امتیاز موضوع:
  • 1 رأی - میانگین امتیازات: 5
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project of FPGA calculator
نویسنده پیام
86kourosh آفلاین
تازه وارد

ارسال‌ها: 3
موضوع‌ها: 1
تاریخ عضویت: بهمن ۱۳۸۹

تشکرها : 0
( 0 تشکر در 0 ارسال )
ارسال: #1
project of FPGA calculator
man ye proje peida kardam az internet dar morede mashin hesabe sade hast. mikhastam age momkene ye tozihe koli dar morede in kodha behem bedin va aya in kodha amale shift ro anjam midan???man niaz be ye projeye fpga daram ke ye mahsin hesabe sade bashe va amaliate zarb jam tafrig tagsim and or not va shift right ve shift left dashte bashe aya mitunin komakam konin?ye barname peida kardam ba tagirat ruye in mishe?che tagirati?kesi age mitune lotfan komakam kone forsate ziadi nadaram.mamnun
library IEEE;

entity calc1 is
Port ( Clk : in std_logic;
Switches : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
Buttons : in std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
Result : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0));
end calc1;

architecture Behavioral of calc1 is
Signal Q0,Q1,Q2,Q3: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others=>'0');
Signal S: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
Signal S3S2S1S0: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
Signal D,B,T: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal Old_buttons: std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
T <= Switches;
B <= (others=>'0');
Result <= Q0;

process( clk)
variable One_pulses: std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
if rising_edge( Clk) then
Old_buttons <= Buttons;
One_pulses := not Old_buttons and Buttons;
case One_pulses is
when "0000001" => S <= "01"; S3S2S1S0 <= "0000"; -- Enter
when "0000010" => S <= "10"; S3S2S1S0 <= "0000"; -- Pop
when "0000100" => S <= "11"; S3S2S1S0 <= "0001"; -- +
when "0001000" => S <= "11"; S3S2S1S0 <= "0010"; -- -
when "0010000" => S <= "11"; S3S2S1S0 <= "0100"; -- *
when "0100000" => S <= "11"; S3S2S1S0 <= "1000"; -- /
when "1000000" => S <= "11"; S3S2S1S0 <= "1111"; -- XOR
when others => S <= "00"; S3S2S1S0 <= "0000"; -- nop
end case;
end if;
end process;

process( Clk)
if rising_edge( Clk) then
case S is
When "00" => Null;
When "01" => Q3<=Q2; Q2<=Q1; Q1<=Q0; Q0<=T;
When "10" => Q0<=Q1; Q1<=Q2; Q2<=Q3; Q3<=B;
When "11" => Q0<=D; Q1<=Q2; Q2<=Q3; Q3<=B;
When others => Null;
end case;
end if;
end process;

process( S3S2S1S0, Q1, Q0)
case S3S2S1S0 is
when "0001" => D <= Q1+Q0;
when "0010" => D <= Q1-Q0;
when "0100" => D <= Q1(3 downto 0) * Q0(3 downto 0);
-- When "1000" => D <= Q1/Q0; -- This one tricky - make a ROM
when "1111" => D <= Q1 xor Q0;
when others => D <= (others=>'0');
end case;
end process;
end Behavioral;

Added after 6 minutes:

could anyone explain about this code since this program is about RPN calculator which i;m not familiar with

library IEEE;

entity calc1 is
Port ( Clk : in std_logic;
Switches : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
Buttons : in std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
Result : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0));
end calc1;

architecture Behavioral of calc1 is
Signal Q0,Q1,Q2,Q3: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others=>'0');
Signal S: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
Signal S3S2S1S0: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
Signal D,B,T: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal Old_buttons: std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
T <= Switches;
B <= (others=>'0');
Result <= Q0;

process( clk)
variable One_pulses: std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
if rising_edge( Clk) then
Old_buttons <= Buttons;
One_pulses := not Old_buttons and Buttons;
case One_pulses is
when "0000001" => S <= "01"; S3S2S1S0 <= "0000"; -- Enter
when "0000010" => S <= "10"; S3S2S1S0 <= "0000"; -- Pop
when "0000100" => S <= "11"; S3S2S1S0 <= "0001"; -- +
when "0001000" => S <= "11"; S3S2S1S0 <= "0010"; -- -
when "0010000" => S <= "11"; S3S2S1S0 <= "0100"; -- *
when "0100000" => S <= "11"; S3S2S1S0 <= "1000"; -- /
when "1000000" => S <= "11"; S3S2S1S0 <= "1111"; -- XOR
when others => S <= "00"; S3S2S1S0 <= "0000"; -- nop
end case;
end if;
end process;

process( Clk)
if rising_edge( Clk) then
case S is
When "00" => Null;
When "01" => Q3<=Q2; Q2<=Q1; Q1<=Q0; Q0<=T;
When "10" => Q0<=Q1; Q1<=Q2; Q2<=Q3; Q3<=B;
When "11" => Q0<=D; Q1<=Q2; Q2<=Q3; Q3<=B;
When others => Null;
end case;
end if;
end process;

process( S3S2S1S0, Q1, Q0)
case S3S2S1S0 is
when "0001" => D <= Q1+Q0;
when "0010" => D <= Q1-Q0;
when "0100" => D <= Q1(3 downto 0) * Q0(3 downto 0);
-- When "1000" => D <= Q1/Q0; -- This one tricky - make a ROM
when "1111" => D <= Q1 xor Q0;
when others => D <= (others=>'0');
end case;
end process;
end Behavioral;

(آخرین ویرایش در این ارسال: ۰۳-بهمن-۱۳۸۹, ۱۷:۳۹:۲۳، توسط 86kourosh.)
۰۳-بهمن-۱۳۸۹, ۱۷:۳۶:۴۲
رسول غایب

ارسال‌ها: 2,458
موضوع‌ها: 237
تاریخ عضویت: دى ۱۳۸۸

تشکرها : 15003
( 20196 تشکر در 5767 ارسال )
ارسال: #2
RE: project of FPGA calculator
سلام دوست عزیز

خیلی خوش اومدین Happy

از انتخاب شما سپاسگذاریم Clap

لطفا سعی کنید فارسی بنویسید تا بیشتر بشه بهتون کمک کرد Wink

ممنون Heart
۰۳-بهمن-۱۳۸۹, ۲۰:۲۹:۳۹
86kourosh آفلاین
تازه وارد

ارسال‌ها: 3
موضوع‌ها: 1
تاریخ عضویت: بهمن ۱۳۸۹

تشکرها : 0
( 0 تشکر در 0 ارسال )
ارسال: #3
RE: project of FPGA calculator
من يه پروژه از اينترنت پيدا کردم در مورد ماشين حساب. کدهاشونو براتون مي زارم. من نياز دارم به يه پروژه ماشين حساب ک عمليات ساده رو انجام بده و همچنين عمليات logic & shift right , shift left که از keyboard اعداد وارد شه. با انجام چه تغييراتي رو اين کدها مي تونم به چيزي که مي خوام برسم. ممنون مي شم اگه کمکم کنيد و وقت زياديم ندارم. مرسي
يه سري کد هم پيدا کردم که فکر کنم اين بهتره ولي عمليات logic & shift رو نداره.مي شه کمکم کنيد که اين عمليات رو هم توش جا بدم

library IEEE;

entity calculator is
port(A,B : in integer range 0 to 7;
clk : in bit;
sel : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
Q : out bit_vector(6 downto 0);
An : out bit_vector(3 downto 0));

end calculator;

architecture Behavioral of calculator is
signal sub : integer range 0 to 7;
signal sum : integer range 0 to 14;
signal div : integer range 0 to 7;
signal Mul : integer range 0 to 49;

signal Qsub,Qsum1,Qsum2,Qmul,Qmul2,Qdiv :bit_vector(6 downto 0);
signal minus : bit_vector(6 downto 0);

signal divRemainder:bit_vector(6 downto 0);
signal B1:bit_vector(6 downto 0);

signal clk1: bit;


clkDiv : process
variable count :integer range 0 to 50000000;
wait until clk'event and clk='1';
count := count + 1;
if (count = 50000000) then
count := 0;
elsif (count < 25000000) then
clk1 <= '0';
elsif (count > 25000000) then
clk1 <= '1';
end if;
end process clkDiv;

sub_opration : process(A,B)

if(A>B) then
case sub is
when 0 =>Qsub <="1000000";
when 1 =>Qsub<="1111001";
when 2 =>Qsub<="0100100";
when 3 =>Qsub<="0110000";
when 4 =>Qsub<="0011001";
when 5 =>Qsub<="0010010";
when 6 =>Qsub<="0000010";
when 7 =>Qsub<="1011000";
when others => null;
end case;

case sub is
when 0 =>Qsub<="1000000";
when 1 =>Qsub<="1111001";
when 2 =>Qsub<="0100100";
when 3 =>Qsub<="0110000";
when 4 =>Qsub<="0011001";
when 5 =>Qsub<="0010010";
when 6 =>Qsub<="0000010";
when 7 =>Qsub<="1011000";
when others => null;
end case;
end if;

end process sub_opration;

sum_opration : process(A,B)


case sum is

when 0 =>Qsum1<="1000000";
when 1 =>Qsum1<="1111001";
when 2 =>Qsum1<="0100100";
when 3 =>Qsum1<="0110000";
when 4 =>Qsum1<="0011001";
when 5 =>Qsum1<="0010010";
when 6 =>Qsum1<="0000010";
when 7 =>Qsum1<="1011000";
when 8 =>Qsum1<="0000000";
when 9 =>Qsum1<="0010000";
when 10=>Qsum1<="1000000";
when 11=>Qsum1<="1111001";
when 12=>Qsum1<="0100100";
when 13=>Qsum1<="0110000";
when 14=>Qsum1<="0011001";
when others => null;
end case;

end process sum_opration;

Mul_operation : process(A,B)
variable Remm10:integer range 0 to 9;
variable C1: integer range 1 to 7 :=7;
Mul<= A*B;

if(Mul<10) then
case Mul is
when 0 =>Qmul<="1000000";
when 1 =>Qmul<="1111001";
when 2 =>Qmul<="0100100";
when 3 =>Qmul<="0110000";
when 4 =>Qmul<="0011001";
when 5 =>Qmul<="0010010";
when 6 =>Qmul<="0000010";
when 7 =>Qmul<="1011000";
when 8 =>Qmul<="0000000";
when 9 =>Qmul<="0010000";
when others => null;
end case;

for j in 7 downto 1 loop

if(10*C1<Mul or 10*C1= Mul)then
end if;

end loop;

case Mul is
when 0 =>Qmul2<="1000000";
when 1 =>Qmul2<="1111001";
when 2 =>Qmul2<="0100100";
when 3 =>Qmul2<="0110000";
when 4 =>Qmul2<="0011001";
when 5 =>Qmul2<="0010010";
when 6 =>Qmul2<="0000010";
when 7 =>Qmul2<="1011000";
when 8 =>Qmul2<="0000000";
when 9 =>Qmul2<="0010000";
when others => null;
end case;

case Remm10 is
when 0 =>Qmul<="1000000";
when 1 =>Qmul<="1111001";
when 2 =>Qmul<="0100100";
when 3 =>Qmul<="0110000";
when 4 =>Qmul<="0011001";
when 5 =>Qmul<="0010010";
when 6 =>Qmul<="0000010";
when 7 =>Qmul<="1011000";
when 8 =>Qmul<="0000000";
when 9 =>Qmul<="0010000";
when others => null;
end case;

end if;

end process Mul_operation;

div_operation: process(A,B)
variable C : integer range 1 to 7 :=7;
variable Remm:integer range 0 to 9;

for I in 7 downto 1 loop



Remm:=B*C-A; --the result will display as: div _| Remainder _| B
end if;
end if;

end loop;

case div is
when 0 =>Qdiv<="1000000";
when 1 =>Qdiv<="1111001";
when 2 =>Qdiv<="0100100";
when 3 =>Qdiv<="0110000";
when 4 =>Qdiv<="0011001";
when 5 =>Qdiv<="0010010";
when 6 =>Qdiv<="0000010";
when 7 =>Qdiv<="1011000";
when others => null;
end case;

case Remm is
when 0 =>divRemainder<="1000000";
when 1 =>divRemainder<="1111001";
when 2 =>divRemainder<="0100100";
when 3 =>divRemainder<="0110000";
when 4 =>divRemainder<="0011001";
when 5 =>divRemainder<="0010010";
when 6 =>divRemainder<="0000010";
when 7 =>divRemainder<="1011000";
when others => null;
end case;

case B is
when 0 =>B1<="1000000";
when 1 =>B1<="1111001";
when 2 =>B1<="0100100";
when 3 =>B1<="0110000";
when 4 =>B1<="0011001";
when 5 =>B1<="0010010";
when 6 =>B1<="0000010";
when 7 =>B1<="1011000";
when others => null;
end case;

end process div_operation;

choice : process(clk1,sel)
variable m : integer range 0 to 3 := 0;
if(clk1'event and clk1 = '1') then

case m is
when 0 =>
if(sel = "00") then
Q <= Qsub;
elsif(sel="01") then
elsif(sel="10") then
elsif(sel="11") then
end if;

when 1 =>
if(sel = "00") then
Q <= minus;
elsif(sel="01") then
elsif(sel="10") then
elsif(sel="11") then
Q<="1110011"; -- display _|
end if;

when 2 =>
if(sel="11") then
Q<= divRemainder;
end if;

when 3 =>
if (sel="11") then
Q<= Qdiv;
end if;

end case;
m := m + 1;
end if;
end process choice;
end Behavioral;
(آخرین ویرایش در این ارسال: ۰۳-بهمن-۱۳۸۹, ۲۳:۴۷:۳۱، توسط 86kourosh.)
۰۳-بهمن-۱۳۸۹, ۲۳:۰۰:۴۳
86kourosh آفلاین
تازه وارد

ارسال‌ها: 3
موضوع‌ها: 1
تاریخ عضویت: بهمن ۱۳۸۹

تشکرها : 0
( 0 تشکر در 0 ارسال )
ارسال: #4
RE: project of FPGA calculator
باز يه سري کد جديد پيدا کردم مي شه فرق اين رو با قبليه بگين؟

--- Code for LSU EE 4702 Spring 2001

--- Calculator Example

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
library Std_DevelopersKit;
use Std_DevelopersKit.Std_Regpak.all;

--- Definitions used by calculator code and testbench.

package calc_defs is
type key_t is array ( 5 downto 0 ) of std_logic;

-- These must be initialized by string literals to be used in a case stmt.
constant key_none : key_t := o"00";
constant key_never : key_t := o"01";

constant key_plus : key_t := o"10";
constant key_minus : key_t := o"11";
constant key_times : key_t := o"12";
constant key_divide : key_t := o"13";
constant key_equal : key_t := o"14";
constant key_clear : key_t := o"15";

constant key_0 : key_t := o"20";
constant key_1 : key_t := o"21";
constant key_2 : key_t := o"22";
constant key_3 : key_t := o"23";
constant key_4 : key_t := o"24";
constant key_5 : key_t := o"25";
constant key_6 : key_t := o"26";
constant key_7 : key_t := o"27";
constant key_8 : key_t := o"30";
constant key_9 : key_t := o"31";

end calc_defs;

--- Calculator

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
library Std_DevelopersKit;
use Std_DevelopersKit.Std_Regpak.all;
use work.calc_defs.all;

entity calc is
generic( precision: integer := 32 );
port( display_val : out std_logic_vector ( precision-1 downto 0 );
beep : out std_logic;
key_code : in key_t;
reset : in std_logic;
clk : in std_logic);
end calc;

architecture a1 of calc is

-- Internally used constants for categorizing keys.
constant kty_digit: key_t := o"40";
constant kty_arith: key_t := o"41";

-- Other constants.
constant buffer_max:integer := ( 2 ** precision ) - 1;
constant zero: std_logic_vector ( precision-1 downto 0 ) := ( others => '0' );

type state_t is (st_0N, st_0P, st_0C, st_1N, st_1P);

signal beep_time : std_logic_vector ( 5 downto 0 );
signal beep_ack, beep_req : std_logic;
signal pending_op : key_t;
signal state : state_t;
signal cbuffer, acc : std_logic_vector ( precision-1 downto 0 );

impure function do_op return std_logic_vector is
case pending_op is
when key_plus => return acc + cbuffer;
when key_minus => return acc - cbuffer;
when key_times => return acc * cbuffer;
when key_divide =>
if cbuffer = zero then return zero; else return acc / cbuffer; end if;
when others =>
assert false
report "Error in behavioral description."
severity failure;
return zero; -- Pacify compiler.
end case;
end function;

procedure fatal (constant message:in string) is
report "Error in behavioral description: " & message;
assert false
report "Execution stopping."
severity failure;
end procedure;

-- Set a std_logic_vector signal to zero.
procedure clr (signal a :inout std_logic_vector) is
begin for i in a'range loop a(i) <= '0'; end loop; end;

-- Set a std_logic_vector signal to an integer.
procedure set(signal a: inout std_logic_vector; constant i: in integer) is
begin a <= to_stdlogicvector(i,a'length); end;


display_val <= cbuffer;

-- Turn beep on when command by other process and off when timer
-- reaches zero.
wait until falling_edge(clk);
if reset = '1' then
beep_ack <= '0'; beep <= '0'; clr(beep_time);
elsif ( beep_ack xor beep_req ) = '1' then
beep_ack <= not beep_ack; set(beep_time,20); beep <= '1';
if beep_time /= zero
then beep_time <= beep_time - 1;
else beep <= '0'; end if;
end if;
end process;

variable nl: std_logic;
variable key_type: key_t; -- Key category.
-- Note: next_state a variable because signals updated at end of time step.
variable next_state: state_t;

procedure add_digit is
if cbuffer < buffer_max then
cbuffer <= cbuffer * 10
+ std_logic_vector(key_code) - std_logic_vector(key_0);
end if;
end procedure;

procedure do_beep is
beep_req <= not beep_req;
next_state := state;
end procedure;

procedure do_clear is
clr(acc); clr(cbuffer); next_state := st_0N;
end procedure;

wait until rising_edge(clk);
if reset = '1' then
beep_req <= '0';
nl := '0';
state <= st_0N;
pending_op <= key_never;
elsif key_code = key_none then
nl := '1';
elsif nl = '1' then
nl := '0';

case key_code is

when key_0 | key_1 | key_2 | key_3 | key_4
| key_5 | key_6 | key_7 | key_8 | key_9 =>
key_type := kty_digit;

when key_plus | key_minus | key_times | key_divide =>
key_type := kty_arith;

when others =>
key_type := key_code;

end case ;

case state is

when st_0N =>
case key_type is
when kty_digit => add_digit; next_state := st_0P;
when key_clear => do_clear;
when others => do_beep;
end case;

when st_0P =>
case key_type is
when kty_digit => add_digit; next_state := state;
when kty_arith => pending_op <= key_code;
acc <= cbuffer;
next_state := st_1N;
when key_clear => do_clear;
when others => do_beep;
end case;

when st_0C =>
case key_type is
when kty_digit => clr(cbuffer);
wait for 0 ns;
next_state := st_0P;
when kty_arith => pending_op <= key_code;
acc <= cbuffer;
next_state := st_1N;
when key_clear => do_clear;
when others => do_beep;
end case;

when st_1N =>
case key_type is
when kty_digit => add_digit; next_state := st_1P;
when key_clear => do_clear;
when others => do_beep;
end case;

when st_1P =>
case key_type is
when kty_digit => add_digit; next_state := state;
when key_equal => cbuffer <= do_op; next_state := st_0C;
when kty_arith => acc <= do_op;
pending_op <= key_code;
next_state := st_1N;
when key_clear => do_clear;
when others => do_beep;
end case;

when others =>
fatal("Unknown case.");

end case;

state <= next_state;

end if;

end process;

end a1;

--- Calculator Testbench (Demo, not really a test.)

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
library Std_DevelopersKit;
use Std_DevelopersKit.Std_Regpak.all;
use Std_DevelopersKit.Std_IOpak.all;
use work.calc_defs.all;

entity calctb is end;

architecture a1 of calctb is
constant prec : integer:= 30;
signal display : std_logic_vector ( prec-1 downto 0 );
signal key : key_t;
signal clk, reset, beep : std_logic:= '0';


c:entity work.calc(a1)
generic map (prec)
port map (display,beep,key,reset,clk);

clk <= not clk after 2 ns;

if beep = '1' then
report "Beep starting.";
elsif beep = '0' then
report "Beep finished.";
end if;
end process;

variable initialized: integer:= 0;
type key_array_t is array ( character'low to character'high ) of key_t;
variable to_key: key_array_t;

procedure command (constant cmd: in string) is
variable c: character;


if initialized /= 1 then

for i in to_key'range loop to_key(i) := key_never; end loop;
for i in 0 to 9 loop
to_key( character'val((i+character'pos('0'))) ) :=
key_t(std_logic_vector(key_0) + i);
end loop;

to_key('+'):= key_plus;
to_key('-'):= key_minus;
to_key('/'):= key_divide;
to_key('*'):= key_times;
to_key('='):= key_equal;
to_key('c'):= key_clear;
to_key(' '):= key_none;
to_key(character'val(0)):= key_none;

initialized:= 1;

end if;

for i in cmd'range loop

c:= cmd(i);

wait until rising_edge(clk);
wait until falling_edge(clk);

key <= to_key( c );

wait until rising_edge(clk);
wait until falling_edge(clk);

assert key /= key_never
report "Demo error: illegal key in command: " & to_string© & c
severity failure;

assert key = key_none
report "Key " & c & " Display " & to_string(to_integer(display))
severity note;

wait until rising_edge(clk);
wait until falling_edge(clk);

key <= key_none;

end loop;

end procedure;


reset <= '0';
for i in 0 to 1 loop wait until falling_edge(clk); end loop;
reset <= '1';
for i in 0 to 1 loop wait until falling_edge(clk); end loop;
reset <= '0';
for i in 0 to 1 loop wait until falling_edge(clk); end loop;

command("c 5 c 12 + 34 = ");

command(" 1 + 2 + 3 ++ 4 = - 10 = ");

assert false
report "Done with tests"
severity failure;

end process;

end a1;
۰۴-بهمن-۱۳۸۹, ۰۰:۵۲:۵۹

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  [پروژه] مثال های FPGA درس معماری کامپیوتر aKaReZa75 6 3,157 ۲۶-بهمن-۱۳۹۷, ۱۱:۴۱:۱۷
آخرین ارسال: aKaReZa75
  پروژه های FPGA 1nafar 2 10,369 ۲۰-خرداد-۱۳۹۵, ۱۱:۰۸:۱۰
آخرین ارسال: mahdiakbari000
Shy [آموزشی] بورد آموزشی fpga (اسپارتان 6)همراه با آموزش های کامل فارسی firetooth 4 6,549 ۲۶-مرداد-۱۳۹۴, ۱۰:۵۶:۴۸
آخرین ارسال: firetooth
  دریافت کتب آموزشی FPGA WhiteNoise 20 40,561 ۲۰-مرداد-۱۳۹۴, ۰۰:۵۴:۰۹
آخرین ارسال: salehjg
  اتصال usb به fpga salmon 4 4,593 ۰۸-فروردین-۱۳۹۴, ۲۲:۴۲:۳۹
آخرین ارسال: salmon
  سوال در مورد پیاده سازی fpga khoshchehre13 1 2,258 ۰۶-اسفند-۱۳۹۳, ۲۰:۵۵:۳۴
آخرین ارسال: khoshchehre13
  نرم افزار هاي FPGA sharin 1 5,078 ۰۲-آذر-۱۳۹۲, ۲۳:۱۲:۲۵
آخرین ارسال: microoo
  FPGA به چه دردي مي خوره؟ ha_60 57 45,210 ۲۸-شهریور-۱۳۹۲, ۲۳:۲۵:۲۷
آخرین ارسال: saeed_a_1990
  [سوال] fpga advantage?? farshad1195 1 2,856 ۲۵-اردیبهشت-۱۳۹۲, ۰۰:۵۸:۰۹
آخرین ارسال: sharin
  بازار کار FPGA the_fallen 7 12,968 ۲۳-بهمن-۱۳۹۱, ۱۴:۵۸:۱۲
آخرین ارسال: abbasalifix

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