کد بالا ورودی و خروجی با فایل
// CPP program for Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN) Scheduling
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
// Defining process details
struct process {
char name;
int at, bt, ct, wt, tt;
int completed;
float ntt;
} p[10];
int n;
// Sorting Processes by Arrival Time
void sortByArrival()
struct process temp;
int i, j;
// Selection Sort applied
for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
for (j = i + 1; j < n; j++) {
// Check for lesser arrival time
if (p[i].at > p[j].at) {
// Swap earlier process to front
temp = p[i];
p[i] = p[j];
p[j] = temp;
int main()
// Create a text string, which is used to output the text file
string myText;
// Create and open a text file
ofstream MyFile("report.txt");
int i, j, t, sum_bt = 0;
char c;
float avgwt = 0, avgtt = 0;
n = 5;
int imm=0;
// predefined arrival times
//int arriv[] = { 1, 2, 4, 22, 0 };
//initialie the array size
int arriv[4];
ifstream is("input.txt");
int cnt= 0;
int x;
// check that array is not already full
while (cnt < arriv[4] && is >> x)
// and read integer from file
arriv[cnt++] = x;
// predefined burst times
int burst[] = { 3, 6, 4, 5, 2 };
// Initializing the structure variables
for (i = 0, c = 'A'; i < n; i++, c++) {
p[i].name = c;
p[i].at = arriv[i];
p[i].bt = burst[i];
// Variable for Completion status
// Pending = 0
// Completed = 1
p[i].completed = 0;
// Variable for sum of all Burst Times
sum_bt += p[i].bt;
// Sorting the structure by arrival times
MyFile << "Name " << " Arrival Time " << " Burst Time " << " Waiting Time "
<< " TurnAround Time " << " Normalized TT" ;
for (t = p[0].at; t < sum_bt;) {
// Set lower limit to response ratio
float hrr = -9999;
// Response Ratio Variable
float temp;
// Variable to store next processs selected
int loc;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
// Checking if process has arrived and is Incomplete
if (p[i].at <= t && p[i].completed != 1) {
// Calculating Response Ratio
temp = (p[i].bt + (t - p[i].at)) / p[i].bt;
// Checking for Highest Response Ratio
if (hrr < temp) {
// Storing Response Ratio
hrr = temp;
// Storing Location
loc = i;
// Updating time value
t += p[loc].bt;
// Calculation of waiting time
p[loc].wt = t - p[loc].at - p[loc].bt;
// Calculation of Turn Around Time
p[loc].tt = t - p[loc].at;
// Sum Turn Around Time for average
avgtt += p[loc].tt;
// Calculation of Normalized Turn Around Time
p[loc].ntt = ((float)p[loc].tt / p[loc].bt);
// Updating Completion Status
p[loc].completed = 1;
// Sum Waiting Time for average
avgwt += p[loc].wt;
MyFile << "\n" << p[loc].name <<"\t" << p[loc].at;
MyFile << "\t\t" << p[loc].bt <<"\t\t"<< p[loc].wt;
MyFile <<"\t\t"<< p[loc].tt <<"\t\t"<< p[loc].ntt;
MyFile << "\nAverage waiting time: " << avgwt / n << endl;
MyFile <<"Average Turn Around time:"<< avgtt / n;
//This code is contributed by shivi_Aggarwal