer method,
// otherwise assume that they want to use the class' default mode
$usemode = $this->transfer_mode;
if($mode==FTP_BINARY || $mode==FTP_ASCII) $usemode = $mode;
// Check to see if there was a destination location given. If so, change
// to that location. If that fails, return to the present working
// directory and return false.
if(strlen($dest)>0) {
if(!$this->cd($dest)) {
return -1;
// Check to see if there is a path as part of the file name and, if so,
// split off the file name to use it as the local file name too
if(strpos($filename,"\\")>-1) {
$parts = explode("\\",$filename);
$localname = array_pop($parts);
} elseif(strpos($filename,"/")>-1) {
$parts = explode("/",$filename);
$localname = array_pop($parts);
} else {
$localname = $filename;
// Try to put the file
$ret = false;
if(ftp_put($this->conn, $localname, $filename, $usemode)) {
return false;
return $ret;
public function mput($filespecs="*", $dest="", $mode=NULL) {
if(!$this->lconnected) return false;
$lpwd = $this->lpwd();
$localpath = $lpwd;
$pwd = $this->pwd();
// Check to see if the user wants to use a specific transfer method,
// otherwise assume that they want to use the class' default mode
$usemode = $this->transfer_mode;
if($mode==FTP_BINARY || $mode==FTP_ASCII) $usemode = $mode;
// Check to see if there was a destination location given. If so, change
// to that location. If that fails, return to the present working
// directory and return false.
if(strlen($dest)>0) {
if(!$this->cd($dest)) {
return -1;
// Check to see if there is a path as part of the file name and, if so,
// split off the file name to use it as the local file name too.
if(strpos($filespecs,"\\")>-1) {
$parts = explode("\\",$filespecs);
$localspecs = array_pop($parts);
$localpath = implode("\\", $parts);
} elseif(strpos($filespecs,"/")>-1) {
$parts = explode("/",$filespecs);
$localspecs = array_pop($parts);
$localpath = implode("/", $parts);
} else {
$localspecs = $filespecs;
// The the present working directory on the local server is not the same as
// the desired location, try to change to that folder. If that does not
// work then exit with failure here (not accessable/does not exist).
if(strcmp($lpwd,$localpath)!=0) if(!$this->lcd($localpath)) return -1;
// Process each of the files
$success = 0;
$found = 0;
$list = glob($filespecs);
if(empty($list)) return 0;
foreach($list as $srcfile) {
if(!is_dir($srcfile)) {
if($this->put($srcfile, $usemode)) $success++;
// The the present working directory on the local server is not the same as
// the desired location, try to return to the old directory.
if(strcmp($lpwd,$localpath)!=0) $this->lcd($lpwd);
// Determine what to return
// * If nothing found or an error, return -1
// * If found = success, return 1
// * Otherwise, return 0
if($found==0) {
return -1;
} elseif($found==$success) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
public function putdir($srcdir, $destdir="",$mode=NULL) {
if(!$this->lconnected) return false;
$ret = true;
$pwd = $this->pwd();
// Check to see if the user wants to use a specific transfer method,
// otherwise assume that they want to use the class' default mode
$usemode = $this->transfer_mode;
if($mode==FTP_BINARY || $mode==FTP_ASCII) $usemode = $mode;
// Check to see if there was a destdirination location given. If so, change
// to that location. If that fails, return to the present working
// directory and return false.
if(strlen($destdir)>0) {
if(!$this->cd($destdir)) {
return -1;
// Try to put the folder
// __________
// Load the source directory
$local = dir($srcdir);
$target = strlen(trim($destdir))>0 ? trim($destdir) : $pwd;
while($file = $local->read()) {
// Ignore . and .. (prevents a loop)
if($file != "." && $file!="..") {
if(is_dir("$srcdir/$file")) {
// This is a directory
if(!$this->cd("$target/$file")) {
// Try to create the new folder
if(!$this->makedir("$target/$file")) {
// If the folder was not made, fail here and do
// not try to upload this folder
$ret = false;
} else {
// Recursively call this function to add the files
$this->putdir("$srcdir/$file", "$target/$file",
} else {
// Recursively call this function to add the files
$this->putdir("$srcdir/$file", "$target/$file",
} else {
// Try to upload the file to the server
if(!$this->put("$srcdir/$file", "$target", $usemode)) {
$ret = false;
return $ret;
public function del($file) {
if(!$this->lconnected) return false;
if(strpos($file,"*")>-1 || strpos($file,"?")>-1) {
// Name has wildcards, so delete multiple files
$pwd = $this->pwd();
$remotepath = $pwd;
// Check to see if there is a path as part of the file specs and, if so,
// split off the filespecs and the folder path
if(strpos($file,"\\")>-1) {
$parts = explode("\\",$file);
$localspecs = array_pop($parts);
$remotepath = implode("\\",$parts);
} elseif(strpos($file,"/")>-1) {
$parts = explode("/",$file);
$localspecs = array_pop($parts);
$remotepath = implode("/",$parts);
} else {
$localspecs = $file;
// Get a list of matching files
$list = $this->dirdetailsfilter($localspecs);
$ret = true;
foreach($list as $fil) {
if(!$fil['dir']) {
if(!$this->del($fil['name'])) {
$ret = false;
return $ret;
} else {
// Just removing one file
return ftp_delete($this->conn, $file);
public function deldir($dir) {
if(!$this->lconnected) return false;
if(strlen(trim($dir))<1) return false;
$pwd = $this->pwd();
// Make sure the folder exists
$ret = true;
$dir = str_replace("\\","/",$dir);
if(substr($dir,0,1)!="/") $dir = "$pwd/$dir";
if(!$this->existsdir($dir)) return false;
if(!(@ftp_rmdir($this->conn, $dir) || @ftp_delete($this->conn, $dir))) {
// If this fails, then the folder has files in it still
$list = @ftp_nlist($this->conn, $dir);
// Call this function again for each of the entries within this folder
foreach($list as $name) {
if($name !="." && $name!="..") {
if(!$this->deldir($name)) $ret = false;
// Try removing this folder again
if(!$this->deldir($dir)) $ret = false;
if(!$this->cd($pwd)) $this->cd("/");
return $ret;
public function exists($path) {
// File existance check
if(!$this->lconnected) return false;
$list = $this->dirdetails($path);
$ret = count($list)>0 ? true : false;
return $ret;
public function existsdir($path) {
// File or folder existance check
if(!$this->lconnected) return false;
$path = str_replace("\\","/",$path);
if($path == "/") return true;
$parts = split("/",$path);
$last = array_pop($parts);
$base = implode("/", $parts);
$list = $this->dirdetailsfilter($last, $base);
$ret = count($list)>0 ? true : false;
return $ret;
public function movetoserver($file, $dest="", $mode=NULL) {
if(!$this->lconnected) return false;
// Try to put the file on the host
$ret = $this->put($file,$dest,$mode);
// If the put operation was successful, delete the file
if($ret) unlink($file);
return $ret;
public function movefromserver($file, $mode=NULL) {
if(!$this->lconnected) return false;
// Try to get the file from the server
$ret = $this->get($file,$mode);
// If the get operation was successful, delete the file from the FTP host
if($ret) $this->del($file);
return $ret;
public function rename($oldname, $newname) {
if(!$this->lconnected) return false;
// Call the native rename command and return its results
return ftp_rename($this->conn, $oldname, $newname);
public function chmod($mode, $filename) {
if(!$this->lconnected) return false;
$mod = trim($mode);
$fil = str_replace("\\","/",trim($filename));
return ftp_site($this->conn, "chmod $mod $fil");
public function translatecommand($commandline) {
$commandline = trim(str_replace("\\", "/", $commandline));
if(strlen($commandline)<1) return false;
// Ignore comment lines
if(substr($commandline,0,1)=="#") return true;
$commandline = $this->replacetokens($commandline);
// Process the actual FTP command
$ret = false;
$parts = split(" ", $commandline, 2);
echo var_dump($parts) . "\n";
if(isset($parts[0])) {
switch(trim($parts[0])) {
case 'chmod':
$list = split(" ", $parts[1], 2);
$mod = isset($list[0]) ? trim($list[0]) : "";
$fil = isset($list[1]) ? trim($list[1]) : "";
if(strlen($mod)>0 && strlen($fil)>0) {
$ret = $this->chmod($mod, $fil);
} else {
$ret = false;
case 'ren':
case 'rename':
$list = split(" ", $parts[1], 2);
$old = isset($list[0]) ? trim($list[0]) : "";
$new = isset($list[1]) ? trim($list[1]) : "";
if(strlen($old)>0 && strlen($new)>0) {
$ret = $this->rename($old, $new);
} else {
$ret = false;
case 'put':
$ret = $this->put($parts[1]);
case 'mput':
$list = split(" ", $parts[1]);
foreach($list as $s) {
if($this->mput($s)) $ret = true;
case 'mget':
$list = split(" ", $parts[1]);
foreach($list as $s) {
if($this->mget($s)) $ret = true;
case 'mkdir':
if($this->conn) {
$ret = $this->makedir($parts[1]);
} else {
$ret = false;
case 'mget':
$ret = $this->mget($parts[1]);
case 'get':
$ret = $this->get($parts[1]);
case 'rmdir':
$ret = $this->deldir($parts[1]);
case 'mdel':
case 'mdelete':
$list = split(" ", $parts[1]);
foreach($list as $s) {
if($this->del($s)) $ret = true;
case 'del':
case 'delete':
$ret = $this->del($parts[1]);
case 'lcd':
$ret = $this->lcd($parts[1]);
case 'cd':
$ret = $this->cd($parts[1]);
case 'binary':
$this->transfer_mode = FTP_BINARY;
$ret = true;
case 'ascii':
$this->transfer_mode = FTP_ASCII;
$ret = true;
case 'close':
case 'quit':
case 'bye':
$ret = true;
return $ret;
private function replacetokens($cmd) {
$ret = $cmd;
$ret = str_replace("%d%", date("d",strtotime("now")), $ret);
$ret = str_replace("%D%", date("D",strtotime("now")), $ret);
$ret = str_replace("%j%", date("j",strtotime("now")), $ret);
$ret = str_replace("%l%", date("l",strtotime("now")), $ret);
$ret = str_replace("%N%", date("N",strtotime("now")), $ret);
$ret = str_replace("%S%", date("S",strtotime("now")), $ret);
$ret = str_replace("%w%", date("w",strtotime("now")), $ret);
$ret = str_replace("%z%", date("z",strtotime("now")), $ret);
$ret = str_replace("%W%", date("W",strtotime("now")), $ret);
$ret = str_replace("%F%", date("F",strtotime("now")), $ret);
$ret = str_replace("%m%", date("m",strtotime("now")), $ret);
$ret = str_replace("%M%", date("M",strtotime("now")), $ret);
$ret = str_replace("%n%", date("n",strtotime("now")), $ret);
$ret = str_replace("%t%", date("t",strtotime("now")), $ret);
$ret = str_replace("%L%", date("L",strtotime("now")), $ret);
$ret = str_replace("%o%", date("o",strtotime("now")), $ret);
$ret = str_replace("%Y%", date("Y",strtotime("now")), $ret);
$ret = str_replace("%y%", date("y",strtotime("now")), $ret);
$ret = str_replace("%a%", date("a",strtotime("now")), $ret);
$ret = str_replace("%A%", date("A",strtotime("now")), $ret);
$ret = str_replace("%B%", date("B",strtotime("now")), $ret);
$ret = str_replace("%g%", date("g",strtotime("now")), $ret);
$ret = str_replace("%G%", date("G",strtotime("now")), $ret);
$ret = str_replace("%h%", date("h",strtotime("now")), $ret);
$ret = str_replace("%H%", date("H",strtotime("now")), $ret);
$ret = str_replace("%i%", date("i",strtotime("now")), $ret);
$ret = str_replace("%s%", date("s",strtotime("now")), $ret);
$ret = str_replace("%u%", date("u",strtotime("now")), $ret);
$ret = str_replace("%e%", date("e",strtotime("now")), $ret);
$ret = str_replace("%I%", date("I",strtotime("now")), $ret);
$ret = str_replace("%O%", date("O",strtotime("now")), $ret);
$ret = str_replace("%P%", date("P",strtotime("now")), $ret);
$ret = str_replace("%T%", date("T",strtotime("now")), $ret);
$ret = str_replace("%Z%", date("Z",strtotime("now")), $ret);
$ret = str_replace("%c%", date("c",strtotime("now")), $ret);
$ret = str_replace("%r%", date("r",strtotime("now")), $ret);
$ret = str_replace("%U%", date("U",strtotime("now")), $ret);
$ret = str_replace("%LONGDATE%", date("l, F j, Y", strtotime("now")),
$ret = str_replace("%SHORTDATE%", date("n/j/Y",strtotime("now")), $ret);
$ret = str_replace("%LONGTIME%", date("g:i:s A", strtotime("now")), $ret);
$ret = str_replace("%SHORTTIME%", date("H:i:s",strtotime("now")), $ret);
$ret = str_replace("%DATESTAMP%", strtotime("now"), $ret);
return $ret;