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پردازش تصویر در دلفی
نویسنده پیام
mehdad.koulab آفلاین
تازه وارد

ارسال‌ها: 10
موضوع‌ها: 4
تاریخ عضویت: اردیبهشت ۱۳۸۷

تشکرها : 3
( 0 تشکر در 0 ارسال )
ارسال: #1
پردازش تصویر در دلفی

.rar   1000.rar (اندازه: 54.69 KB / تعداد دفعات دریافت: 433)
سلام به همه دوستان و با تشکر از مدیر بخش lord من می خوام یه برنامه دربازه پردازش تصویر بنویسم که نویز موجود در تصویرو کاهش یا افزایش بده انواع نویز مثل فلفلی و گوسی و ... که نویز فلفلی از همه مهمتره نمونه ای از تصویرو گذاشتم ببنید اگه میتونین کمکم کنین. با تشکر از همه دوستان.
(آخرین ویرایش در این ارسال: ۱۴-خرداد-۱۳۸۷, ۰۹:۴۳:۵۳، توسط mehdad.koulab.)
۱۴-خرداد-۱۳۸۷, ۰۹:۴۱:۰۳
lord_viper غایب
مدیر کل انجمن

ارسال‌ها: 3,949
موضوع‌ها: 352
تاریخ عضویت: بهمن ۱۳۸۴

تشکرها : 5193
( 9875 تشکر در 2650 ارسال )
ارسال: #2
RE: پردازش تصویر در دلفی
میتونی برای پردازش از کامپوننت visionlab مال شرکت mitov استفاده کنی ابزار فوق العاده ایه
۱۴-خرداد-۱۳۸۷, ۱۰:۱۴:۵۵
وب سایت ارسال‌ها
تشکر شده توسط : mehdad.koulab, web30t
lord_viper غایب
مدیر کل انجمن

ارسال‌ها: 3,949
موضوع‌ها: 352
تاریخ عضویت: بهمن ۱۳۸۴

تشکرها : 5193
( 9875 تشکر در 2650 ارسال )
ارسال: #3
RE: پردازش تصویر در دلفی
ImageEn 3.0.0
یکی از بهترین و قویترین ابزارها جهت کار با فایلهای تصویر.
با امکاناتی همچون :

- بارگذاری و ذخیره تصاویر (پشتیبانی از اکثر فرمتهای متداول)
- قابلیت چاپ
- قابلیت Video capture
- امکان پردازش تصاویر
- افزودن جلوه های بصری به تصاویر
- Image rendering
- ابزار کار با بانک اطلاعاتی (ذخیره و بازیابی تصاویر در/از بانک اطلاعاتی)
و ...


Support for asynchronous load/save operations
Load and save JPEG (RGB, GrayScale, YCbCr, CMYK, YCbCrK) to file or stream (with also 1/2, 1/4 and 1/8 subsizes for fast preview). Read/write APP0-APP15,COM Jpeg markers.
JPEG2000: JP2, J2K and JPC code stream formats (JPEG-2000 Part-1 standard, ISO/IEC 15444-1)
Jpeg Lossless transformations and cut
Estimation of Jpeg file quality
Optional Color Management System (CMS) to process ICC profiles
Support for Microsoft Color Management System to process ICC profiles
Read/write of Exif information (in Jpeg and TIFF). Can replace EXIF information without loading or changing the original image. Read/write EXIF maker note.
Read/write EXIF-GPS tags
Read/write Adobe XMP info from Jpeg, TIFF and PSD file formats.
Load and save TIFF (rev.6.0 and Tech.Note #2, Packbits, JPEG, LZW, CCITT G.3 and G.4, ZIP) with RGB, CMYK, B/W, CIELab color spaces to file or stream. Also FAX (CCITT3), G3F and G3N (Zetafax) formats supported for loading. Supports paletted 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 and 256 colors images. Supported Adobe Deflate compression (readonly).
Load and save Adobe PSD files. Handling of multiple layers.
Available external plugins to load and/or save JBIG, RAW, DICOM, FITS, PCD and many others.
Powerful class to handle TIFF files (add/edit/remove tags, add/delete pages, merge TIFFs, etc...)
Supported several RAW Camera formats (CRW, NEF, ..)
Native operations on TIFF files supports add/remove/extract/enum without decompressing resulting in 450 times faster processing
Read of single TIFF tags
Save PostScript (PS and EPS) format - single and multipage using RLE, G3Fax, G4Fax and Jpeg compression.
Save Adobe PDF format - single and multipage images using G3Fax, G4Fax and Jpeg compression.
Load and save PNG with various compression levels.
Load and save compressed and uncompressed BMP in 2,16, 256 or 16M color images to files or streams.
Load and save uncompressed and black/white WBMP (Wireless Bitmap)
Load and save compressed and uncompressed PCX images in 2,16, 256 or 16M colors to file or stream.
Support for RAW files, specifing width, height, color format, bit alignment, etc..
Load and save 2, 4, 8,16, 32, 64,128 or 256 color GIFs to files or streams.
Load and save DCX (multipage PCX) files
Load and save DIB, RLE, TGA (TARGA, VDA, ICB, VST, PIX).
Load and save Portable Bitmap PBM, PGM and PPM
Load and save ICO (provisions to compose ICO with multi resolution and color depth)
Load WMF, EMF and CUR.
Load and save AVI, animated GIF and multi-TIFF.
Read of a single AVI frame.
Read/Write IPTC (IIMV4) information (like PhotoShop file info) from JPEG and TIFF. Can replace IPTC information without loading or changing original image.
Support for user defined file formats.
Support for Alpha Channel (transparent images).
Editing animated GIF: extract, insert and delete single images.
Editing multi TIFF: extract, insert and delete single images.
Included source code of a sample plug-in to read/write LZW Gif and TIFF.
NON-LZW-GIF compressor sample plug-in for GIF.
Standard LZW compressor/decompressor sample plug-in for GIF and TIFF images.
Get image properties without loading.
Image acquisition from TWAIN scanners with full control of scanner capabilities and without default scanner user interface. Supports both modal and modeless acquisition.
Image acquisition from WIA scanners and cameras
Save/load specific file format parameters and save/load preview dialogs (e.g. you can set quality of a Jpeg and immediately view the quality loss). Places bar on Win2000/Xp/Me.
A property to select language used in dialogs: English, Italian, German, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Greek, Russian, Dutch, Swedish, Polish, Japanese, Czech, Finnish, Farsi, Chinese (experimental), Danish or customized by user.
Supports connections with standard TImage component.
OnProgress event for monitoring saving and loading.
Provisions to abort input/output processing
Load alpha channel for GIF,TIFF,PNG,ICO,CUR, TGA
Capture from screen
Load images from the network, using http protocol (LoadFromURL)
registration of ImageEn formats in TPicture (TImage and VCL open/save dialogs)
Wang Imaging annotations (load/edit/save)
Read/write XP properteis of jpeg and tiff files.


Printing (and print preview) functions to print single images specifying page alignment or absolute position.

Video capture:

VCL visual component for video capture (freeze frames, save AVI files and real time frames processing). Supports all codec installed and video capture cards.
VCL non-visual component for video capture (capture without display the video input).
Settable audio capture parameters.
Video capture: using DirectShow (WDM) capture drivers. This allows video sources to be selected by code from video input, tuner, etc
Video capture of multimedia files supported by DirectShow
Saving of multimedia files with compressions supported by DirectShow

Image processing & analysis:

Flexible image area selections (rectangle, ellipse, polygon and magicwand) including "soft" selection (you specify the selection intensity from 0 to 100%) and feathering selections.
Regulation of contrast, HSL, HSV/HSB and RGB components.
11 filters for quality resampling (Triangle, Hermite, Bell, BSpline, Lanczos3, Mitchell, Nearest, Linear, FastLinear, Bilinear, Bicubic, ProjectBW, ProjectWB).
Application of 3x3 filters.
Merge two images.
Crop selected region.
Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) with preview.
Frequency domain (FFT) filtering.
Preview of all applied effects in a single dialog, with 8 preset filters (blur, edge detection, emboss, highpass1/ 2/ 3, lowpass1/ 2) and save and load filters from files.
Conversion to gray scale and negative.
Conversions of true color to black/white images with ordered or threshold dithering.
Casting of a group of colors to a single color.
Rotate to any angle (with enhanced quality).
Horizontal and vertical flip.
Edge detection (to convert color images to black/white using edge detection algorithms)
Skew detection (to estimate the orientation angle of the lines of text)
Simple algorithm which helps to remove red eye effect
Bump mapping effect.
Lens effect.
Wave effect.
Write/read hidden text, picture and raw data inside images (pixel amplitude modulation).
Copy, cut, paste and paste into a rectangle of all or part of the image.
Multilevel Undo/Redo operations
Application effects to the selected zones (also irregular)
OnProgress event for monitoring lengthy image processing tasks.
Histogram equalization (auto and manual) and threshold.
Median cut and Neural network color quantizers, for fast and accurate color reduction.
Reduction to any number of colors (with colormap output).
HSV channel separations.
A property to select language used by dialogs: English, Italian, German, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Greek, Russian, Swedish, Polish, Japanese, Czech, Finnish, Farsi, Chinese (experimental), Danish or customized by user.
A dialog to view a palette and select a color from it.
VCL component for HSV/HSB color selection.
VCL component for displaying histogram of gray levels (or RGB channels).
Connections with standard TImage component.
Maximum (dilation), Minimum (erosion), Opening and Closing filters with preview.
Horizontal/vertical pixel density histograms
Noise removal from Black/white images.
Gamma correction.
Gaussian Blur effect.
Soft Shadow effect.
Inner Shadow effect.
Sharpening effect.
Optional Color Management System (CMS) to process ICC profiles
manual correction of Barrel Distortion and Pincushion distortion (lens distortion, underwater distortion)
supported following native pixel formats: 1bit, 8 bit paletted, 8 bit gray scale, 16 bit gray scale, 24 bit RGB, 32 bit float point, 24 bit CMYK, 48 bit RGB
Crop and AutoCrop functions

Image rendering:

Real time Zoom-in and zoom-out (by percentage, zoom-in rectangular area or by one mouse click, accepts floating point values).
Support for multiple layers with separated transparency.
Select from 37 layer operations (blend modes)
Moveable and resizeable layers (by code or by user interaction)
Magnify layers (rectangle or like a lens/glass)
133 transition effects
Quality zoom effects with six filters (select between fast zoom or quality zoom).
Alpha Channel (transparent images)
B/W filtered zoom-out (for optimal display large B/W images inside small rectangles).
Scrollbar in two dimensions (real time) for the fast exploration of images, and "hand navigation" (click and drag the image with mouse).
Animate bi-color contour of a selected region (polygonal, irregular, circular and rectangular selections).
Magic wand selection (inclusive, exclusive and global).
Multiple selections.
Sizeable and moveable selected regions.
Multi-polygonal animated regions.
Dithering for non-true color display adapters.
VCL component to implement interactive rules with grips and numeric labels.
VCL component for interactive gradient bar.
Full support for mouse wheel actions.
Quality view for projects (ZoomFilter = ProjectBW and ProjectWB)


Single VCL component to display and animating thumbnails and grids of images. Handles big image sequences without allocating system memory.
3D style and customized thumbnails
Load/Save AVI, GIF, multi-page TIFF images
Allows to set a wallpaper (background image)
Multi-threading image loading
Cache to speed-up image rendering
Show a custom or preset background under thumbnails.

Database handling:

Data aware component (TImageEnDBView) integrated with Delphi database environment (saves and loads Bmp,Pcx,Jpeg,TIFF,PNG,TGA,PBM,PGM,PPM and Gif inside Blob fields or path reference).
Data aware component (TImageEnDBVect) integrated with Delphi database environment (saves and loads Bmp,Pcx,Jpeg,TIFF,PNG,TGA,PBM,PGM,PPM and Gif and vectorial objects inside Blob fields or path reference).

Vectorial objects handling:

Vectorial objects (lines, box, circles, ellipses, bitmaps, text, multiline text, static ruler, polylines, polygons, angles, arrows-with text, curved text, highlight box) over background image. Save/Load these objects and import a sub-set of Autocad DXF files. Undo capability.
Support to add/edit/delete points of a polygon.
Anti-alias capability.
Settable object transparency.
Object soft shadow effects.
Measurement of lines, perimeters and areas (in pixel, inch, cm, mm or Km units).
Angle measurements.
Saves/loads IEV format (compressed with Deflate, variation of LZ77 algorithm) that includes images and vectorial objects.
Anti-aliased text.
Alpha channel for images (transparent images).
Clipboard Cut/Copy/Paste of vectorial objects.
Create polygons from raster image edges.
Remove jagged edges from polygons.
Polygon simplification.

۱۴-خرداد-۱۳۸۷, ۱۰:۱۷:۱۶
وب سایت ارسال‌ها
تشکر شده توسط : mehdad.koulab, web30t
lord_viper غایب
مدیر کل انجمن

ارسال‌ها: 3,949
موضوع‌ها: 352
تاریخ عضویت: بهمن ۱۳۸۴

تشکرها : 5193
( 9875 تشکر در 2650 ارسال )
ارسال: #4
RE: پردازش تصویر در دلفی
این لینکها رو هم خوب بگرد در مورد کار با عکسها و .... هست حتما میتونی چیزهایی توش پیدا کنی
یه کامپوننت هم هست برای اعمال 20 نوع فیلتر رو عکس تو دلفی که کم و زیاد کردن نویز هم توش هست اونو هم اگه پیدا کردم واست میگزارم
۱۴-خرداد-۱۳۸۷, ۱۰:۲۳:۱۶
وب سایت ارسال‌ها
تشکر شده توسط : mehdad.koulab
abdali آفلاین
تازه وارد

ارسال‌ها: 1
موضوع‌ها: 0
تاریخ عضویت: مهر ۱۳۸۵

تشکرها : 0
( 0 تشکر در 0 ارسال )
ارسال: #5
RE: پردازش تصویر در دلفی
آقایون من تازه شروع کردم به کار با دلفی - میخوام پردازش تصویر انجام بدم. چند تا سوال
- من کامپوننت Video Grabber رو نصب کردم . یه وب کم usb هم گذاشتم . این کامپوننت دمو هست . دموشو که بیرون محیط دلفی باز میکنم با کلیک رو استارت نمایش میده ولی تو دلفی نمیدونم چه دستوری برای شروع شدن یا play بنویسم .؟؟

- اگه بتونید بگید من دستورات این Video Grabber از کجا گیر بیارم ممنون میشم ؟
مثلا نوشتم VideoGrabber1.paly یا موارد دیگه که ارور گرفت
۲۳-دى-۱۳۸۷, ۰۰:۴۷:۲۲
lord_viper غایب
مدیر کل انجمن

ارسال‌ها: 3,949
موضوع‌ها: 352
تاریخ عضویت: بهمن ۱۳۸۴

تشکرها : 5193
( 9875 تشکر در 2650 ارسال )
ارسال: #6
RE: پردازش تصویر در دلفی
سلام این کامپوننت نسخه فول هست با اموزش برای تهیه فیلم از صفحه نمایش وبکم و ..... و یکی از بهتری ابزار الات برای این کار

فایل‌(های) پیوست شده
.rar   video_graber comonent.rar (اندازه: 2.26 MB / تعداد دفعات دریافت: 689)
۲۳-دى-۱۳۸۷, ۱۷:۲۴:۱۲
وب سایت ارسال‌ها
تشکر شده توسط : web30t, arimas, h0x00i
sajio آفلاین
تازه وارد

ارسال‌ها: 1
موضوع‌ها: 0
تاریخ عضویت: شهریور ۱۳۸۹

تشکرها : 0
( 0 تشکر در 0 ارسال )
ارسال: #7
RE: پردازش تصویر در دلفی
این نسخه که آزمایشی هستش !Sad
۱۱-آذر-۱۳۸۹, ۱۳:۴۲:۳۷

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