ولي دوست عزيز من به اين برنامه و مدار نياز دارم كجاشو بايد دست كاري كنم كه محدوديتش حذف شه
'** Thermometer, thermostat with Temperature - 0.1°C **
'** The range of supported temperatures of - 55 to +125 °C **
'** Compiler - BASCOM v; Ñontroller - ATmega8; Sensor - DS18B20 **
'** Author - Peter 24.11.2010ã. **
$regfile = "m8def.dat" ' ATmega8
$crystal = 4000000 ' 4 ÌÃö
$hwstack = 80
$swstack = 80
$framesize = 80
Declare Sub Mk_init()
Declare Sub Selectmode()
Declare Sub Thermo_lcd(thermo As Integer)
Declare Sub Thermocontrol(thermo As Integer , Thermosetting As Integer)
Declare Sub Modify_setting_button()
Declare Sub Modify_setting_lcd(thermo As Integer)
Declare Function Read_thermo(thermo As Byte) As Byte
1wire_pin Alias Portd.0 ' The output for the sensor DS18B20.
Button_plus Alias Pind.1 ' Button "+ / current temperature".
Button_minus Alias Pind.2 ' Button "- / settings".
Led_read_1wire Alias Portc.0 ' The output for the LED blinks when data is read from the sensor DS18B20.
Out_thermostat Alias Portc.1 ' Output the thermostat. It connects the load.
Sreaker Alias Portc.2 ' Output to the speaker.
Const Button_delay = 24
Const Button_force_delay = 200 ' The delay in milliseconds. change in long-term retention of digits in service mode buttons.
Const Thermostat_type = 0 ' 0 - thermostat operates in heating, 1 - Cooling.
Const Error_sound_state = 1 ' 1 - beep if an error occurs reading data from the sensor DS18B20.
Const Button_force_time = 2 ' Time in seconds after which to begin a rapid change in the current setting temperature.
Const Thermo_mode_save_time = 8 ' Âðåìÿ â ñåêóíäàõ, ïî ïðîøåñòâèþ êîòîðîãî, áóäóò çàïèñàíû äàííûå î òåêóùåé òåìïåðàòóðå, åñëè íå íàæèìàëàñü íè îäíà êíîïêà.
Const Button_beep_state = 1 ' 1 - îçâó÷èâàòü êëàâèàòóðó
Const Button_mode_time = 4 ' Time in seconds, after which will be recorded in the EEPROM data on the current temperature, if not clicked no button.
Dim Flaginputtermo As Byte ' 1 - the need to poll the sensor DS18B20.
Dim Thermo_mode_state As Byte ' The auxiliary variable used in the translation unit in setting mode.
Dim Button_plus_state As Byte ' The auxiliary variable used in determining when press / release the "+ / current temperature" in service mode.
Dim Button_minus_state As Byte ' The auxiliary variable used in determining when press / release button "- / settings" in the mode.
Dim Button_force_counter As Byte ' Time counter (seconds), after which begins a rapid change in temperature in the installed mode.
Dim Temp_1wirearray(9) As Byte ' In this array of data from the sensor is placed DS18B20
Dim 1wire_array(9) As Byte ' and if no errors, then the data is copied into the array.
Dim Error_thermo_counter As Byte ' Error counter reading from the sensor DS18B20.
Dim Thermo_mode As Byte ' Working hours: 0 - normal operation, 1 - preparing for the transition to a service mode 2 - mode settings.
Dim Thermo_mode_counter As Byte ' Counter counting down the time (in seconds) required to switch to the settings.
Dim Thermo_mode_save_counter As Byte ' Counter, after which the settings will be saved in EEPROM.
Dim Currenttermo As Integer At 1wire_array Overlay ' Current temperature.
Dim Thermo_setting As Integer ' Supported by the thermostat temperature.
Dim Modify_thermo_setting As Integer ' Time value maintained by the thermostat temperature to be used in service mode.
Dim Ee_thermosetting As Eram Integer ' Memory location in EEPROM, which stores the current temperature is maintained.
Config Lcd = 16 * 2 ' Display 2 lines of 16 characters.
Config Lcdbus = 4
Config Lcdmode = Port
Config Lcdpin = Pin , Db4 = Portb.0 , Db5 = Portb.1 , Db6 = Portb.2 , Db7 = Portb.3 , Rs = Portb.4 , E = Portb.5
Config 1wire = 1wire_pin ' The configuration pin of the temperature sensor DS18B20.
Config Led_read_1wire = Output ' The configuration pin output for the LED blinks when data is read from the sensor.
Config Out_thermostat = Output ' The configuration pin for the thermostat output.
Config Sreaker = Output ' The configuration pin for output to speaker, the sender of an emergency.
Config Button_plus = Input ' The configuration pin for the "+ / current temperature".
Config Button_minus = Input ' Configuration pin for a button "- / settings".
Config Timer1 = Timer , Prescale = 64 ' The configuration of the timer Timer1.
On Timer1 Timer1_interrupts
Stop Timer1
Config Watchdog = 2048 ' The configuration of the watchdog response time of about 2 seconds.
Call Mk_init()
Enable Interrupts ' Enable all interrupts.
'************************** Main ***********************************************
Reset Watchdog ' Reset watchdog.
If Flaginputtermo = 1 Then ' Needs to read data from the sensor DS18B20.
Flaginputtermo = 0
If Read_thermo(1wire_array(1)) = 1 Then ' Successful reading of data from the sensor DS18B20.
If Thermo_mode = 0 Then
Call Thermo_lcd(currenttermo) ' The output of the current temperature display.
End If
Call Thermocontrol(currenttermo , Thermo_setting) ' Comparison of current and set temperature and load management.
Error_thermo_counter = 0 ' Reset error counter is read from the sensor DS18B20.
Else ' An error occurred while reading data from the sensor.
If Error_thermo_counter >= 2 Then
#if Error_sound_state = 1
Sound Sreaker , 2000 , 80 ' Alarm.
Sreaker = 0
Sreaker = 0
Error_thermo_counter = 0
Cls : Lcd "Sensor error!"
Thermo_mode = 0
Incr Error_thermo_counter ' If an error occurred reading from DS18B20, but do not exceed the allowable threshold of errors - errors increase the value of the counter.
End If
End If
End If
Call Selectmode() ' Poll button and switch modes.
If Thermo_mode = 2 Then ' Settings mode.
Call Modify_setting_button()
End If
' ***************************** Interrupts *************************************
' Interrupt Timer1 (interrupt occurs approximately once per second).
Flaginputtermo = 1 ' Necessary to interrogate the sensor DS18B20.
If Thermo_mode = 0 And Thermo_mode_state = 1 Then ' Button is pressed and held the entrance to the settings.
If Thermo_mode_counter < 200 Then Incr Thermo_mode_counter ' Counting the time interval required to enter settings.
Elseif Thermo_mode = 2 Then ' Active mode settings.
If Thermo_mode_save_counter < 200 Then Incr Thermo_mode_save_counter ' Counter time before saving settings.
If Button_force_counter < 200 Then Incr Button_force_counter ' Counter times out quickly change the desired temperature for prolonged holding down the button.
End If
' **************************** Subroutine **************************************
' Initialization program.
Sub Mk_init()
Out_thermostat = 0
Sreaker = 0
Error_thermo_counter = 0
Thermo_mode = 0
Thermo_mode_state = 0
Thermo_mode_counter = 0
Thermo_mode_save_counter = 0
Thermo_setting = Ee_thermosetting ' Reading a given temperature from EEPROM memory.
Cursor Off
Deflcdchar 1 , 228 , 234 , 228 , 224 , 224 , 224 , 224 , 224 ' Symbol "°"
Lcd "Thermostat v 1.2"
'Lcd "BASCOM v"
Lcd "Lev-hik@yandex.ru"
If Thermo_setting < -880 Or Thermo_setting > 2000 Then ' These temperatures are not supported.
#if Error_sound_state = 1
Sound Sreaker , 2000 , 80 ' Alarm.
Sreaker = 0
Lcd "Error EEPROM"
Thermo_setting = 0 ' Set of the temperature of 0 ° C.
Ee_thermosetting = Thermo_setting ' Save the data in the EEPROM.
End If
1wreset ' Reset sensor.
1wwrite &HCC ' Command "Skip ROM".
1wwrite &H44 ' Command "Convert T"
Wait 2
Shiftlcd Left
Wait 1
Timer1 = 0
Flaginputtermo = 0
Enable Timer1
Start Timer1
Start Watchdog
End Sub
' Subroutine mode selection.
Sub Selectmode()
If Thermo_mode = 0 Then ' Standard mode.
If Button_minus = 0 Then
#if Button_beep_state = 1
If Button_minus_state = 0 Then
Waitms Button_delay
If Button_minus = 0 Then
Button_minus_state = 1
Sound Sreaker , 80 , 400
Sreaker = 0
Button_minus_state = 0
End If
End If
If Thermo_mode_state = 0 Then
Thermo_mode_counter = 0
Thermo_mode_state = 1
If Thermo_mode_counter >= Button_mode_time Then Thermo_mode = 1 ' Long-term (defined in a constant Button_mode_time) holding down button "- / settings" - preparing to move into the service mode.
End If
Thermo_mode_counter = 0
Thermo_mode_state = 0
Button_minus_state = 0
End If
Else ' Mode settings.
If Thermo_mode_state = 1 Then
Thermo_mode_counter = 0
Thermo_mode_state = 0
Lcd Spc(4) ; "Setting"
End If
If Thermo_mode = 1 Then ' Preparing to move into the service mode (standby button is released "- / settings").
If Button_minus = 1 Then
Waitms Button_delay
If Button_minus = 1 Then
Thermo_mode = 2 ' Button "- / settings" is released - go to service mode.
Modify_thermo_setting = Thermo_setting
Thermo_mode_save_counter = 0
Button_plus_state = 0
Button_minus_state = 0
Call Modify_setting_lcd(modify_thermo_setting)
End If
End If
Elseif Thermo_mode > 2 Then ' BUG!
Thermo_mode = 0
Thermo_mode_counter = 0
Thermo_mode_state = 0
Button_plus_state = 0
Button_minus_state = 0
End If
End If
End Sub
' Subroutine service keys in selection of the temperature.
Sub Modify_setting_button()
Local Temp_shift As Byte
Local Temp_1 As Byte
If Button_plus = 0 And Button_minus = 1 Then ' Press "+ / current temperature".
Waitms Button_delay
If Button_plus = 0 Then
Thermo_mode_save_counter = 0
If Button_force_counter >= Button_force_time Then
If Modify_thermo_setting < 1980 Then
Modify_thermo_setting = Modify_thermo_setting + 16
Call Modify_setting_lcd(modify_thermo_setting)
Waitms Button_force_delay
End If
If Button_plus_state = 0 Then
Button_plus_state = 1
#if Button_beep_state = 1
Sound Sreaker , 80 , 400
Sreaker = 0
If Modify_thermo_setting < 2000 Then ' + 125°C
Temp_shift = Modify_thermo_setting And 15
Temp_1 = Lookup(temp_shift , Button_modify_label)
Modify_thermo_setting = Modify_thermo_setting + Temp_1
Call Modify_setting_lcd(modify_thermo_setting)
End If
End If
End If
Button_plus_state = 0
End If
Elseif Button_minus = 0 And Button_plus = 1 Then ' Button is pressed "- / settings".
Waitms Button_delay
If Button_minus = 0 Then
Thermo_mode_save_counter = 0
If Button_force_counter >= Button_force_time Then
If Modify_thermo_setting > -860 Then
Modify_thermo_setting = Modify_thermo_setting - 16
Call Modify_setting_lcd(modify_thermo_setting)
Waitms Button_force_delay
End If
If Button_minus_state = 0 Then
Button_minus_state = 1
#if Button_beep_state = 1
Sound Sreaker , 80 , 400
Sreaker = 0
If Modify_thermo_setting > -880 Then ' - 55°C
Temp_shift = Modify_thermo_setting And 15
Temp_1 = Lookup(temp_shift , Button_modify_label)
Modify_thermo_setting = Modify_thermo_setting - Temp_1
Call Modify_setting_lcd(modify_thermo_setting)
End If
End If
End If
Button_minus_state = 0
End If
Else ' The buttons are not pressed or pressed just two.
Button_plus_state = 0
Button_minus_state = 0
Button_force_counter = 0
End If
If Thermo_mode_save_counter >= Thermo_mode_save_time Then ' If the button is never pressed for a preset constant Thermo_mode_save_Time number of seconds, save the settings and exit to standart mode.
If Modify_thermo_setting <> Thermo_setting Then ' If supported by the temperature change
Ee_thermosetting = Modify_thermo_setting ' save the settings in the EEPROM.
Thermo_setting = Modify_thermo_setting
End If
Thermo_mode_save_counter = 0
Thermo_mode = 0
Thermo_mode_counter = 0
Thermo_mode_state = 0
Button_plus_state = 0
Button_minus_state = 0
End If
End Sub
' Subroutine LCD display data on the selection mode of the temperature.
Sub Modify_setting_lcd(thermo As Integer)
Local Lcd_out As Single
Lcd_out = Thermo / 16
Lcd Spc(4) ; "Setting"
Lcd "set t" ; Chr(1) ; ": " ; Fusing(lcd_out , "#.#") ; Chr(1) ; "C"
End Sub
' Data output on the display.
Sub Thermo_lcd(thermo As Integer)
Local Lcd_out As Single
Lcd_out = Thermo / 16
Lcd "Thermo: " ; Fusing(lcd_out , "#.#") ; Chr(1) ; "C"
If Button_plus = 0 Then
Waitms Button_delay
If Button_plus = 0 Then
Lcd_out = Thermo_setting / 16
Lcd "set t" ; Chr(1) ; ": " ; Fusing(lcd_out , "#.#") ; Chr(1) ; "C"
#if Button_beep_state = 1
If Button_plus_state = 0 Then
Button_plus_state = 1
Sound Sreaker , 80 , 400
Sreaker = 0
End If
Button_plus_state = 0
End If
Button_plus_state = 0
End If
End Sub
' Temperature control for load management.
Sub Thermocontrol(thermo As Integer , Thermosetting As Integer)
If Thermo <= Thermosetting Then
#if Thermostat_type = 0
Out_thermostat = 1
Out_thermostat = 0
#if Thermostat_type = 0
Out_thermostat = 0
Out_thermostat = 1
End If
End Sub
' ***************************** Function ***************************************
' Reading data from a temperature sensor.
Function Read_thermo(thermo As Byte) As Byte
Local Temp As Byte
Temp = 0 ' Set tag read errors.
Disable Interrupts
Led_read_1wire = 1
1wreset ' Reset sensor.
If Err = 0 Then
1wwrite &HCC ' Command "Skip ROM"
1wwrite &HBE ' Command "Read Scratchpad".
Temp_1wirearray(1) = 1wread(9) ' ×òåíèå äàííûõ ñ äàò÷èêà.
1wreset ' Reset sensor.
1wwrite &HCC ' Command "Skip ROM".
1wwrite &H44 ' Command "Convert T"
If Temp_1wirearray(9) = Crc8(temp_1wirearray(1) , 8) Then ' Checksum.
For Temp = 1 To 8
Thermo(temp) = Temp_1wirearray(temp)
Next Temp
Temp = 1 ' Reset tag read errors.
Led_read_1wire = 0
End If
End If
Enable Interrupts
Read_thermo = Temp
End Function
' ******************************* Data ***************************************
Data 2 , 1 , 1 , 2 , 1 , 2 , 1 , 1 , 2 , 1 , 1 , 2 , 1 , 2 , 1 , 1