کاربر با تجربه
ارسالها: 513
موضوعها: 49
تاریخ عضویت: مرداد ۱۳۸۴
تشکرها : 0
( 129 تشکر در 46 ارسال )
RE: ولوم سيستم
اينو تو يه پروژه جديد وي بي پيست كن و امتحان كن.
Private Const HIGHEST_VOLUME_SETTING = 100 '%
Private Const AUX_MAPPER = -1&
Private Const MAXPNAMELEN = 32
Private Const AUXCAPS_CDAUDIO = 1 ' audio from internal CD-ROM drive
Private Const AUXCAPS_AUXIN = 2 ' audio from auxiliary input jacks
Private Const AUXCAPS_VOLUME = &H1 ' supports volume control
Private Const AUXCAPS_LRVOLUME = &H2 ' separate left-right volume control
Private Const MMSYSERR_NOERROR = 0
Private Const MMSYSERR_BASE = 0
Private Type AUXCAPS
wMid As Integer
wPid As Integer
vDriverVersion As Long
szPname As String * MAXPNAMELEN
wTechnology As Integer
dwSupport As Long
End Type
Private Type VolumeSetting
LeftVol As Integer
RightVol As Integer
End Type
Private Declare Function auxGetNumDevs Lib "winmm.dll" () As Long
Private Declare Function auxGetDevCaps Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "auxGetDevCapsA" (ByVal uDeviceID As Long, lpCaps As AUXCAPS, ByVal uSize As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function auxSetVolume Lib "winmm.dll" (ByVal uDeviceID As Long, ByVal dwVolume As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function auxGetVolume Lib "winmm.dll" (ByVal uDeviceID As Long, ByRef lpdwVolume As VolumeSetting) As Long
Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (hpvDest As Any, hpvSource As Any, ByVal cbCopy As Long)
Private Function nSigned(ByVal lUnsignedInt As Long) As Integer
Dim nReturnVal As Integer ' Return value from Function
If lUnsignedInt > 65535 Or lUnsignedInt < 0 Then
MsgBox "Error in conversion from Unsigned to nSigned Integer"
nSignedInt = 0
Exit Function
End If
If lUnsignedInt > 32767 Then
nReturnVal = lUnsignedInt - 65536
nReturnVal = lUnsignedInt
End If
nSigned = nReturnVal
End Function
Private Function lUnsigned(ByVal nSignedInt As Integer) As Long
Dim lReturnVal As Long ' Return value from Function
If nSignedInt < 0 Then
lReturnVal = nSignedInt + 65536
lReturnVal = nSignedInt
End If
If lReturnVal > 65535 Or lReturnVal < 0 Then
MsgBox "Error in conversion from nSigned to Unsigned Integer"
lReturnVal = 0
End If
lUnsigned = lReturnVal
End Function
Private Function lSetVolume(ByRef lLeftVol As Long, ByRef lRightVol As Long, lDeviceID As Long) As Long
Dim Volume As VolumeSetting, lBothVolumes As Long
Volume.LeftVol = nSigned(lLeftVol * 65535 / HIGHEST_VOLUME_SETTING)
Volume.RightVol = nSigned(lRightVol * 65535 / HIGHEST_VOLUME_SETTING)
'copy our Volume-variable to a long
CopyMemory lBothVolumes, Volume.LeftVol, Len(Volume)
'call the SetVolume-function
lSetVolume = auxSetVolume(lDeviceID, lBothVolumes)
End Function
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim Volume As VolumeSetting, Cnt As Long, AC As AUXCAPS
'set the output to a persistent graphic
Me.AutoRedraw = True
'loop through all the devices
For Cnt = 0 To auxGetNumDevs - 1 'auxGetNumDevs is zero-based
'get the volume
auxGetVolume Cnt, Volume
'get the device capabilities
auxGetDevCaps Cnt, AC, Len(AC)
'print the name on the form
Me.Print "Device #" + Str$(Cnt + 1) + ": " + Left(AC.szPname, InStr(AC.szPname, vbNullChar) - 1)
'print the left- and right volume on the form
Me.Print "Left volume:" + Str$(HIGHEST_VOLUME_SETTING * lUnsigned(Volume.LeftVol) / 65535)
Me.Print "Right volume:" + Str$(HIGHEST_VOLUME_SETTING * lUnsigned(Volume.RightVol) / 65535)
'set the left- and right-volume to 50%
lSetVolume 50, 50, Cnt
Me.Print "Both volumes now set to 50%"
'empty line
End Sub
۱۳-اردیبهشت-۱۳۸۵, ۲۱:۴۳:۰۳ |
تشکر شده توسط : |
کاربر با تجربه
ارسالها: 513
موضوعها: 49
تاریخ عضویت: مرداد ۱۳۸۴
تشکرها : 0
( 129 تشکر در 46 ارسال )
۱۴-اردیبهشت-۱۳۸۵, ۱۳:۲۶:۵۸ |
تشکر شده توسط : |
mahdi321 |