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BASCOM-AVR Full - Xmega
نویسنده پیام
p3rtic@n آفلاین
کرکر حرفه ای

ارسال‌ها: 78
موضوع‌ها: 25
تاریخ عضویت: مرداد ۱۳۸۹

تشکرها : 5
( 226 تشکر در 64 ارسال )
ارسال: #1
BASCOM-AVR Full - Xmega
ورژن کامل
password: 33739330
ورژن کامل
PS: Under WIN7, right click on the patch and select "run as administrator"
pass: sonsivri
نقل قول:
- config eeprom has a new QUICK mode. (xmega only)
- $hwstack,$swstack and $framesize used with comment like $hwstack=40 '500 resulted in wrong values.
- rc5 background option only worked for 8 Mhz
- config COM , IRDA baud rate calculation fixed.

- version() with parameter 3 will return file name : Print Version(3)

- xmega autoprog will set lock bit last now.

- RS485 (config print) support added to printbin also changed

- rc5.lib added, sponsored by Lumicon, http://www.lumicoin.de , see config rc5, mode=background

- improved usb read handling for quicker flash programming.

- eeprom programming xmega/PDI mode fixed.

- $stackdump added. See also stackdump.bas. Based on code from MWS.

- history.txt is shown once for each new version of the IDE

- ERR is set to 1 when there is not enough frame space. you use frame space when using locals and
passing parameter byval. also a test like : if left(string,3)="value" will use temp space.

- added link to the bascom-avr.xml file location in the Help, About window.

- boot loader samples improved : bblocklocal incremented after a valid block.

- huge memory on Xmega bug fixed : rampX and r12 inside an ISR were not preserved.

- config xram for xmega, fixed bug for sram mode. also, baseadr changed, see help.

- $timeout help updated (it works for SW UART too), and INPUT with $timeout added to SW UART.

- spiinit, will set only miso to output when slave mode is selected.

- w5200 support added.

- W5100 tcp/ip support added.

- w5300 tcp/ip support added.

- xmega : saving watchdog cause in r0 was not implemented. also, the flags were not cleared at start up.

- an updated version of bascomp.exe was not included in the release.

- sample files are now located in users\USER\Documents\MCS Electronics\BASCOM-AVR\Samples

- split screen editor fixed.


- removed backspace from INPUT.

- added M8U2 and M16U2 support

- fixed RTC32 and added new sample from MAK3. See XM256A3BU-RTC32.bas

- STCHECK checking framesize (error 3) did not work. So you could get error 3 while there was no error.

- DTMFOUT did not saved r23 which could lead to erratic behavior for chips with TIMSK in high IO regs.

- documented LCDCMD and LCDDATA

- When adding files in Project Mode, you can select multiple files using CTRL/SHIFT.

- Adding a CONSTANT _CHECKVAL with a value <>0 will test for illegal chars in VAL()
Const _CHECKVAL =1 : Dim S as string * 10 : s = "1234a" : w = val(s) : print ERR

- config clock, gosub=sectic option was sensitive to position.

- user sub/functions calls are protected against interrupts. See $noframeprotect

- xmega config event_system : portA and portB were reversed. ADCB_CH0/ADCB_CH3 would result in a wrong setting too.

- config servos has a new mode to use servos with less system load. this mode works on xmega as well.

- using an overlay array with config base=0, would result in the wrong overlay address.

- full version can run updatewiz from the IDE
- fixed varptr() error
- updated dat files to reflect new atmel web location
- added $xteakey to encrypt the binary file with a 128 bit key. (see help) BETA

- SSD1325 lib updated. fonts were not shown properly (there was a pixel between each line)
- AVR-DOS SDHC driver updated for Xmega and included.
- oled sample included
- modbus slave included
- right margin line can be adjusted.
- DCF77 support added for Xmega

- internal numeric conversion routine will report non-numerical trailing data that was previously ignored (spaces, etc.)
- added support for xmega big memory(8MB), this is still considered a BETA feature.
- added Find in Files option to the IDE.
- changed HWMUL=1 into HWMUL=0 for usb162,usb82,m32u2def
- STOP TIMER1 did not stop timer for tiny25/45/85
- attiny25 adc noise canceler.bas sample added from MAK3
- attiny13A.dat file powermode section corrected.
- .align worked with word address instead of byte address as intended.
- A = &H6000 Or &H8000 resulted in error 51.
- using select case with a string function would only work for the first case.
- RTC32 support added for Xmega

- atmega128RFA1 dat file added.

- attiny85 as SPI SLAVE using USI sample added from MAK3
- data line would not convert a const correct for single/double : const x=12.34 : data x! would fail
- the following code is no longer required for the xmega:
$lib "xmega.lib" : $external _xmegafix_clear : $external _xmegafix_rol_r1014
- CTRL+J will show templates.

- XTEAENCODE and XTEADECODE statements added to encrypt/decrypt using XTEA algo

- added hexval.lib from user MWS. This is an alternative lib for HEXVAL that removes spaces and sets ERR if illegal characters are found
- string() and space() when used with a string array with a variable index : var(varx)=space(x) will result in a memory overwrite, depending on the index and address of the array.
- attiny261/461/861 have one shared interrupt flag for PCINT but 2 individual enable flags. Added to the dat files.
- added BANDGAP=ENABLED|DISABLED to CONFIG ACI. It will only work for chips that support this option(most new chips)
- for external programmer, {CHIP} can be used to specify the device/chip.
- m32M1 missed PCICR register in dat file. The prescale value for timer0 was not correct loaded for config timer0
- [FLAG] section updated. Some chips have combined flag/normal in extended IO space. For example USISR in the M169
These regs need special handling to reset a bit.
- waitus improved. normally an internal sub routine is called but for some xtal values and delays, this is not possible.
in such a case, NOPS are generated. But this can be as much as 14 nops. In such cases a small single byte loop delay is generated.

- INP/OUT support Xmega huge memory

- added Arduino V2 progammer (uses stk500v2 protocol) for M2560 R3

- CONFIG XPIN added for xmega pin setup.

- print bin() used with a long/dword would overflow the internal string buffer. the frame is used now.

- array with negative offset like : ar(constant - var) pointed to the wrong memory. var-constant was no problem.

- added project mode option with explorer. you might need to reset the docking to make it visible.

- ON interrupts accepts SAVE and SAVEALL too. SAVE is the default and used when no parameter is provided.

- 2074 requires an update of the bascomp.exe command line utility

- If writing assembler, please use $ASM..$NO ASM or the !
While asm is cuurently supported without preceding !, it is not allowed in the future.
So this is good:
$end asm
! nop
But this is not good:

- When using CONFIG LCD, use X instead of * : config LCD = 16x2 instead of 16*2
Bother are valid, but the * will become invalid in the future.
- When using parameter options with spaces like PWM A, use underscores instead : PWM_A
Both are valid, but spaces are not allowed in the future.
- use CONFIG POWERMODE instead of the POWER statement. See Help.
- getRc_m128_PINF.lib added for getrc() on M128, portf.
- shiftout option parameter did not allow constants (numeric paramter had to be specified)
- added .align mnemonic to the internal assembler
- m48def.dat, WDVALUE must be : WDVALUE=16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048,4096,8192
- CONFIG TCx , PWM and WAVE modes will automatic set the port direction register for COMPAREx options.
But it also set the other port direction bits to output which was wrong.
- xmega LCD simulation added
- shiftout option parameter did not allow constants (numeric paramter had to be specified)
- xmega uart simulation corrected.
- Editor did not repaint properly in some cases when adding a new line.
- avrisp mkII programmer can write all xmega fusebytes individually.
- config print1|print2|print3 settings were not cleared at the begin of the compilation.
This would give the effect that when used once, the config would remain in effect till the IDE was restarted.
- $FILE would append to the error file instead of overwriting it.
(آخرین ویرایش در این ارسال: ۰۵-آبان-۱۳۹۱, ۱۳:۴۳:۰۱، توسط p3rtic@n.)
۰۴-آبان-۱۳۹۱, ۱۵:۲۶:۴۱
تشکر شده توسط : hadikh73, behzady, gellentf4
hadikh73 آفلاین
مدیــر کـل سایـت

ارسال‌ها: 1,219
موضوع‌ها: 43
تاریخ عضویت: شهریور ۱۳۹۱

تشکرها : 13642
( 14739 تشکر در 4686 ارسال )
ارسال: #2
RE: BASCOM-AVR Full - Xmega
(۰۴-آبان-۱۳۹۱, ۱۵:۲۶:۴۱)p3rtic@n نوشته است: ورژن کامل
فیلتره ادرسه دیگری ندارین

۰۴-آبان-۱۳۹۱, ۱۶:۲۵:۵۶
p3rtic@n آفلاین
کرکر حرفه ای

ارسال‌ها: 78
موضوع‌ها: 25
تاریخ عضویت: مرداد ۱۳۸۹

تشکرها : 5
( 226 تشکر در 64 ارسال )
ارسال: #3
RE: BASCOM-AVR Full - Xmega
(۰۴-آبان-۱۳۹۱, ۱۶:۲۵:۵۶)hadikh73 نوشته است:
(۰۴-آبان-۱۳۹۱, ۱۵:۲۶:۴۱)p3rtic@n نوشته است: ورژن کامل
فیلتره ادرسه دیگری ندارین
باید از V P N یا فیتر شکن استفاده کنی

پسوردم که یادم رفته بود اضافه شد
password: 33739330
۰۴-آبان-۱۳۹۱, ۱۹:۲۰:۵۱
behzady آفلاین
مدیر بازنشسته

ارسال‌ها: 1,169
موضوع‌ها: 57
تاریخ عضویت: آبان ۱۳۹۰

تشکرها : 4094
( 6339 تشکر در 2085 ارسال )
ارسال: #4
RE: BASCOM-AVR Full - Xmega
کرک کار نمیکنه پسر خوب! انگار مال ورژن قدیمی تری هست؟!

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مهاتما گاندی

يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ اسْتَعِينُواْ بِالصَّبْرِ وَالصَّلاَةِ إِنَّ اللّهَ مَعَ الصَّابِرِينَ
۰۴-آبان-۱۳۹۱, ۲۱:۴۹:۴۵
وب سایت ارسال‌ها
p3rtic@n آفلاین
کرکر حرفه ای

ارسال‌ها: 78
موضوع‌ها: 25
تاریخ عضویت: مرداد ۱۳۸۹

تشکرها : 5
( 226 تشکر در 64 ارسال )
ارسال: #5
RE: BASCOM-AVR Full - Xmega
شرمنده لینک ها رو اشتباهی کپی کردم , درستش اینه
۰۵-آبان-۱۳۹۱, ۱۳:۴۲:۳۲
تشکر شده توسط : gellentf4

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