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دیس اسمبلر فایلهای midi
نویسنده پیام
yeketaz آفلاین
کاربر با تجربه

ارسال‌ها: 744
موضوع‌ها: 123
تاریخ عضویت: اسفند ۱۳۸۶

تشکرها : 520
( 1051 تشکر در 294 ارسال )
ارسال: #1
دیس اسمبلر فایلهای midi
برنامه رو کامپایل و باز کنید،سپس فایل MIDI رو گرفته و به دورن برنامه بیندازید و اطلاعات را ذخیره کنید

#Compile Exe "MidiDisAsm.exe"
#Dim All
#Register All
'from IncLean file
%TRUE = 1
%FALSE = 0
%MAX_PATH = 260 ' max. length of full pathname
%wm_destroy = &H2
%wm_initdialog = &H110
%wm_command = &H111
%ws_popup = &H80000000
%ws_child = &H40000000
%ws_visible = &H10000000
%ws_clipsiblings = &H04000000
%ws_caption = &H00C00000 ' WS_BORDER OR WS_DLGFRAME
%ws_border = &H00800000
%ws_dlgframe = &H00400000
%ws_sysmenu = &H00080000
%ws_tabstop = &H00010000
%ws_minimizebox = &H00020000
%ws_ex_acceptfiles = &H00000010
%ws_ex_clientedge = &H00000200
%ws_ex_left = &H00000000
%ws_ex_ltrreading = &H00000000
%ws_ex_rightscrollbar = &H00000000
%ws_ex_controlparent = &H00010000
%idcancel = 2
%mb_yesno = &H00000004&
%mb_iconhand = &H00000010&
%mb_iconasterisk = &H00000040&
%mb_iconerror = %mb_iconhand
%mb_iconinformation = %mb_iconasterisk
%idno = 7
%es_left = &H0&
%es_multiline = &H4&
%es_autovscroll = &H40&
%es_autohscroll = &H80&
%es_readonly = &H800&
%ss_center = &H00000001
%ds_3dlook = &H0004&
%ds_nofailcreate = &H0010&
%ds_setfont = &H0040& ' User specified font for Dlg controls
%ds_modalframe = &H0080& ' Can be combined with WS_CAPTION
%MAXPNAMELEN = 32 ' max product name length (including NULL)
%MMSYSERR_NOERROR = 0 ' no error
%MMSYSERR_BADDEVICEID = %MMSYSERR_BASE + 2 ' device ID out of range
%MMSYSERR_NODRIVER = %MMSYSERR_BASE + 6 ' no device driver present
%MMSYSERR_NOMEM = %MMSYSERR_BASE + 7 ' memory allocation error
%MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM = %MMSYSERR_BASE + 11 ' invalid parameter passed

wMid As Word
wPid As Word
vDriverVersion As Dword
szPname As Asciiz * %MAXPNAMELEN
wTechnology As Word
wVoices As Word
wNotes As Word
wChannelMask As Word
dwSupport As Dword
End Type

Declare Function DragQueryFile Lib "SHELL32.DLL" Alias "DragQueryFileA" (ByVal hDrop As Dword, ByVal uiFile As Dword, lpStr As Asciiz, ByVal cch As Dword) As Dword
Declare Function midiOutGetDevCaps Lib "WINMM.DLL" Alias "midiOutGetDevCapsA" (ByVal uDeviceID As Dword, lpCaps As MIDIOUTCAPS, ByVal uSize As Dword) As Long
Declare Sub DragAcceptFiles Lib "SHELL32.DLL" Alias "DragAcceptFiles" (ByVal hwnd As Dword, ByVal fAccept As Long)
Declare Sub DragFinish Lib "SHELL32.DLL" Alias "DragFinish" (ByVal hDrop As Dword)

%Dlg = 101
%Lbl = 1001
%Txt = 1002

'REM out "%Abbreviate" if you want the full names of drum sounds and controllers
'to be Print#-ed instead of their abbreviations.
%Abbreviate = 1 '(this controls compiling not operation)

'de-REM "%SharpNotation" if you prefer that style
%SharpNotation = 1 '(this controls compiling not operation)

$MidiHeader = "MThd" & Chr$(0, 0, 0, 6)
$EventPrefix = "@"
$Caption = "TheirCorp's MIDI Disassembler"

$Help = "To use:" & $CrLf & _
"In Windows Explorer, drop a file on the program's" & $CrLf & _
"window or on it's icon." & $CrLf & _
"From the command line, type: ""MidiDisAsm FileName""" & $CrLf & _
"(The file extension can be omitted)"

$Ascii = Chr$(32 To 122)

#If %def(%SharpNotation)
$Notes = "C,C#,D,D#,E,F,F#,G,G#,A,A#,B"
$Notes = "C,Db,D,Eb,E,F,F#,G,G#,A,Bb,B"


Global hDlg As Dword
Global gs As String
Global fo As Long 'output file's handle
Global div As Dword 'division
Global tics As Dword 'ticks
Global tmpo As Dword 'tempo
Global tpq As Long 'ticks per quarter-note
Global sf As Double 'smpte format
Global sr As Double 'smpte resolution
Global InFile As String
Global OutFile As String


Sub Msg(ps As String)
Control Set Text hDlg, %Txt, ps
End Sub


#If %def(%Abbreviate)
'returns the GM drum sound for note number "nn"
Function GetGMDrumSound(nn As Long) As String

'These are numbered beginning at 35
Data Acou Bass Drum
Data Bass Drum1
Data Side Stk
Data Acou Snar
Data Clap
Data Elec Snar
Data Lo Flr Tom
Data Clsd Hi-Hat
Data Hi Flr Tom
Data Ped Hi-Hat
Data Lo Tom
Data Opn Hi-Hat
Data LoMid Tom
Data HiMid Tom
Data Crsh Cym1
Data Hi Tom
Data Rid Cym1
Data Chin Cym
Data Rid Bell
Data Tamb
Data Splsh Cym
Data Cwbell
Data Crsh Cym2
Data Vbrslp
Data Rid Cym2
Data Hi Bngo
Data Lo Bngo
Data Mut Hi Cnga
Data Opn Hi Cnga
Data Lo Cnga
Data Hi Timb
Data Lo Timb
Data Hi Agog
Data Lo Agog
Data Cabas
Data Marac
Data Shrt Whst
Data Lng Whst
Data Shrt Guir
Data Lng Guir
Data Clves
Data Hi Wd Blk
Data Lo Wd Blk
Data Mut Cuic
Data Opn Cuic
Data Mut Trngl
Data Opn Trngl

Function = Read$(nn - 34)

End Function 'GetGMDrumSound

'get abbreviated controller name
'cn is a zero-based controller number
Function GetControllerName(cn As Long) As String

'Defined Controllers
Data Bank
Data Mod (crs)
Data Breath (crs)
Data Foot (crs)
Data Porta (crs)
Data Data (crs)
Data Vol (crs)
Data Bal (crs)
Data Pan (crs)
Data Expr (crs)
Data Eff1 (crs)
Data Eff2 (crs)
Data ,
Data Sldr1
Data Sldr2
Data Sldr3
Data Sldr4
Data ,,,,,,,,,,,
Data Bank (fin)
Data Mod (fin)
Data Breath (fin)
Data Foot (fin)
Data Porta (fin)
Data Data (fin)
Data Vol (fin)
Data Bal (fin)
Data Pan (fin)
Data Expr (fin)
Data Eff1 (fin)
Data Eff2 (fin)
Data ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Data Hold (+/-)
Data Porta (+/-)
Data Sust (+/-)
Data Soft (+/-)
Data Legato (+/-)
Data Hold2 (+/-)
Data Varia
Data Timbre
Data Release
Data Attack
Data Bright
Data SndCtrl 6
Data SndCtrl 7
Data SndCtrl 8
Data SndCtrl 9
Data SndCtrl 10
Data But1 (+/-)
Data But2 (+/-)
Data But3 (+/-)
Data But4 (+/-)
Data ,,,,,,
Data Fx Lev
Data Tremu
Data Chorus
Data Celeste
Data Phaser
Data Data But+
Data Data But-
Data NonPar (fin)
Data NonPar (crs)
Data RegPar (fin)
Data RegPar (crs)
Data ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Data AllSnds-
Data AllCtrls-
Data Loc Kbrd (+/-)
Data AllNotes-
Data Omni-
Data Omni+
Data MonoOper
Data PolyOper

Local ls As String

ls = Read$(cn + 1)
Function = IIf$(Len(ls), ls, "(Unk)")

End Function 'GetControllerName

#Else 'verbose string functions

'returns the GM drum sound for note number "nn"
Function GetGMDrumSound(nn As Long) As String

'These are numbered beginning at 35
Data Acoustic Bass Drum
Data Bass Drum 1
Data Side Stick
Data Acoustic Snare
Data Hand Clap
Data Electric Snare
Data Low Floor Tom
Data Closed Hi-Hat
Data High Floor Tom
Data Pedal Hi-Hat
Data Low Tom
Data Open Hi-Hat
Data Low-Mid Tom
Data Hi-Mid Tom
Data Crash Cymbal 1
Data High Tom
Data Ride Cymbal 1
Data Chinese Cymbal
Data Ride Bell
Data Tambourine
Data Splash Cymbal
Data Cowbell
Data Crash Cymbal 2
Data Vibraslap
Data Ride Cymbal 2
Data Hi Bongo
Data Low Bongo
Data Mute Hi Conga
Data Open Hi Conga
Data Low Conga
Data High Timbale
Data Low Timbale
Data High Agogo
Data Low Agogo
Data Cabasa
Data Maracas
Data Short Whistle
Data Long Whistle
Data Short Guiro
Data Long Guiro
Data Claves
Data Hi Wood Block
Data Low Wood Block
Data Mute Cuica
Data Open Cuica
Data Mute Triangle
Data Open Triangle

Function = Read$(nn - 34)

End Function 'GetGMDrumSound

'get verbose controller name
'cn is a zero-based controller number
Function GetControllerName(cn As Long) As String

'Defined Controllers
Data Bank Select
Data Modulation Wheel (coarse)
Data Breath controller (coarse)
Data Foot Pedal (coarse)
Data Portamento Time (coarse)
Data Data Entry (coarse)
Data Volume (coarse)
Data Balance (coarse)
Data Pan position (coarse)
Data Expression (coarse)
Data Effect Control 1 (coarse)
Data Effect Control 2 (coarse)
Data ,
Data General Purpose Slider 1
Data General Purpose Slider 2
Data General Purpose Slider 3
Data General Purpose Slider 4
Data ,,,,,,,,,,,
Data Bank Select (fine)
Data Modulation Wheel (fine)
Data Breath controller (fine)
Data Foot Pedal (fine)
Data Portamento Time (fine)
Data Data Entry (fine)
Data Volume (fine)
Data Balance (fine)
Data Pan position (fine)
Data Expression (fine)
Data Effect Control 1 (fine)
Data Effect Control 2 (fine)
Data ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Data Hold Pedal (on/off)
Data Portamento (on/off)
Data Sustenuto Pedal (on/off)
Data Soft Pedal (on/off)
Data Legato Pedal (on/off)
Data Hold 2 Pedal (on/off)
Data Sound Variation
Data Sound Timbre
Data Sound Release Time
Data Sound Attack Time
Data Sound Brightness
Data Sound Control 6
Data Sound Control 7
Data Sound Control 8
Data Sound Control 9
Data Sound Control 10
Data General Purpose Button 1 (on/off)
Data General Purpose Button 2 (on/off)
Data General Purpose Button 3 (on/off)
Data General Purpose Button 4 (on/off)
Data ,,,,,,
Data Effects Level
Data Tremulo Level
Data Chorus Level
Data Celeste Level
Data Phaser Level
Data Data Button increment
Data Data Button decrement
Data Non-registered Parameter (fine)
Data Non-registered Parameter (coarse)
Data Registered Parameter (fine)
Data Registered Parameter (coarse)
Data ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Data All Sound Off
Data All Controllers Off
Data Local Keyboard (on/off)
Data All Notes Off
Data Omni Mode Off
Data Omni Mode On
Data Mono Operation
Data Poly Operation

Local ls As String

ls = Read$(cn + 1)
Function = IIf$(Len(ls), ls, "(Unk)")

End Function 'GetControllerName


'pn is the zero-based patch index
Function GetPatchName(pn As Long) As String

Data Acoustic Grand
Data Bright Acoustic
Data Electric Grand
Data ***** - Tonk
Data Electric Piano 1
Data Electric Piano 2
Data Harpsichord
Data Clav

'Chromatic Percussion
Data Celesta
Data Glockenspiel
Data Music Box
Data Vibraphone
Data Marimba
Data Xylophone
Data Tubular Bells
Data Dulcimer

Data Drawbar Organ
Data Percussive Organ
Data Rock Organ
Data Church Organ
Data Reed Organ
Data Accoridan
Data Harmonica
Data Tango Accordian

Data Acoustic Guitar(nylon)
Data Acoustic Guitar(steel)
Data Electric Guitar(jazz)
Data Electric Guitar(clean)
Data Electric Guitar(muted)
Data Overdriven Guitar
Data Distortion Guitar
Data Guitar Harmonics

Data Acoustic Bass
Data Electric Bass(finger)
Data Electric Bass(pick)
Data Fretless Bass
Data Slap Bass 1
Data Slap Bass 2
Data Synth Bass 1
Data Synth Bass 2

'Solo Strings
Data Violin
Data Viola
Data Cello
Data Contrabass
Data Tremolo Strings
Data Pizzicato Strings
Data Orchestral Strings
Data Timpani

Data String Ensemble 1
Data String Ensemble 2
Data SynthStrings 1
Data SynthStrings 2
Data Choir Aahs
Data Voice Oohs
Data Synth Voice
Data Orchestra Hit

Data Trumpet
Data Trombone
Data Tuba
Data Muted Trumpet
Data French Horn
Data Brass Section
Data SynthBrass 1
Data SynthBrass 2

Data Soprano Sax
Data Sax
Data Tenor Sax
Data Baritone Sax
Data Oboe
Data English Horn
Data Bassoon
Data Clarinet

Data Piccolo
Data Flute
Data Recorder
Data Pan Flute
Data Blown Bottle
Data Skakuhachi
Data Whistle
Data Ocarina

'Synth Lead
Data Lead 1 (square)
Data Lead 2 (sawtooth)
Data Lead 3 (calliope)
Data Lead 4 (chiff)
Data Lead 5 (charang)
Data Lead 6 (voice)
Data Lead 7 (fifths)
Data Lead 8 (bass + lead)

'Synth Pad
Data Pad 1 (new age)
Data Pad 2 (warm)
Data Pad 3 (polysynth)
Data Pad 4 (choir)
Data Pad 5 (bowed)
Data Pad 6 (metallic)
Data Pad 7 (halo)
Data Pad 8 (sweep)

'Synth Effects
Data FX 1 (rain)
Data FX 2 (soundtrack)
Data FX 3 (crystal)
Data FX 4 (atmosphere)
Data FX 5 (brightness)
Data FX 6 (goblins)
Data FX 7 (echoes)
Data FX 8 (sci-fi)

Data Sitar
Data Banjo
Data Shamisen
Data Koto
Data Kalimba
Data Bagpipe
Data Fiddle
Data Shanai

Data Tinkle Bell
Data Agogo
Data Steel Drums
Data Woodblock
Data Taiko Drum
Data Melodic Tom
Data Synth Drum
Data Reverse Cymbal

'Sound Effects
Data Guitar Fret Noise
Data Breath Noise
Data Seashore
Data Bird Tweet
Data Telephone Ring
Data Helicopter
Data Applause
Data Gunshot

Function = Read$(pn + 1)

End Function 'GetPatchName

'for SysEx events
'mn is a one-based, manufacturer's ID number
'(not sure how up to date the list is)
Function GetManufacturerName(mn As Long) As String

'Here are the Manufacturer which have ID numbers assigned:
Data Sequential Circuits
Data Big Briar
Data Octave / Plateau
Data Moog 4
Data Passport Designs
Data Lexicon
Data Kurzweil
Data Fender
Data Gulbransen
Data Delta Labs
Data Sound Comp.
Data General Electro
Data Techmar
Data Matthews Research

Data Oberheim
Data Simmons
Data DigiDesign
Data Fairlight
Data JL Cooper
Data Lowery
Data Lin
Data Emu
Data ,
Data Peavey
Data ,,,

Data Bon Tempi
Data S.I.E.L.
Data SyntheAxe
Data Hohner
Data Crumar
Data Solton
Data Jellinghaus Ms
Data CTS
Data PPG
Data ,,,,
Data Elka

Data ,,,,,
Data Cheetah
Data ,,,,,,
Data Waldorf

Data Kawai
Data Roland
Data Korg
Data Yamaha
Data Casio
Data Akai

Local ls As String

Select Case mn
Case < &H46 : ls = Read$(mn)
Case = &H7E : ls = "Non-RealTime (universal)"
Case = &H7F : ls = "RealTime (universal)"
End Select

Function = IIf$(Len(ls), ls, "(Unk)")

End Function 'GetManufacturerName

'returns a variable-length data value
'this modifies p to point it at the last byte of
'variable-length data
Function VarLen(tk As String, ByRef p As Long) As Long
Local b As Long
Local n As Long
Local td As Dword

Incr n
b = Asc(tk, p)
Shift Left td, 7
td = td + (b And 127)
If (b And &H80) = 0 Then Exit Do
Incr p

Loop While (n < 5) And (p <= Len(tk))

Function = td

End Function

'Octave| | Note Numbers
' # | |
' | | C | C# | D | D# | E | F | F# | G | G# | A | A# | B
' 0 | | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11
' 1 | | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23
' 2 | | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35
' 3 | | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47
' 4 | | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59
' 5 | | 60 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 | 71
' 6 | | 72 | 73 | 74 | 75 | 76 | 77 | 78 | 79 | 80 | 81 | 82 | 83
' 7 | | 84 | 85 | 86 | 87 | 88 | 89 | 90 | 91 | 92 | 93 | 94 | 95
' 8 | | 96 | 97 | 98 | 99 | 100 | 101 | 102 | 103 | 104 | 105 | 106 | 107
' 9 | | 108 | 109 | 110 | 111 | 112 | 113 | 114 | 115 | 116 | 117 | 118 | 119
' 10 | | 120 | 121 | 122 | 123 | 124 | 125 | 126 | 127 |

Function GetNoteName(nn As Long) As String
Function = Parse$($Notes, (nn Mod 12) + 1) & " (" & Format$(nn\12) & ")"
End Function 'GetNoteName

'returns a string to display the total
'delta-time ticks elapsed since the start of
'the current track
'resets the time if dt = &HFFFFFFFF???
Function FormatTime(dt As Dword) As String
Static tm As Quad

If dt = &HFFFFFFFF??? Then tm = 0 : Exit Function 'reset the time
tm = tm + dt 'update the time

Function = Using$("#,", tm)

End Function 'FormatTime

'p must arrive pointing at the meta-event's code
Function DisMetaEvent(tk As String, ByVal p As Long, ByVal dt As Dword) As Long
Local ev As Long 'event code
Local n As Long
Local pf As Long '"Print#" flag
Local x As Long
Local ls As String
Local ts As String
Local td As Dword 'temporary DWord

Dim ab(3) As Byte At VarPtr(td)

'get the event code and channel number
ev = Asc(tk, p)

Incr p
n = VarLen(tk, p)

'get the event's data
Incr p
ls = Mid$(tk, p, n)

Incr pf 'enable Print#-ing

'decode the event
Select Case ev

' Set Track Sequence Number
Case &H00
td = CvWrd(ls)
Swap ab(0), ab(1)
ls = "Sequence= " & Format$(td)

' Text
Case &H01
ls = "Text {" & $Lf & ls & "}"

' Copyright Info
Case &H02
ls = "CopyRight {" & $Lf & ls & "}"

' Sequence or Track Name
Case &H03
ls = "TrackName {" & $Lf & ls & "}"

' Track Instrument Name
Case &H04
ls = "Instrument {" & $Lf & ls & "}"

' Lyric
Case &H05
ls = "Lyric {" & $Lf & ls & "}"

' Marker
Case &H06
ls = "Marker {" & $Lf & ls & "}"

' Cue Point
Case &H07
ls = "CuePoint {" & $Lf & ls & "}"

' MIDI Channel
Case &H07
ls = "MidiChannel= " & Format$(Asc(ls) + 1)

' Device Name Assigned to MIDI Port
Case &H21
x = Asc(ls)
ls = "Error getting device name:" & $CrLf
Select Case midiOutGetDevCaps(x, moc, SizeOf(MIDIOUTCAPS))
ls = ls & """The specified device identifier is out of range."""
ls = ls & """The specified pointer or structure is invalid."""
ls = ls & """The driver is not installed."""
ls = ls & """The system is unable to load mapper string description."""
ls = "DeviceName= " & moc.szPname
End Select

' End of Track
Case &H2F
ls = "EndOfTrack"

' Set Tempo
Case &H51
td = CvDwd(ls)
GoSub ToggleEndian
Shift Right td, 8
tmpo = 60000000/td
ls = "Tempo=" & Format$(tmpo) & " (" & Format$(td) & " mms per 1/4 note)"

' SMPTE Offset
Case &H54 '(not implemented)

' Time Signature
Case &H58
ts = ls
ls = "TimeSignature {" & $Lf
ls = ls & Format$(Asc(ts, 1)) & "/" & Format$(2 ^ Asc(ts, 2)) & $Lf
ls = ls & "Ticks/metronome click= " & Format$(Asc(ts, 3)) & $Lf
ls = ls & "32nd notes/quarter= " & Format$(Asc(ts, 4)) & $Lf & "}"

' Key Signature
Case &H59
x = Asc(ls, 1)
If Bit(x, 7) Then x = x Or &HFFFFFF00

If x <> 0 Then
ts = String$(Abs(x), IIf$(x > 0, "#", "b")) & IIf$(Asc(ls, 2), " Min", " Maj")
ts = "(Nat)"
End If

ls = "KeySignature: " & ts

' Proprietary (sequencer-specific information)
Case &H7F
ts = ls
ls = "Proprietary {" & $Lf
ls = ls & "Program ID: " & Left$(ts, Min(4, Verify(ts, $Ascii) - 1)) & $Lf

For x = 1 To Len(ts)
ls = ls & Hex$(Asc(ts, x), 2) & $Spc
If x Mod 16 = 0 Then ls = ls & $Lf
Next x

ls = ls & "}"

Case Else
ls = "UnkownMetaEvent: &H" & Hex$(ev, 2)

End Select

If pf Then
Replace $Lf With $CrLf In ls
Print# fo, FormatTime(dt) & $Tab & $EventPrefix & ls
End If

Function = p + n - 1

Exit Function

Swap ab(0), ab(3)
Swap ab(1), ab(2)

End Function 'DisMetaEvent


Function DisTrack(tk As String) As Long
Local ev As Long
Local dt As Dword 'delta time
Local ch As Long 'channel

Local cn As Long 'controller number
Local nn As Long 'note number
Local ve As Long 'velocity
Local pn As Long 'patch number

Local pw As Long 'pitch wheel
Local nv As Long '"new value"

Local pf As Long '"Print#" flag
Local wf As Long 'warning flag

Local n As Long
Local p As Long
Local tc As String 'time and channel
Local ls As String
Local ts As String

For p = 1 To Len(tk)

dt = VarLen(tk, p) 'get the delta-time

Incr p
n = Asc(tk, p)

'if no event byte is present, the last one is assumed to be intended
If (n And 128) Then
ev = n
Incr p
End If

ch = (ev And 15) + 1
ls = FormatTime(dt) & $Tab & "Ch=" & Format$(ch) & ": " & $EventPrefix

Incr pf 'enable Print#-ing

'decode the event
Select Case ev

'just in case...
Case < &H80
ls = "Running Mode Error!"

' Note Off
Case < &H90
nn = Asc(tk, p)
Incr p
ve = Asc(tk, p)
ls = Left$(ls, Len(ls) - 1) & " - " & IIf$(ch = 10, GetGMDrumSound(nn), GetNoteName(nn)) & $Tab & "V=" & Format$(ve)

' Note On
Case < &HA0
nn = Asc(tk, p)
Incr p
ve = Asc(tk, p)
ls = Left$(ls, Len(ls) - 1) & IIf$(ve, "+ ", "z ") & IIf$(ch = 10, GetGMDrumSound(nn), GetNoteName(nn))
ls = ls & IIf$(ve, $Tab & "V=" & Format$(ve), "")

' Key After-Touch
Case < &HB0
nn = Asc(tk, p)
Incr p
ve = Asc(tk, p)
ls = ls & "Touch:" & $Tab & IIf$(ch = 10, GetGMDrumSound(nn), GetNoteName(nn)) & $Tab & "V=" & Format$(ve)

' Control Change
Case < &HC0
cn = Asc(tk, p)
Incr p
nv = Asc(tk, p)
ls = ls & "Ctrl:" & GetControllerName(cn) & "=" & Format$(nv)

' Program (Patch) Change
Case < &HD0
pn = Asc(tk, p)
ls = ls & "Patch= " & GetPatchName(pn)

' Channel Pressure
Case < &HE0
cn = Asc(tk, p)
ls = ls & "ChanPress=" & Format$(cn)

' Pitch Wheel Change
Case < &HF0
pw = Asc(tk, p) And 127
Incr p
pw = pw + ((Asc(tk, p) And 127) * 128)
ls = ls & "Wheel= " & Format$(pw - &H2000&)

' System Exclusive
Case &HF0

ls = FormatTime(dt) & $Tab & $EventPrefix & "SysEx: (hex format) {" & $CrLf

n = p + VarLen(tk, p)
ls = ls & "Manufacturer: " & GetManufacturerName(Asc(tk, p)) & $CrLf
Do While p < n
Incr p
ls = ls & $Spc & Hex$(Asc(tk, p), 2)
If (n - p) Mod 16 = 0 Then ls = ls & $CrLf

ls = ls & "}"

'Song Position (not implemented)
Case &HF2
Incr wf
ls = ls & "SongPosition"

'Song Select (not implemented)
Case &HF3
Incr wf
ls = ls & "SongSelect"

'Unofficial Bus Select (not implemented)
Case &HF5
Incr wf
ls = ls & "UnofficialBusSelect"

'Tune Request (not implemented)
Case &HF6
Incr wf
ls = ls & "TuneRequest"

'End of SysEx
'Case &HF7
'this should always be caught in a SysEx event, so it's REM-ed out
' Incr wf
' ls = "}"

'Timing Tick (not implemented)
Case &HF8
Incr wf
ls = ls & "TimingTick"

'Start Current Sequence (not implemented)
Case &HFA
Incr wf
ls = ls & "StartCurrentSeq"

'Continue Stopped Sequence (not implemented)
Case &HFB
Incr wf
ls = ls & "ContinueSeq"

'Stop Sequence (not implemented)
Case &HFC
Incr wf
ls = ls & "StopSeq"

'Active Sensing (not implemented)
Case &HFE
Incr wf
ls = ls & "ActiveSensing"

Case &HFF
p = DisMetaEvent(tk, p, dt)
pf = 0

End Select

If pf Then Print# fo, ls
If wf Then
gs = "Found an unimplemented command, aborting track..."
Msg gs
Print# fo, gs
Exit Function
End If

Next p

End Function

'if dr <> 0 then the file was dropped on to the
'dialog rather than dropped on the icon or entered
'at the command line.
Function MidiMain(dr As Long) As Long
Local fi As Long 'input file
Local n As Long
Local trks As Long 'number of tracks
Local tn As Long 'track number
Local tlen As Long 'track length
Local td As Dword 'temporary DWord
Local ls As String
Local tk As String

Dim ab(3) As Byte At VarPtr(td)

If dr = 0 Then
If InStr(",H,HELP,-H,-HELP,/H,/HELP,", "," & UCase$(InFile) & ",") Then
MsgBox $Help, %mb_iconinformation, $Caption
Exit Function
End If
End If

'add file extension if needed
If InStr(InFile, ".") = 0 Then
InFile = InFile & ".MID"
ElseIf UCase$(Right$(InFile, 4)) <> ".MID" Then 'check file extension
gs = "Error:" & $CrLf & "Incorrect file extension. It must be a "".MID"" file"
If dr Then Msg gs Else MsgBox gs, %mb_iconerror, $Caption
Exit Function
End If

If Len(Dir$(InFile)) = 0 Then
gs = "Error: Couldn't find " & $CrLf & """" & InFile & """"
If dr Then Msg gs Else MsgBox gs, %mb_iconerror, $Caption
Exit Function
End If

OutFile = Left$(InFile, Len(InFile) - 3) & "txt"
If Len(Dir$(OutFile)) Then
If MsgBox("Over-write:" & $CrLf & OutFile & "?", %mb_yesno, $Caption) = %idno Then Exit Function
End If

fi = FreeFile
Open InFile For Binary As #fi

fo = FreeFile
Open OutFile For Output As #fo

Get$ #fi, 8, ls
If ls <> $MidiHeader Then
gs = "Error: bad header"
If dr Then Msg gs Else MsgBox gs
Exit Function
End If

Get$ #fi, 2, ls 'get the track format
Print# fo, "Format= " & Choose$(Asc(ls, 2) + 1, _
"Single-Track", "Multi-Track, Synchronous", _
"Multi-Track, Asynchronous")

Get$ #fi, 2, ls 'get number of tracks
trks = (Asc(ls, 1) * 256) + Asc(ls, 2)
Print# fo, "Tracks=" & Format$(trks)

tmpo = 120 'set the default BPM

Get$ #fi, 2, ls 'get the delta-time ticks per quarter note
div = Asc(ls, 1)
If Bit(div, 7) Then
!'Note: This might not give correct results for SMPTE !
sf = Abs(CLng(div Or &HFFFFFF00???))
sr = Asc(ls, 2)
tpq = sf * sr * 1000000.0
ls = "SMPTE divisions per quarter-note= "

tpq = (div * 256) + Asc(ls, 2)
ls = "Delta-time ticks per quarter note= "

End If

Print# fo, ls & Format$(tpq)

'Dump the tracks

'get the track header
Get$ #fi, 4, ls
If ls <> "MTrk" Then Exit Do 'bad header

Print# fo,
Print# fo, "****************************************"

'get track's length in bytes
Get$ #fi, 4, ls
td = CvDwd(ls)
Swap ab(0), ab(3)
Swap ab(1), ab(2)
tlen = td

Print# fo, "Track=" & Format$(tn) & $Tab & "Bytes=" & Format$(tlen)
Get$ #fi, tlen, tk 'get the track's contents



Incr tn 'next track number

Loop Until Eof(1)

Close# fi, #fo

gs = "Done with """ & InFile & """." & $CrLf & "The output is in """ & OutFile & """"
If dr Then Msg gs Else MsgBox gs

End Function 'MidiMain


CallBack Function ShowDlgProc()
Local n As Long

Select Case As Long CbMsg

Case %wm_initdialog
Msg $Help
DragAcceptFiles hDlg, %TRUE

InFile = String$(%MAX_PATH, $Nul)
n = DragQueryFile(CbWParam, -1, ByVal 0, 0)
DragQueryFile CbWParam, 0, ByVal StrPtr(InFile), %MAX_PATH
DragFinish CbWParam
InFile = RTrim$(InFile, $Nul)
Msg "Processing: """ & InFile & """"
MidiMain 1

Case %wm_command
Select Case As Long CbCtl
Case %idcancel
Dialog End hDlg

End Select

End Select

End Function


Function PBMain() As Long
Local lRslt As Long

InFile = Trim$(Command$, Any " """)
If Len(InFile) Then
MidiMain 0
Exit Function
End If

Dialog New %HWND_DESKTOP, $Caption, 286, 65, 189, 65, _
%ws_popup Or %ws_border Or %ws_dlgframe Or %ws_caption Or _
%ws_sysmenu Or %ws_minimizebox Or %ws_clipsiblings Or %ws_visible Or _
%ds_modalframe Or %ds_3dlook Or %ds_nofailcreate Or %ds_setfont, _
%ws_ex_acceptfiles Or %ws_ex_controlparent Or %ws_ex_left Or _
%ws_ex_ltrreading Or %ws_ex_rightscrollbar, To hDlg
Control Add Label, hDlg, %Lbl, "Drop "".MID"" files onto this window", _
0, 4, 188, 14, %ws_child Or %ws_visible Or %ss_center, %ws_ex_left Or _
Control Add TextBox, hDlg, %Txt, "", 0, 19, 188, 45, %ws_child Or _
%ws_visible Or %ws_tabstop Or %es_left Or %es_multiline Or _
%es_autohscroll Or %es_autovscroll Or %es_readonly, _
%ws_ex_clientedge Or %ws_ex_left Or %ws_ex_ltrreading Or _

Dialog Show Modal hDlg, Call ShowDlgProc To lRslt

DragAcceptFiles hdlg, %FALSE

Function = lRslt

End Function


ما که دیگه توی ایران ویج پیر شدیم 040 کم کم باید جامون رو بدیم به جوونا 028
(آخرین ویرایش در این ارسال: ۰۵-اسفند-۱۳۸۷, ۱۹:۰۴:۰۳، توسط yeketaz.)
۰۵-اسفند-۱۳۸۷, ۱۸:۵۰:۰۴
وب سایت ارسال‌ها

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