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جمع چند جمله ای ها با لیست پیوندی؟
نویسنده پیام
Sadie آفلاین
كاربر تک ستاره

ارسال‌ها: 36
موضوع‌ها: 14
تاریخ عضویت: تير ۱۳۸۸

تشکرها : 48
( 34 تشکر در 16 ارسال )
ارسال: #1
جمع چند جمله ای ها با لیست پیوندی؟
سورس برنامه ای که دو چند جمله ای رو با هم جمع کنه با استفاده از لیست پیوندی و البته به ++c ؟
لطفا راهنمایی هم بکنین که اصلا چطوری باید یه لیست پیوندی با چند تا گره واسه یه چند جمله ای نوشت و این هم بزرگترین مشکلمه. Sad
کتاب ساختمان داده الیس هورویتز تابع جمعشو داره ولی من ازش هیچی نفهمیدم. Amaze

*** A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step***
۲۶-آذر-۱۳۸۸, ۲۲:۱۲:۱۵
اشک آفلاین
كاربر دو ستاره

ارسال‌ها: 108
موضوع‌ها: 14
تاریخ عضویت: آبان ۱۳۸۸

تشکرها : 758
( 532 تشکر در 136 ارسال )
ارسال: #2
RE: جمع چند جمله ای ها با لیست پیوندی؟
شاید بهتر باشه سورس کدو اینجا بذارید تا راجع بهش بحث کنیم دوست عزیز.

زمانی که به پایان رسیدی بدان شروعی دوباره در کام تولد است.Wink
۲۷-آذر-۱۳۸۸, ۰۰:۰۲:۳۹
Sadie آفلاین
كاربر تک ستاره

ارسال‌ها: 36
موضوع‌ها: 14
تاریخ عضویت: تير ۱۳۸۸

تشکرها : 48
( 34 تشکر در 16 ارسال )
ارسال: #3
RE: جمع چند جمله ای ها با لیست پیوندی؟
بفرمایید دوست عزیز تر اینم کداش میدونم که استفاده مجدد رو به کار برده ولی من این قسمت رو اصلا بلد نیستم و وقت یاد گرفتنش رو هم ندارم چون احتمالا 5 شنبه یا حداکثر دو روز اون ور تر باید تحویل استاد بدم .3 تا امتحان همچین کلفت هم همین هفته دارم واسه همینه میگم یه برنامه آسون کامپایل شده می خوام

تعریف کلاس چند جمله ای:
struct term

int coef ;

int exp ;

viod Init(int c,int e) {coef=c;exp=e};
class polynomial
friend polynomial operator+(const polynomial&,const polynomial&) ;

list <term> poly ;

جمع دو چند جمله ای:

poynomial operator+(const polynomial& a , const polynomial& b){
// polynimials a and b are added and the sum returned
    term *p,*q,temp;
    ListIterator <Element> Aiter(a.poly) ; ListIterator <Element> Biter(b.poly) ;
    polynomial c;
    p=Aiter.First() ; q=Biter.First() ; // get first node in a and b
    while (Aiter.NotNull() && Biter.NotNull()) { // current node is not null
        switch (compare(p->exp,q->exp)) {
            case '=':
                int x=p->coef + q->coef ; temp.Init(x,q->exp);
                if(x) c.poly.Attach(temp) ;
                p=Aiter.Next() ; q=Biter.Next() ; // advance to next term
                temp.Init(q->coef,q->exp) ; c.poly.Attach(temp) ;
                q=Biter.Next() ; // next term of b
                temp.Init(p->coef,p->exp) ; c.poly.Attach(temp) ;
                p=Aiter.Next() ; // next term of a
    while (Aiter.NotNull()) { // copy rest of a
        temo.Init(p->coef,p->exp) ; c.poly.Attach(temp) ;
        p=Aiter.Next() ;
    while (Biter.NotNull()) { // copy rest of b
        temp.Init(q->coef,q->exp) ; c.poly.Attach(temp) ;
        q=Biter.Next() ;
    return c;

*** A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step***
(آخرین ویرایش در این ارسال: ۲۷-آذر-۱۳۸۸, ۱۹:۴۰:۲۶، توسط Sadie.)
۲۷-آذر-۱۳۸۸, ۱۹:۳۶:۴۳
Sadie آفلاین
كاربر تک ستاره

ارسال‌ها: 36
موضوع‌ها: 14
تاریخ عضویت: تير ۱۳۸۸

تشکرها : 48
( 34 تشکر در 16 ارسال )
ارسال: #4
RE: جمع چند جمله ای ها با لیست پیوندی؟
چرا هیچکی جواب منو نمیده ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ؟؟؟؟
فکر کنم آخرش خودم باید بیام جوابمو بدمAmaze

یکی بیاد همه پستامو پاک کنه ه ه ه ه ه ه هConfused

*** A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step***
(آخرین ویرایش در این ارسال: ۰۱-دى-۱۳۸۸, ۱۹:۵۵:۴۲، توسط Sadie.)
۰۱-دى-۱۳۸۸, ۱۹:۴۵:۳۱
تشکر شده توسط : exepainiDic
اشک آفلاین
كاربر دو ستاره

ارسال‌ها: 108
موضوع‌ها: 14
تاریخ عضویت: آبان ۱۳۸۸

تشکرها : 758
( 532 تشکر در 136 ارسال )
ارسال: #5
RE: جمع چند جمله ای ها با لیست پیوندی؟
با سلام.بخاطر تأخیر در پاسخ عذر می خوام.دقیقا نمی دونم ایراد شما کجاست.اما سعی می کنم یه توضیح کلی درمورد کد بدم.

در پی-کد اول:
یک جمله از چند جمله ای رو معرفی می کنه.درواقع می گه که یک جمله از دو قسمت عدد صحیح و توان مجهول تشکیل شده.تابع Init تابعیست که توان و عدد ثابت رو مقداردهی اولیه یا اینیشیالایز می کنه.
در پی-کد دوم:
که درواقع تابع جمع چندجمله ای رو تعریف می کنه.دو چندجمله ای داریم.p اولین جمله از چندجمله ای اول و q اولین جمله از چندجمله ای دوم است.که بعد طی یک لوپ این دو به جملات بعدی ارتقا پیدا می کنند.خط چهارم aو b را معرفی می کند.بعنوان دو چند جمله ای از جنس poly.
cنیز از همین نوع است.بعد qوp را بعنوان جملات ابتدایی معرفی می کند.وبعد به مقایسه ی جملات می پردازد.(مقایسه ی توانهای جملات).لازم به ذکر است که این مقایسه تا زمانی که جمله ای برای مقایسه وجود داشته باشد ادامه می یابد.اگر توان هردو برابر بود اعداد صحیح(ضرایب) را جمع کرده و جواب را در xگذاشته،با همان توان در temp می گذارد.اگر xبرابر صفر شد همان مقدار اولیه که توسط تابع Init قرار داده شده بود را می گذاریم در temp.وبعد مقدار تمپ در c ریخته می شود.وبعد جلات اولیه دوباره مقداردهی می شوند.درواقع نوبت به جمع جملات دوم می رسد.اگر توان یا اکسپوننت q کمتر بود:آنرا با ضریب صحیحش به تمپ منتقل کرده و جمله ی بعدی qرا در آن ریخته و آنرابا همان p قبلی مقایسه می کند.اگر توان p کوچکتر بود همین کار را درمورد آن می کنیم.تا زمانیکه جملات به پایان نرسیده اند این اعمال انجام می شوند.در هربار جمع مقدار تمپ تغییر می کند و هربار مقدار آن در c ریخته می شود.پس c همان مجموعه ی چند جمله ایهاست.

امیدوارم مشکلتون رفع شده باشه.

زمانی که به پایان رسیدی بدان شروعی دوباره در کام تولد است.Wink
۰۲-دى-۱۳۸۸, ۲۲:۴۰:۰۹
تشکر شده توسط : 1120, Sadie
Sadie آفلاین
كاربر تک ستاره

ارسال‌ها: 36
موضوع‌ها: 14
تاریخ عضویت: تير ۱۳۸۸

تشکرها : 48
( 34 تشکر در 16 ارسال )
ارسال: #6
RE: جمع چند جمله ای ها با لیست پیوندی؟
کی میدونه این کد خطاش چیه؟ با بورلند که dont send داره با توربو هم fatal errorخوب یعنی چی؟Confused
تو چند تا سیستم امتحان شده تو یکیشون این خطا رو ندادهAmaze عبارتاشو گرفته ولی جمعشونو نمیده با یه خطای عجیب دیگهAngry
using namespace std;
class node
{ public:
int coe,exp;
node *next;
class polynomial
void get_poly();
void show();
void add(polynomial p1,polynomial p2);
node *start,*ptrn,*ptrp;
void polynomial::get_poly() // Get Polynomial
char c='y';
while(c=='y' || c=='Y')
ptrn=new node;
cout<<"Enter the coefficient: ";
cout<<"Enter the exponent: ";
cout<<"Enter y to add more nodes: ";
void polynomial::add(polynomial p1,polynomial p2) // Add Polynomials
struct node *p1ptr,*p2ptr;
int coe,exp;
while(p1ptr!=NULL && p2ptr!=NULL)
if(p1ptr->exp==p2ptr->exp) // If coefficients are equal
else if(p1ptr->exp > p2ptr->exp)
else if(p1ptr->exp<p2ptr->exp)
ptrn=new node;
} // End of While
ptrn=new node;
else if(p2ptr==NULL)
ptrn=new node;
int main()
polynomial p1,p2,sum;
cout<<"First Polynomial.";
cout<<"Second polynomial.";
cout<<"The First polynomial is: ";
// p1.show();
//cout<<"The second polynomial is: ";
cout<<"The sum of two polynomials is: ";
return 0;

*** A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step***
۰۴-بهمن-۱۳۸۸, ۲۳:۳۰:۰۴
محمد حسینی آفلاین
کاربر فعال بخش رباتیک

ارسال‌ها: 1,363
موضوع‌ها: 139
تاریخ عضویت: آذر ۱۳۸۴

تشکرها : 974
( 1781 تشکر در 620 ارسال )
ارسال: #7
RE: جمع چند جمله ای ها با لیست پیوندی؟
من یه تغییراتی دادم دیگه ارور نمیده ولی هنوز جواب آخرو نمیده ها. ببین کجای کدت کم داره.
اون اشکالم این بود که که از حافظه برای شی هایی که ایجاد کرده بود فضا نگرفته بودی. علامت # گذاشتم ...
using namespace std;
class node
{ public:
int coe,exp;
node *next;
class polynomial
void get_poly();
void show();
void add(polynomial p1,polynomial p2);
node *start,*ptrn,*ptrp;
void polynomial::get_poly() // Get Polynomial
char c='y';
while(c=='y' || c=='Y')
ptrn=new node;
ptrp=new node;//################################################################

cout<<"Enter the coefficient: ";
cout<<"Enter the exponent: ";
cout<<"Enter y to add more nodes: ";
void polynomial::add(polynomial p1,polynomial p2) // Add Polynomials
struct node *p1ptr,*p2ptr;
int coe,exp;
ptrn=new node;//################################################################
ptrp=new node;//################################################################
while(p1ptr!=NULL && p2ptr!=NULL)
if(p1ptr->exp==p2ptr->exp) // If coefficients are equal
else if(p1ptr->exp > p2ptr->exp)
else if(p1ptr->exp<p2ptr->exp)
ptrn=new node;
} // End of While
ptrn=new node;
else if(p2ptr==NULL)
ptrn=new node;
int main()
polynomial p1,p2,sum;
cout<<"First Polynomial.";
cout<<"Second polynomial.";
cout<<"The First polynomial is: ";
// p1.show();
//cout<<"The second polynomial is: ";
cout<<"The sum of two polynomials is: ";
return 0;

به راه بادیه رفتن، به از نشستن باطل ------------- اگرچه وصل نیابم، بقدر وسع بکوشمRolleyes
۰۵-بهمن-۱۳۸۸, ۰۰:۴۴:۴۴
تشکر شده توسط : Sadie, اشک
Sadie آفلاین
كاربر تک ستاره

ارسال‌ها: 36
موضوع‌ها: 14
تاریخ عضویت: تير ۱۳۸۸

تشکرها : 48
( 34 تشکر در 16 ارسال )
ارسال: #8
RE: جمع چند جمله ای ها با لیست پیوندی؟
مرسی مهندس
یادم رفته بود که تابع show رو حذف کردمWhistle واسه همین جمعشو نشون نمیدادShy
این کد با توربو هست هر کی لازم داره ... بیا بگیر همش مال خودت...
ما که امتحانامون تموم شد پروژه ها رو هم تحویل دادیم رفت ...038
حالا واسه گرفتن نمره های خوب (پاس کردن Whistle) همه با هم 034
// Adding two polynomials
class node
{ public:
   int coe,exp;
   node *next;
class polynomial
     void get_poly();
     void show();
     void add(polynomial p1,polynomial p2);
     node *start,*ptrn,*ptrp;
void polynomial::get_poly()      //  Get Polynomial
   char c='y';
   while(c=='y' || c=='Y')
      ptrn=new node;
      cout<<"    Coefficient: ";
      cout<<"    Exponent: ";
      cout<<"Do you want to add ?(y/n):";
void polynomial::show()  // Show Polynomial
    node *ptr;
       cout<<ptr->coe<<"X^"<<ptr->exp<<" + ";
void polynomial::add(polynomial p1,polynomial p2)  // Add Polynomials
   node *p1ptr,*p2ptr;
   int coe,exp;
   while(p1ptr!=NULL && p2ptr!=NULL)
      if(p1ptr->exp==p2ptr->exp) // If coefficients are equal
      else if(p1ptr->exp > p2ptr->exp)
      else if(p1ptr->exp < p2ptr->exp)
      ptrn=new node;
   } // End of While
     ptrn=new node;
   else if(p2ptr==NULL)
     ptrn=new node;
int main()
   polynomial p1,p2,sum;
   cout<<"First Polynomial:\n";
   cout<<"Second polynomial:\n";
   cout<<"The First polynomial is: \n";
   cout<<"\n The second polynomial is: \n";
   cout<<"\n The sum of two polynomials is:\n ";
   return 0;

*** A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step***
۰۶-بهمن-۱۳۸۸, ۱۹:۵۳:۳۲
تشکر شده توسط : محمد حسینی
hoseinamid آفلاین
تازه وارد

ارسال‌ها: 1
موضوع‌ها: 0
تاریخ عضویت: اردیبهشت ۱۳۸۹

تشکرها : 0
( 0 تشکر در 0 ارسال )
ارسال: #9
at  RE: جمع چند جمله ای ها با لیست پیوندی؟
خیلی ممنون
۰۱-اردیبهشت-۱۳۸۹, ۱۲:۲۱:۴۲
exepainiDic آفلاین

ارسال‌ها: 1
موضوع‌ها: 0
تاریخ عضویت: مهر ۱۳۹۰

تشکرها : 4
( 0 تشکر در 0 ارسال )
ارسال: #10
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When considering the field movement children scooters, you will find a true number of brand names which happens to be thought to be effective, hard-wearing also sound. These a bit more disclosed suppliers are easily relied on by a distinctive while they were allowed to prove to be his or her very well worth throughout the phase of time that they have held it's place in lifespan and demonstrated. Bruno disability kid scooters are the most trusted Filmy Online children scooters who were available to buy relating to the receptive niche and perhaps they are designed for unique reason behind why combined with uses. Like most of movability children scooters, they can be supposed to have been designed for people that would want provider moving around.

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In shops, we intend to often noticed goes through once you study someone which can be sitting down in the personal mobility scooter and going concerning your researching practice. Sometimes there is a gift container connected to the mobility scooter and various situations there are no longer. We sees these guys move up in addition to on the shelves, and also for the defense from by themself a few they will beep if it's Games in reverse so that you can attentive most people. The Five car transportability child electric scooters permit one to vehicle coupled over a motorbike much in terms of possibly a smaller than average and individualized motor.

Normal train wheels construct a cosy condition to make the personal to be in, so they instantly allow man or women to travel reverse, forwards, nearly everywhere. This is amazingly great for people that are injure, yet still will need to wait food shopping. To illustrate, what's available for destroys either of their thighs and leg, this certainly will don't have a impact their taking in routine. Even whilst their supports mend, they will seemingly continue to need to eat, take pleasure in together with get the job done. Having damage mustn't defend against any individual by way of executing any one of these processes. The making use of a suitable Four car range of motion child scooter should let the single to concentrate on precisely the very important facts. There may vary varieties mobility scooters which one can find on the market today, and thus Some rim capability to move scooters for kids are the various very first designs that are delivered and placed that can be found for individuals to purchase if you're considering custom method of travel and then expertise. Not sole dark beer dependable and durable, but they also have been about sufficient time for ones manufacturers to be aware of what appears and is not helpful in adorning the merchandise.

Decreasing regions when compared to families may know exist concerning channels for purchasing all these convenience electric scooters. Some of people probably have experienced the very television ads on tv late at night dealing with these types of movability child electric scooters, but yet and also a solely limited by purchasing the extender using late night commercials. The the truth is there presently exists several firms that put together these kinds of presented unfamiliar with people, but yet discover even more spots where a good individual can search for a pre-owned transportability scooter by means of Three trolley wheels, incorporating coming from a newspaper’s sales promotions sections, a respectable auction or perhaps piece webpage, or possibly using a web stash that could be putting up for sale 6 wheel convenience child electric scooters.

The causes for individuals eager to order these kinds of are different, but for the greater degree they are just plain acquired by individuals that are brought about aching after getting on their foot Pozycjonowanie for long periods your own time. Like, people that have brittle bones during their total body with the washboard tummy affordable and are attempting go away may benefit. So that, too, Games can easily individuals that are respected as unhealthy weight ., considering the fact that in certain situations is likely to cause stress symptoms plus strain on the system, engaging in more harm than good if you're considering walking food shopping, as an example ,. The added benefits that this model of piece of equipment may provide for your individual can vary individually for each person, on the other hand there are several things going for discover.
Probably the most prevalent varieties transportability children scooters are the ones that designed in addition to created together with three train's wheels. They have the ability to check out onward, backwards and naturally nearly everywhere. For quite a while we were holding looked upon as worthwhile and additionally advantageous, several citizens enjoyed the very productivity as well as practicality this units like these businesses given to the individual's of which necessary the help. But, with time, as technological innovation innovative, most people begun to start off expectant a lot more of each of their scientifically recognised materials, together with disability scooters.

Because of this, mainly because manufacturers started establish considerably more changes for their movability scooters, to help make consumers more appealing to help you consumers, some day various services put together the reasoning a theme flexibility kids electric scooters that would be in a position to work that has far fewer braking system, and provide extremely for that man or woman by means of output, practicality and type. This is a component with are they all consequently fascinating along with popular with the public and individuals which can be thinking about purchasing this kind of solutions, especially if they understand that they've already started to will need everything to help them maneuver around from a single method to another. Sometimes preparing 2 person succumbs to an issues, plus in several other examples these units widely-used through process of those who would certainly truly feel soreness in cases where heading relating to from this type of progressive quickness or perhaps such a very long time.

Most individuals would not think that for that reason, however , activity scooters for children usually are not to be an individual’s automotive. They intend equipment not to mention equipments that will serve these types of feel better about ourselves. They choose items which can be nice and sharp. 3 tyre disability kid scooters will offer you simply technologically advanced concept combined with handiness, however you are furthermore capable to offer fresh look to folks which have been thinking about securing such type of possessions. They are designed to start looking slimmer combined with good cycling, not even as opposed to a vehicle. The rounded sides as well as long-lasting pattern produce Three or more bring mobility motor scooters common, though that isn't what normally clenches it again of these types kids electric scooters. Pretty, this is the various things that an personal can get done in the Three proceed portability mobility scooters that really help that can put consumers ahead of time concerning favorable effect on self-confidence combined with amazing benefits along with the very scooter.

Not limited by rowdy gets or perhaps a few time changes, the person single table in the front regarding some tyre activity motor scooters would allow someone to move around in the a great deal more hydration measures. People will not will need to go frontward, subsequently spine, after which onward as soon as to help you complete a pointed simply turn. Actually, new further subtle take a look within the scooter and also humble structure profit the separate accountable for several tire flexibility child scooter go at a more simple and also solid manner. This makes the categories of portability scooters more pleasing that will clients simply because they offer you effectiveness, and thus stretched efficiency and also design coupled with luxurious styles which will help to make a man feel better about confessing Games Online that they may need assistance moving around now and then. No one particular would rather look reliant, including a convenience child scooter such as this can also add a fun boundary in to the happening.
۱۴-مهر-۱۳۹۰, ۲۱:۰۲:۴۷
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