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Copyright = Mcs Electronics
Www = Http ://Www.mcselec.com
Email = Avr@mcselec.com
Comment = KS0108 Graphic Display Library for 128 * 64
Libversion =
Date = 1 Okt 2003
Statement = No Source Code From The Library May Be Distributed In Any Form
Statement = Of Course This Does Not Apply For The Compiled Code When You Have A Bascom -avr License
History= special thanks to Bob Gardner who got me a display
history=changed timing for higher crystals
history=added init_lcd label to support INITLCD command
history=added support for CLS with optional clear of line
history=added rampz check for > 64KB chips
history= R23 is replaced by r11 because r23 might be used in case you use an extended port for control
Clr r20
rcall _SelChip
* Cbi _glcd_portm , _glcd_reset ; Reset
* Sbi _glcd_portm , _glcd_rd
* Cbi _glcd_portm, _glcd_enable
Ldi r24,100 ; reset 100 mS
Clr R25
* Call _waitms
ser r25
* Out _glcd_port_ddr , R25 ; Make Output Port
* Sbi _glcd_portm , _glcd_reset ; Reset High
Rcall _gRead_Status
sbrc r1,4
rjmp _set_display1
rcall _Init_display
ser r20
rcall _SelChip
ldi r24,$3F
rcall _gwrite_cmd
ldi r24,$C0
rcall _gwrite_cmd
ldi r24,$40
rcall _gwrite_cmd
ldi r24,$B8
rjmp _gwrite_cmd ; return from there
Cpi r20,64 ; check column
Brlo _selChip2 ; smaller then 64
* sbi _glcd_portm , _glcd_ce ; select the SECOND chip
* cbi _glcd_portm , _glcd_ce2
subi r20,64
_selChip2: ; do not confuse labelname with CHIP
* sbi _glcd_portm , _glcd_ce2
* cbi _glcd_portm , _glcd_ce ; select the FIRST chip
* Cbi _glcd_portm , _glcd_cd ; Command
Rjmp _Gwrite_DataMisc ; same code
* Sbi _glcd_portm , _glcd_cd ; Data
* Out _glcd_port , R24 ; Write
* Cbi _glcd_portm , _glcd_rd ; Write Low
* Sbi _glcd_portm , _glcd_enable ; Enable Chip
* Cbi _glcd_portm , _glcd_enable ; Disable Chip
;rcall _gRead_Status
* Cbi _glcd_portm , _glcd_cd ; Status
Rcall _gRead_data1
sbrc r1,7
rjmp _gRead_Status
* Sbi _glcd_portm , _glcd_cd ; Data
clr r25
* Out _glcd_port_ddr, R25 ; read direction
Ser r25
* Out _glcd_port , R25 ; read pull ups high
* Sbi _glcd_portm , _glcd_rd ; read High
* Sbi _glcd_portm , _glcd_enable ; Enable Chip
* In r1, _glcd_port_in ; get byte
* Cbi _glcd_portm , _glcd_enable ; Disable Chip
* Out _glcd_port_ddr, R25 ; write direction
;there is no difference between clear text and clear graphics!
clr r20
rcall _selchip
rcall _clear_graph3
ser r20
rcall _selchip
Ldi r16, 0 ; 8 pages
Ldi r24,64
Rcall _gwrite_cmd ; address 0
Ldi r24,&B10111000 ; page 0
Add r24,r16
Rcall _gwrite_cmd
Ldi r17,64
CLr r24
rcall _GWrite_data ; write 0
Dec r17
Brne _clear_graph1 ; write 64 times
Inc r16
Cpi r16,8
Brne _clear_graph2
;character in r24
;in order to draw multiple fontsizes the fontdata stores the
;number of bytes and the number of rows.
Push r30 ; save registers
Push r31
#IF _ROMSIZE>65536
Push R1 ; save rampz
* lds r21,{___lcdrow} ; the row Y
push r21 ; save it
* lds r7,{___lcdcol}
* Lds r30 ,{___fonttable} ; start of font data
* Lds r31 ,{___fonttable +1}
*#IF _ROMSIZE>65536
;* Clr r0 ; temp reg
;* lsl R30 ; shift to left
;* Rol r31 ; rotate left with carry
;* Rol R0 ; MSB of address is in R0 LS bit
;* Out RAMPZ, R0 ; set the page
* Lds r0,{___fonttable +2} ; load page number for the used font
* Out RampZ,r0 ; set page number
call _lpmbyte ; get Y bytes 1 for example
mov r18,r0 ; save Y
call _lpmbyte ; get X bytes , 8 for an 8*8 font
mov r19,r0 ; save X
call _lpmbyte ; get blocksize
mov r16,r0 ; in accu
; adiw r30,1 ; adjust for words
call _lpmbyte ; get true type option
subi r24,32 ; chars start at 32 (space)
mov r20,r24
call _mul8 ; get offset
Add r30,r20 ; add to start of font data
Adc r31,r21
#IF _ROMSIZE>65536
rcall _glcd_rampcheck_inc ; check boundery
sts {___lcdcol},r7 ; restore column
mov r11,r19 ; x bytes (8)
lds r20,{___lcdcol}
lds r21,{___lcdrow}
rcall _Glocate
call _lpmbyte ; get byte
mov r24,r0
lds r21,{___LCDrev} ; reverse display?
tst r21
breq _gwrite_lcdchar3
com r24 ; not 0 so complement
rcall _GWrite_data ; write char data
lds r21,{___lcdcol} ; increase column
inc r21
sts {___lcdcol},r21 ; save column
dec r11 ; dec bytes dones
brne _gwrite_lcdchar1 ; not ready
*lds r21,{___lcdrow} ; inc row
inc r21
* sts {___lcdrow},r21
dec r18 ; dec rows
brne _gwrite_lcdchar_rows ; for all rows
pop r21 ; get original row back
* sts {___lcdrow},r21 ; restore
#IF _ROMSIZE>65536
Pop R1 ; get rampz back
Pop R31
Pop R30
#IF _ROMSIZE>65536
Brcc _glcd_rampcheck_inc1 ; no boundery
Inc R2
Brcc _glcd_rampcheck_dec1 ; no boundery
Dec R2
; called with R20 X/column R21 row/Y
Dec r20 ; adjust
Dec r21 ; adjust
rcall _selChip
ldi r24,&B10111000
add r24,r21 ; add X
rcall _GWrite_cmd ; page address
Ldi r24,64
Add r24,R20 ; add Y
rjmp _GWrite_cmd
;r22 - x2
;r20- x1
;r21 - y
inc r22
push r20
push r21
rcall _glocate ; select right location
pop r21
pop r20
lds r24,{___LCDrev} ;read value to use from reverse
rcall _gwrite_data ; clear
inc r20
cpi r20,65
brne _Cls_Line2
push r20
rcall _glocate ; select right location
pop r20
cp r20,r22
brlo _Cls_Line_loop
; set or reset a single pixel
; X=R20 , Y=R21 , R25 is on/off
Push r0
Push r1
Push r2
Push r3
Push r16
Push r25
Push r20
Mov r16,r21 ; row
Ldi R20 , 8 ; 8 Bits In Byte
call _Div8 ; r16 contains proper Y/row address now
Mov r0, r24 ; save remainder
Pop r20 ; get X back
Mov r21,r16 ; y data location
mov r2,r20 ; save for later
mov r3,r21
rcall _setcol ; use the code from locate
rcall _gread_data ; return data in r1
rcall _gread_data ; return data in r1 DO NOT REMOVE !!!
mov r20,r2
mov r21,r3
rcall _setcol ; use the code from locate
Mov r24,r0 ; remainder
call _Adjust_pin ;
Pop r16 ;param r25
tst r16
breq _gpixel_clear
or r1,r24
rjmp _gpixel_set
and r1,r25
mov r24,r1
rcall _GWrite_data ; write data
Pop r16
Pop r3
Pop r2
Pop r1
Pop r0
; get a byte from code ROM or from EEPROM
;you could write code to get the data from an external EEPROM
Tst R11 ; is it 0 ?
Breq _GetByteFromROM1 ; yes get from flash
Clr R26 ; point to R0
Clr R27
jmp _ReadEEPROM1 ; get data in r0
jmp _LpmByte ; returns data in r0
; RLE encoded. When the data after the byte is AA, it means it is a repeating
; sequence and the byte after it hold the number of repeats
; AB, AC , AF,AA, EE means show AB,AC and AF EE times
; needs more code but needs less picture data!
; show a picture with ShowPic x,y , label
; y+2 holds X, y+1 holds Y , y+0 holds EPROM/ROM flag, Z points to picture data
; The calling code uses for example
; clr r20
; clr r21
; st -y,r20 this way it will be referred to with y+4
; st -y,r21 and y+3
; ldi zl,low(plaatje * 2) to point to picture data
; ldi zh,high(plaatje * 2)
; in the SED data is stored column after column with 8 rows of data
CLR R1 ; repeats
CLR R2 ; char to repeat
clr r3 ; temp register
ld r11,y+ ; 255 means get from EEPROM, 0 means get from flash
Call _getbytefromrom ; Get Height Of Picture In Pixels
Mov r16,r0 ;
Ldi r20,8
Call _Div8 ; divide by 8
St -y,r16 ; y+2 number of rows to do
Call _getbytefromrom ; Get Width Of Picture In Pixels
st -y,r0 ; number of cols into y+1
st -y,r0 ; number of cols into y+0
ld r16,y+3 ; get Y pos
Ldi R20 , 8
Call _div8 ; Correct
st y+3,r16 ; save row
ld r20,y+4 ; get X
mov r15,r20
ld r21,y+3 ; get Y
Rcall _setcol ; set address
; *** New RLE encoding routine ***
cp r1,r3 ; is repeats 0 ?
brne _ShowPicture8 ; no
Call _getbytefromrom ; Get Next Char
mov r2,r0 ; save char
mov r24,r0
cpi r24,&HAA ; test for repeat char must always be shown
breq _ShowPicture9 ; we need to show AA
Call _getbytefromrom ; Is It Rle print
mov r24,r0
cpi r24,&HAA ; is it a RLE encoded char?
breq _ShowPicture10 ; yes
sbiw R30,1 ; no readjust pointer to graphic data
#IF _ROMSIZE>65536
rcall _glcd_rampcheck_dec ; check boundery
rjmp _ShowPicture11 ; show it
adiw r30,1 ; skip 0
#IF _ROMSIZE>65536
rcall _glcd_rampcheck_inc ; check boundery
rjmp _ShowPicture11
;we are repeating
dec r1 ; adjust repeat counter
breq _showpicture2
rjmp _ShowPicture11 ; show it
Call _getbytefromrom ; Get Number Of Repeats
Mov r24,r0
Tst r24 ; is it zero?
Brne _showpicture15 ; no a real sequenc
Sbiw r30,2 ; adjust pointer
#IF _ROMSIZE>65536
rcall _glcd_rampcheck_dec ; check boundery
Rjmp _showpicture11 ; skip somebytes
mov r1,r0 ; save number of repeats
mov r24,r2
; *** end of RLE code ***
* lds r25,{___LCDrev} ; reverse display?
tst r25
breq _showpicture12
com r24
push r24
mov r20,r15
ldd r21,y+3
Rcall _setcol ; set address
pop r24
inc r15
rcall _Gwrite_Data
ld r24,y+1 ; get column counter
dec r24
st y+1,r24 ; save col counter
brne _ShowPicture2 ; for all columns
ld r24,y+3 ; next page
inc r24
st y+3,r24
ld r24,y+0 ; get num of cols
st y+1,r24 ; save for the new row
ld r24,y+2 ; get row counter
dec r24
st y+2,r24
brne _showpicture1 ; for all rows
adiw r28,5 ; adjust soft stack